17. Extra hot

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Freen's pov

I ran towards bathroom. Fuck why did I do that. Why did I lean towards her. What if she will feel uncomfortable. What if , urrrrrrrrrrr. But she was also leaning. She wasn't stopping me. Fuck we would've kissed if that God damn alarm didn't rang. I was getting frustrated.

After some minutes i calmed down. When i got out I saw Nam and Kate. They said Becky went to Irin's room and will come after sometime. I took my clothes and went to Nam's room to get ready. I don't want us to get awkward again.

After 30 minutes I got ready and looked at the mirror with a satisfying look.

After 30 minutes I got ready and looked at the mirror with a satisfying look

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Damn I look hot. I want Becky to drool over me like she did at the last party. And I have to control my drinking. God help me today to make my move towards Becky. I'm sure Becky can't resist me today.

Becky's pov

After helping irin to choose her dress and i went back to my room. But there was no sign of Freen. Maybe she went to Nam's room. I started to get ready fastly cause everyone was already in the middle of doing their makeups. And the party will start in 20 minutes.

After some minutes of juggling I got ready.

Ok, I look good

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Ok, I look good. I was about to leave my room when my phone rang and it was Irin. She told me that everyone is waiting for me downstairs.

I quickly went downstairs and didn't see Nam, kate and Freen.

"Where are the others" i asked them

"Oh, p'Mind dragged Nam with her so Freen and Kate went with them" Noey said

"Already making her move huh? " I asked and smirked

"Well she is and you should too, don't wait too long" irin said and i gave her 'wtf look' "oh don't give me that look, she's looking extra hot today and I'm sure most of the people must be eyeing her now" she added and smirked. Fuck

I didn't give any comment on that and quickly went towards the party venue.

It was too crowded. There were a lot of familiar faces, they must be from our campus and there were unknown faces.

I was searching for a familiar figure until my eyes landed on her. Fuck, Irin was right she's fucking hot right now. Like extra hot. She was already looking at me. And I'm sure that she's ripping my dress in her mind can't blame her I'm also ripping her dress on my mind.

Freen's pov

After i got ready, I went downstairs as Nam said. Nam and Kate was already sitting at the sofa waiting for others.

"Wooohh, you look damn sexy Freen" Kate said and i smirked

"I'm sure she will drool over you" Nam said

Noey and irin came. "Wow, someone is getting laid tonight " Noey said teasingly

"I hope my friend doesn't rip those dresses off from you Freen" Irin and smirked. Wtf, what happened to them.

"W-what are you guys talking about" i asked

"Oh don't think that we don't notice the sexual tension between you and Becky " Nam said teasingly. Fuck why are noticing too much

"I-its no-not like that" I said back

"Oh don't shutter Freen. Let's see in the morning what will happen" Irin said and smirked

I was in a tough spot. Fuck what should I do. Luckily p'Mind came to save my day.

"Hey ladies, are you ready for tonight" she asked

"Yes, and we will be there in a minute, Becky is getting ready" Noey said

"Oh come fast Na ka, I don't want you guys to miss out the fun" p'Mind said and looked at Nam

"Us or Nam p'Mind" asked Kate. Now they are teasing p'Mind.

"What" p'Mind asked

"Well you can take Nam with you if you want" Noey said

"Really/ what" p'Mind and Nam said in unison

"Ooiii, don't shout. You can take her if you want. Our friend is very much single like you" Kate said and Nam blushed

"May i" p'Mind asked Nam.

She didn't say anything "come on Nam let's go. Me and Freen will also accompany you" Kate said. Nam looked at me and i nodded my head

"Okay" Nam said and p'Mind took her hands and walked away. Me and Kate walked in back giving them privacy to talk.

We reached the venue and it was crowded the songs were amazing. And there were a lot of bar sections, like in every corner.

"Hello ladies" i heard a familiar sound

"Heng" I said happily and gave him a hug Kate did the same.

"You should've come in the morning" Kate said

"I wanted to but I had a game morning. Sorry na ka" Heng said cutely to kate. Wait is heng and Kate a thing

"Ok, looks like I'm third wheeling someone" i said and smirked. Kate blushed "oh so you know how to blush huh" I asked

"It's your fault that she's teasing me " Kate said to Heng. And Heng was grinning

"I have to go, but I'll come and find you ladies in an hour " he said and looked at Kate "don't drink too much. Wait till I get back" then he looked at me "you too don't drink too much and pass out early " with that he went back to his group

After 10 minutes we settled at a corner, me and Kate was having our first drink teasing Nam and p'Mind who are sitting opposite to us blushing hard.

"Oh, they arrived" Kate said and i looked at their directions.

My heart just skipped a beat. She was fucking hot. And we both are wearing black coincidentally. She was searching for someone until her eyes find mine.

We were looking at each other. More like eyes fucking each other. I'm literally ripping her dress in my mind.

They came towards us with some drinks and we had group shots.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now