29. Treat you better 🔞

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Freen's pov

"I love you baby" i said and knelt down on one leg. "don't panic it's not a marriage proposal we still have plenty of time" i said everyone laughed.

Becky's pov

I was confused when Irin blindfolded me. But when i heard my baby's voice i was happy and bit surprised.

She sang a song for me. And I fucking loved it. She showed me how much she loves me through that song. When she ended the song i went near her and hugged her so tightly. We both were tearing up.

She broke the hug and gave me a peck.

"I love you baby" she said and knelt down. Fuck is she gonna propose . I should be the one who has to propose to her. "don't panic its not a marriage proposal we still have plenty of time" she said everyone laughed. I was glad about that cause I've been planning so long for the proposal and I want to make it special for her.

"It's a promise ring, I want everyone to know that you are taken" she said and put the ring on my finger. And she stood up "don't you dare to remove that ring" she said and laughed nervously.

"I won't babe, I love you" I said and gave her a peck. Everyone was cheering for us.

We went back to eat our dinner. Through out the dinner we both were stealing glances at each other and we couldn't stop ourselves from touching each other.

As the dinner ended and everyone went to their respective homes. I was so eager to touch her. We went to our car. I opened the door for her and i quickly went to other side and took my seat. As i was going to start the car Freen stopped my hand hand. With a Swift move she was sitting on my lap.

Without wasting any moment she started to kiss me. It was long passionate kiss. She broke the kiss "fuck, I can't control myself let's do it here" she said and adjusted my seat.

I smirked "I would love to, but I was gonna wait until we get to your apartment but I'm not sure if I can control myself if you are sitting like this" i said as i bit my lower lip

"Like what" she said in a sexy voice

"Like too sexy, i was trying hard not to rip your clothes and make love to you at the dinner. But everyone was there so I tried to control myself. But I can't now" I said and crashed my lips on her.

She returned the kisses as the same way I did. Fuck that was sexy. I bit her lower lip to enter and she moaned that filled me with more energy. Her moans are like songs to my ear. No matter how many times we make love. It still feels like the first time we made love

I broke the kiss and started to kiss her neck. I slid my hands to her waist and when i got close to her clit I felt how much wet she was for me.

"Damn baby, you are so wet for daddy huh?" I asked as i drew circles on her clit

"Yes daddy" she said "take me please" she said and i inserted my finger inside her. I thrust her deeply she was moaning my name every time i thrust.

"Oh daddy you're soo good. Fuck me hard like that Daddy" she said

Fuck after hearing that i increased my pace

"Baby" she moaned "aahrrrrrr"

I can feel the tightness around my finger i can sense that she's getting close

"Cum for me baby girl, cum for daddy"  I said and with a few thrust she cum on my finger. She laid on my shoulder hugging me. We both were catching our breath.

"Drive, I wanna continue this at the apartment" she demanded and I drive as fast and safe as I can. Cause my baby is laying on me.

We reached the apartment. And quickly got inside. She pulled me and started to kiss me.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now