24. Professionalism

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Becky's pov

I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing. I didn't open my eyes cause my head was already aching. I took my phone and answered it.

"Becky where are you, you have a meeting with the investors today" it was Irin

"Sorry, I just woke up. I'll be there in an hour. Just prepare everything I will be there to welcome the investors" I said and ended the call

I opened my eyes and searched for Freen but she wasn't beside me. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I texted Irin to get me an outfit for today.

I went out of the room and saw Freen and her mom preparing food. Freen saw me and smiled.

"Good morning love" she said beaming a smile

I blushed "good morning to you too love" I said and she came near to give me a kiss on my cheeks.

"Good morning Becky" that was Freen's dad. He wore his suit. I think he has work.

"Morning dad" I said and he smiled

"When did that happen babe" Freen asked me

"Yesterday love" I said and winked at her. "I have to go babe. I'm running late for a meeting" I said

"Have some food before you leave na. I don't want you to leave on empty stomach and I made you some hangover soup" she said and nodded

I ate the breakfast with Freen's family and i bid my goodbies with them.

At the office

I reached the office before the investors and i got ready as quickly as possible. I went to the meeting room to check everything was ready. Irin informed me that the investors have arrived.

I went to greet them. As the lift door opened I saw my Girlfriend and her dad standing with other investors. I was shocked to see them. But i maintained my behaviour for the business.

I greeted them all and we all went to the meeting room.

"Miss Armstrong are you ready to present" Mr David asked

"Yes Mr David. But as you can see one of the investors is running late and we don't want them to miss this meeting. They will be in a minute " I said and the door opened showing Mr Robert who took his seat

"You can proceed now miss Armstrong " Freen's dad said

"Yes Mr Chankimha " i said

With that i presented them my ideas. And shared all my views. Everyone was impressed. Mr Chankimha didn't show much on his face. As the presentation ended. Everyone praised us and i thanked my team.

Everyone was leaving one by one. It was Freen and dad's turn.

"Well done miss Armstrong, I'm impressed with your work. Hope to collaborate with you soon" he said and he showed his hand for handshake

"Let's see Mr Chankimha we haven't decided anything" I said as i shake his hand

"I hope we could make it in the near future miss Armstrong " he said

"It will be our pleasure Mr Chankimha " I said and i looked at Freen

"It's nice to meet you miss Chankimha " I said and grinned at her

"It's nice to meet you too miss Armstrong. Hope we could meet soon" with that she gave me a smile

"Don't go just stay in my office I'll be there in five. Irin will show you my office " i whispered in her ear. And she smiled

"Let's see" with that she went outside

Freen's pov

After Becky was gone I wanted to go to the room and sleep cause i didn't have any plans for today.

"Freen are you free today " dad asked me

"Yes dad" I said

"Come with me for a meeting " he said and I was gonna protest "please baby, you should also learn these things" he said

Eventually I agreed. Cause he's right. I should learn these things if i somehow takeover my dad's company.

I got ready and we left for the meeting. I was on my phone texting my gang. So I didn't check the surroundings. We entered the lift and I put away my phone.

The people in the lift greeted my dad and my dad introduced me to them.

As the door opened I was surprised to see Becky standing there to greet everyone. I saw how shocked she was also. But she maintained her professionalism and greeted everyone and led us to the meeting room.

I was leaning my head towards my dad. "Did you already knew that we are going to her company" I asked my dad

"Not really, I was also surprised to see her. And I'm glad that she behaves professionally" he said in a proud manner

"You like her don't you" I said and he looked at me "your face shows how proud you are to see her" i whispered

"Well I am. And I'm glad that she will be in our family soon" dad said in a teasing way and winked. God he is teasing me too much

I looked away. The meeting started and she explained her ideas. I'm impressed. And she looks hot while she was explaining things.

As the meeting ended everyone paraise her. I couldn't stop myself from staring her.

She was bidding goodbies to everyone and it was our turn.

"Well done miss Armstrong, I'm impressed with your work. Hope to collaborate with you soon" my dad said and he showed his hand for handshake

"Let's see Mr Chankimha we haven't decided anything" she said as she shake his hand

"I hope we could make it in the near future miss Armstrong " he said teasing way. Gosh dad....

"It will be our pleasure Mr Chankimha " she said and she looked at me.

"It's nice to meet you miss Chankimha " she said and grinned at me.

"It's nice to meet you too miss Armstrong. Hope we could meet soon"  I said and smiled politely

"Don't go just stay in my office I'll be there in five. Irin will show you my office " she whispered in my ear. And i smiled.

"Let's see" with that i went outside

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now