12. Rumours

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Becky's pov

After the gathering, our gang became closer. I'm happy to see Freen around and smiling like she always does. I always get lost at her smiles and eyes.

We were having lunch in the cafeteria. Suddenly Freen left because she has a meeting at the photography club.

When we were about to go, someone came to our table. And it was Nita

"Hey guys" she greeted others.

"Hey handsome" she said and winked at me. This girl never stops flirting.

"Stop" i said

"Oh new face" she said and looked at Nam. "I'm Nita" she said

"I'm Nam" Nam said

"Why are you here Nita" Irin asked. She doesn't like Nita from the start. Can't blame her though. Well I'm not even sure how we became friends in the first place. She wasn't like this when we were friends.

"Well we are having a party next weekend and I'm inviting you guys. It will be at a beach side resort. And I'll text you guys the location. Don't forget to come" she said and looked at me "especially you handsome" she added

"What if we don't" Irin asked

"You have to cause I'm the one who's organizing the party and I want you guys there. So pack your bags and reach there before lunch. It's the last weekend party I'm throwing and don't mind Nita you know she's a bitch sometimes" said p'mind. She looked at Nam "hello beautiful, never saw you before here" she said

"Oooiii , p'mind don't flirt like we don't exist. She's Nam our friend" said Kate

"Well I have to appreciate the beauty" p'mind said and Nam blushed. "See you at the party beautiful " she said and left

Nita then tried to kiss me on cheeks"don't you dare Nita" i said

"Aren't you over your crazy ex. I think it's time to finally let go of her and be with me" she said

"Even if I moved on from her, I'll never be yours Nita" I said and smirked

"Just leave Nita " Noey said she left after that.

We also went to our own classes.

Freen's pov

The meeting went well in the photography club. I went to my class and saw Noey, Nam and Kate in a serious discussion.

"She's a bitch " Noey said

"Who's the bitch" I asked and they all looked at me.

"Oh you finished the meeting early" Kate asked

"Yes I did. Now tell me about the bitch " I asked

"Nita, is the bitch" Noey said

"Why, what happened" i asked

"She always ruins my Baby's mood" Noey said

"What did she do" I asked

"That bitch reminded Becky about her crazy ex" Kate

"Crazy ex" i said, did she have a lover except me

"Yeah crazy ex. We don't know the story, Irin and Becky never talked about that. But Nita always mentioned her ex as crazy ex" Noey said

It must be me then.

"But someone might get a girlfriend soon Freen" Kate said and smirked

Is she teasing me. Kate gave a signal to look at Nam and when I looked she was red from blushing.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now