22. Caught in the act

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Becky's pov

It's been a week since the weekend party, everything was good. And i have my love with me. And I'm really happy. She was so clingy and more open and i love this version of her.

We are currently eating lunch at school cafe.
"Becky, you are zoning out again" Irin said

"I miss my baby" I said

"You just met her in the morning and she will be here in any minute now" Irin said

"I know, I still miss her" I said and pouted

"Ohooo, you are so whipped" Irin said and laughed. I glared at her

'"Hey babe" it was Freen. She gave me a kiss and sat beside me. I smiled

"So whipped" Irin said and laughed

"Shut up" I said and glared at her again

"Baby, look at me na" she said in a cute face "I missed you na" she added and i gave her a hug

"I missed you too my bunny" i said "let's go on a date tomorrow" I said and i saw how her eyes light up

"Really" she asked and i nodded

"What about us" Noey asked

"You have your own girlfriend go with her and stop third wheeling us." Freen said

"Wow, our friend is whipped " Nam said

"Whatever " she said. And I saw how Irin smirked looking at me and she mouthed 'whipped' . That girl

"Baby where are we going" she asked

"It's a surprise babe. I know you will love it" I said and she pouted and i came closer to her ear and whispered "don't do that, I won't stop with a kiss" and i saw her blushing

"Pervv" she said and slapped my arm. I laughed at her cuteness.

Date day

Freen's pov

I got up early and got ready for the date. She asked me to wear some comfortable dresses so i did. After an hour she came in a bike

It wasn't like the one she used before

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It wasn't like the one she used before. But a new one

I went near her "wow new one huh???" I asked

"Well, i sold my old bike after graduation and i bought this one 6 months ago. I haven't ridden this, that much" she said and gave me a helmet "and we went to our first date in a bike and I want to ride this with you" she said and kissed my hands.

"I love you babe, now let's go" i said and she started the bike.

It was a 45mints ride. We stopped near a cafe. It looks like the one we went to our date. How did she find this place

"babe" I said and i looked at her. She was grinning.

"I know babe, we went to our first date to a similar place like this. And I want us to recreate the memories we had in our first date" she said and smiled

"Does that mean going back to your home and eating lunch there" I asked

"Nope, we are going back to your place and have lunch. You will cook for me. I want to eat what you cook" she said. Doesn't she wants me in her house

"hold on your thoughts, it's not like I don't want to you to come to my home. Char and p'fa are there. Char is working in her final project and she couldn't concentrate on her home. And p'fa will be there too. But don't worry i locked my bedroom. They won't be having sex on that. It's for us" she said and winked at me. And i blushed

"Pervv" i mumbled

"Can't help it, my girlfriend is too pretty" she said and gave me a peck.

We went inside and it's similar to the one we went before.

We ordered some refreshments and some snacks and read some books.

The went quickly, we left the place and went supermarket to buy some ingredients. While I was looking for some wine. I saw a girl flirting with my baby. And I can see that my baby is uncomfortable

"Can I get your phone number, please" the girl asked trying to look cute.

"I'm sor-" I didn't let her finish

"Baby I've been looking for you, where have you been " I said and holding Becky's hands

She was clearly shocked and blushing "sorry babe, I was looking at some noodles and when I chose some you weren't there with me. And I was trying to find you until someone bumped me" she said and smiled

I have her a peck "oh it's ok babe let's go" I said and dragged her with me, leaving that girl there.

"Thank you babe" I said

"For what" she asked

"For saving me from her. She's been following me even if i rejected her like 10 times in 15 minutes" she said and let out a sigh

"Well can't blame her. You are too handsome today. I would have flirted with you if i don't have a girlfriend" I said playfully

"Well is your girlfriend handsome. Maybe I can replace her place" she asked playfully.

"The offer is tempting but I love my baby. And she will always be the one for me" I said and laughed. She was also laughing

"I love you my baby" she said and gave me a peck

We reached my condo and I went to kitchen and placed the things that i bought. I'm making pad thai as Becky requested.

While making she came beside me and pressed herself into me and inhaled my scent.

"Gosh, i missed this" she said

I turned back "me too babe. I'm sorry for what I did" I said tearing up

"Don't be, we will make up the time we lost. And i love you babe" she said and kissed me.

The kissed were getting deep. And i couldn't pull back cause I wanted it too. We kissed like we haven't seen each other for years. And it was hungry kiss.

It was epic. I love the way her kiss make me feel.

We were so into kissing until we heard something fall.


"Oh god Freen "........

"Dad" ....

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now