9. Gatherings

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Freen's pov

It's been a week since I last saw Becky. Noey said that she was busy with her company. But she never was interested in her company. And what about her dad and mom. Aren't they looking after the company.

I was in my deep thoughts. When Noey called me . Yeah me, Noey, Kate and Nam are in a cafe right now.

"What's on your mind" Noey asked

"Nothing" I said

"Are you thinking about her? " Kate asked

"Who?" I asked

"Who else, your BB. Don't tell me that you are thinking about someone else" Nam said

I glared at her "can we talk about something else" i asked "don't you have practice Noey" I asked

"No, our camp will start after a month. We are on rest now before the championship starts" she said and i nodded

"Where is your girlfriend "  Nam asked

"She's with Becky " Noey said

"I haven't seen Becky in a while. Is she gonna play this year or ?? " Kate asked. What do you mean is she gonna play ???

"I'm not sure, she didn't say anything. I think she will. Her mom is fine now. And Irin said that aunty insisted her to play. But she's still thinking " Noey said

"What do you mean aunty is ok, why isn't she playing?" I asked frustrated

"Oh, her parents had an accident 2 years ago and her mum was in a coma for 6 months " Kate said. What the fuck.

"Yeah, after that Becky took a break from playing cause she has to manage both company and studies and had to take care of her mother" Noey said . Oh my poor baby she has suffered a lot. And i wasn't even there with her.

"Why is she playing Basketball, and not baseball" i asked.

"Oh she joined the basketball club for Irin. But she is a good player. And she sometimes comes to play with us" Noey said.

"For Irin ?" I asked

"Yeah, Irin had a huge crush on me from the beginning. So Becky joined the club to check if I was good enough for her" Noey said and blushed

"Oh" that was my only response

"Wait, how did you know Becky played Baseball. We never told you about that" Kate asked

Fuck I'm trapped. Before I say anything Noey's phone started to ring. She took the phone and talked

"Guys let's go, Irin is having a small gathering and she invited us all" Noey said

"Let's go " Nam said and stood up and Kate too. I was still thinking about what they said.

"Come on Freen, i don't want to be late" Noey said.

We went to Noey's car and went to Irin's condo.

When we reached we saw Becky and irin cooking and a new face.

"P'char, it's been long since I saw you" Kate said and tried to hug her

"Don't touch her" Becky said from afar. Char smiled at her and she smiled back

"Oh, possessive tiger" Kate said

"Yeah yeah whatever don't disturb her, come and help Irin to cook " she said Kate and looked at Char "come lets go and place your things" Becky said

Wait is she Becky's girlfriend. Are they lovers. Why does it hurt. Why ..

"Freen come here" Noey called me

Noey asked me to cook some fried rice. Cause in her opinion I make the best. And in Becky's too. I've prepared some fried rice for everyone and I made it like how Becky like.

After preparing food I went to set the table.

"I'll do it, can you get some water for me " Becky asked. If the first time she talked to me and smiled.

I went back to kitchen and took some water for her and gave it to her.

Everyone was in the dining room eating. Nam put some fried rice on Becky's plate Irin stopped her

"She doesn't eat fried rice" Irin said. No she does. She always eats what I've prepared for her. She loves my food I said in my mind

"Oh sorry , I didn't know. But you should try this. It's heavenly"  Nam said

"It's ok phi, I'll try some. Thank you for the food" Becky said. Becky took some fried rice to eat.

"Hmmmmm" Becky moaned after eating the fried rice. Fuck her moans. I want to hear it again

"God, it tastes so good. It's still the same " and she looked at me and smiled. And i smiled back. I'm happy that she likes it.

Everyone was looking at us. They were whispering something but we were having our moment to notice everyone's expression. Someone cleared their throat so we looked away from each other.

We ate our food in silence. And decide to watch a movie. I decided to clean the dishes.
But noe5y said they will do it. So I looked where Becky is and I saw her at the balcony. I decided to talk to her.

"Beck, can we talk" i said

"Sure, but not here let's go out" she said and grabbed her jacket.

"Guys we are going out to buy some popcorn and ice cream. If you guys need anything else text me before 10 minutes" she said and went to char "I'll be back"

With that we went outside. I decided to ignore the look on everyone's face and char's smirk. Why is she smirking

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now