26. First time 🔞

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Becky's pov

She got on top of me "let me make you feel good" she said and kissed me.

She kissed me so hard. And stopped when we need air

"You don't have- " i didn't get to finish my words

"I want to babe, please" she said with puppy eyes

I nodded and she kissed me again. She started to kiss my neck and her hands went near my sport's bra. "take it off" she commanded. Fuck that was so sexy

I did as she wanted. She looked at me for some minutes and i got shy. "you look beautiful" with that she cupped my both boobs and squeezed "aaaahhrrr" i moaned

"Moan my name daddy" she said in a husky voice. I was turing on more

"Fuck baby" I said and laid down

Freen's pov

As i was hearing her moaning I was turning on more. I sucked her left boob and i squeezed the other one.

"Babyyyyy" she was moaning hard.

After some more sucking I saw how her boobs were swollen. I was satisfied with my work. I kissed her again and traced her abs with my hand. I stopped when I felt her waistband. I quickly removed her panties. God it was breath taking view. Now i know why she always looks at me like this.

I got down on her and licked it gently in a teasing way

"Babe stop teasing" she said frustrated

I can feel that she was soo turned on. I can heel the heat. But i want her to tell me what she wants

So i started to suck just and jently inserted my tongue inside her like she does for me.

I saw the way she arched her body in pleasure. I started to thrust more.

"Baby I want more" she said

"Beg for it daddy" I said and slowed down

"Fuck fuck don't stop mommy" she said and i don't know what got into me i inserted 2 fingers in her.

"Fuck" she screamed "babeeeee" i can see that she's in pain.

"It's ok babe" I said and kissed her to ease the pain. When i felt that she calmed I started to thrust slowly

"Faster Freen" she said and I did. "I'm cu-mming" she said

"Cum for me babe" I said and increased my pace. With few more thrust she came.

I laid in top of her to ease my breathing. She was also  breathing hard.

"That was so good" she said and i looked at her "you did good job baby" she said

"Learned from the best babe. I'm a fast learner" I said and smirked

"Can you call me daddy once again" she asked  and she was grinning

"No" i said

"Pleaseeeeeeee babe. Just once" she pleaded

"No no" I said....

"Come on babe, just once na ka" she said

"Fine" i said and took a deep breath sto stop me from laughing. "daddy" I said

"Ohooooo" she was blushing and grinning

"I love you mommy" she said teasingly

"Stop it babe, I'm shy" I said...

"Oh now your shy haa" she said and smirked I pinched her  "ouch" she yelled

"Serves you right" I said as i got up.

She also got up and sat. I saw some blood on the sofa "babe there's blood here" I said and looked at her "you okay babe" i asked but she was grinning "don't laugh say something" i demanded

"Ohhoo, what happened to my smart ass girlfriends brian. Is it not working" she said and i glared at her

"Congratulations miss Chankimha, you just took my virginity" she said and smiled

"Seriously" i asked in disbelief and she nodded "I love you babe" I said and I kissed her forehead first and then her lips.

"And i too love you baby" she said

"I'm sorry it must've hurted a lot" I said almost tearing up. I saw how her face changed when i got inside her.

"It's ok babe, I'm fine. I was just surprised. But you did a good job" she said and kissed me.

And that kiss led to two more rounds. And i ended up having 4 orgasm and her 2.

Becky's pov

After the continuous love making. We both got tired. I called yah to bring the food and she did. I fed her food cause she was too tired to lift a spoon.

After eating we slept for an hour. I woke up early cause I had some work to finish.

As i was having a work call i felt two hands on my waist and i fet her breath on my neck.

I ended the call and turned to hug her. "did you slept well baby" I asked her

"No I'm still sleepy, and i didn't saw you when i opened my eyes so i came to check on you" she said in a baby voice

"Sorry love I had some works to do. Get ready I'll drop you home" I said and she frowned

"Aren't you coming with me" she asked

"No baby, my mom is coming tonight and I have to pick her up from the airport." I said

"Can I come" she asked

"I would love you to come babe. But we have class tomorrow and I want you to sleep properly and spend some time with your parents. I promise I'll take you home to meet my mom" i amsaid as i kissed her head

"hmmm" she said and got ready. I dropped her at home and went to my condo to get some sleep. After getting up I took a shower and went to the airport to pick up my mom.

Mom's flight was little late. She reached after 30 minutes

"Hey mom" I said and hugged her

"Oh honey, I missed you" she said and gave me a kiss

"Let's get home. You must be tired" I said and we went to my car.

The car drive was long and mom kept me company by talking. I think it's the best moment to tell her about Freen

"Mom" i called her

"Yes honey" she said

"Is it ok if I bring you a daughter in law instead of son in law" I asked her and I can sense that she's a little bit surprised

She smiled "that would be lovely honey. I'm glad you have someone. When can I meet her........." she was asking too many questions

"Wooo, slow down. I'll bring her for dinner, tomorrow " I asked

"Ok dear" she said

After we reached home I went to take nap. Cause staring tomorrow I have practice.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now