4. We meet again

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Freen's pov

"Seng" what a timing to make my day worst

"Hey baby" he said

"Shut the fuck up Seng" I raised my voice

"Hey, hey , easy there" he said and raised his both hands showing that he's Surendering

"Fuck off Seng" Nam said

"Oh feisty Nam" seng said

"Fuck off or - I didn't get to finish my words

"Or what baby" he said and grabbed my hand

"Leave her alone" a voice said from behind me.

"Who are you" seng asked

"It's not the problem here, leave now or else I'll call the security " he said and seng left

"You ok?" He asked

"Thank you " i said

"Nice save Heng" Noey said

"Hey Noey, and who are these new faces " Heng asked

"They are our friends Nam and Freen" Kate said

"Hello guys, I'm Heng. I'm also a friend of Noey and Kate " Heng said

"By the way who is that Freen" Kate asked

Nam and i looked at each other. I shared my story with them.

"That crazy bitches" Heng said "don't worry Freen, if he comes back me and Noey will punch his face" he added

We all laughed "it's ok guys, I'm ok." I said and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Crazy basterd" Noey mumbled

We ate our food and went back to ur condo. Noey has invited us to a basketball match tomorrow. And I slept early cause i was tired as hell.

I woke up from a sound calling my name... it was Nam...I was crying as I woke up. This damn dream again. I can't blame anyone for this. It's my fault. If I can change what happened that day I will surely do that. It's been 2 years. I hope you are doing well, BB.

I know Nam is worried about me. I know what she's going to say next so i got up from my bed and went to the bathroom.

I wasn't in a state to drive so Nam drove to the campus.


When I reached my class there was no one there. After 30 minutes the class was filled.

Lunch time

Nam, Noey and Kate reached my class to pick me up. We reached the canteen and saw Heng. We ate the food. Noey and Kate left first. Noey has game and Kate is cheerleading captain. Heng, me and Nam went to watch the game. The place was crowded but because of Noey and Kate we have seats in the front.

When we reached Noey was yelling at someone on the phone "what happened to Noey" I asked

"I think their star player is late again, that kid" Heng said and i didn't ask more cause i wasn't interested.

The game started and the opposite team was leading with 20 points. First half has ended with the opposite team leading.

In the 2nd half of the game I saw someone new enter the floor, she was familiar but hair is short. i was shocked to see her. It's been 2 years since I saw her. She's still beautiful as ever even though her hair is short. She's still beautiful. Her aura has changed , even though she was kind in the beginning her eyes weren't but now they are also cold. And i didn't see her smiling throughout the game at all. She was playing really well. I've never known she could play basketball. I was happy to see her again, even if it was in the distance.

I don't know how much time I spent there to see her I was in my thoughts until the whistle blew and her team won.

Her team won and she smiled. It didn't reach her ears but still she smiled until she saw me.

Our eyes met. Her smile faded and her eyes were tearing and I know I'm also in the same situation. I didn't know I was holding my breath until I saw her walk away breaking our eye contact. I was glad that I met her. But I didn't know that she was still affected like me until I saw her. I wanted to chase after her but my feet weren't moving.

I was bought back to reality when Nam called me. She motioned for me to follow her.

We were going out when Noey called us.

"Guys don't go yet. We have a party to celebrate our win" Noey said "I'll be busy but later I'll be with you guys" with that she ran away to a girl . I didn't get to see her face.

After some minutes Kate came with us. And we three went to our condo. It was already past 4 so we decided to take a nap and get ready for the party.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now