30. The D-day

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After 6 months

Freen's pov

As we all made plans that we are going for the trip that we planned before graduation. Well I'm excited.

I haven't spent enough quality time with Becky cause we both were busy. And she was a little bit distanced and secretive. I hope this vacation will bring us back together

We reached there and I was happy to see everyone but Becky was still distant. So I went to sleep cause I was too tired and it was midnight.

I woke up the next day at noon because I was too tired to wake up. When i got down i only saw Irin, Nam and Kate. "Where are the others" i asked them

"They went to a club" Nam said taking a deep sigh

"What" i asked

"I don't know, they didn't say anything they just left. They are probably having fun and enjoying the day and we are stuck here like some heart broken bitches. Who misses their girlfriends" Irin said

"Let's do something fun guys. They are having fun and we should too. We should not think about them and have a peaceful day for us. What do you think" Nam asked

"I'm down" Irin said

"Count me in too" Kate said

"Ok I guess" I said little disappointed. I've been wanting to stay with Becky and she just left me to go and have some fun. I felt said

"Let's go and get ready girls. I will pick your outfits" Kate said and she went to pick a dress for all of us. After some time she gave us our dress. And we went to our respective rooms to change ourselves. This dress really suits me.

After we all got ready. We left the house and went to the car.

"Since the plan was Nam's and outfit was Kate's, I will decide the place and Freen you can choose the activities" Irin said and i nodded

"Come on don't be gloomy, we are going to have fun" Kate said

"Ok I'll try my best" I said

"I don't want you guys the see the routes, so I will blindfold all of you. It's a surprise place. And if you guys see the routes you can easily guess it. So ladies blindfold" Irin said and went inside to take something and give us blindfolds

"Come on don't be like this Irin" Kate said

"I will be , i promise just trust me. You all will love this place and we will have lots of fun" Irin reassured us and we all agreed

Irin blindfolded us and made us sit in the car. She drove the car for 40 minutes or something. I heard Nam complaining it's too long and she don't want to stay like this. After some time we reached the place.

Irin didn't let us take off our blind fold. She led us the way and we walked hand in hand. It was funny the whole walk. Nam and Kate have  been complaining and Irin lost her shits. They were arguing. But it was kind of funny because of Nam.

After placing us in direction she asked us to take off the blindfold. As i saw the view I was awestruck

 As i saw the view I was awestruck

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