11 . Thank you's

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Freen's pov

After the long talk we bought some snacks and ice cream.

In the car

"So, Irin doesn't know who I am" I asked. I was curious from the starting

"She doesn't, no one actually. They only know you as my bunny. Except char " she said. Char again

"Nam doesn't know me either right? " She asked

"Yeah I've never told anyone your name, just like you I uses BB. Noey, Heng and Kate knows our story actually" I said

"Oh" that's all she said

"Yeah, a few days ago while we were in a cafe I met Seng he made a scene and Heng was there to help me. Then I told them what happened " I said and looked away

"That fucking mushroom head" she mumbled and i laughed

"So you and p'char? " i asked

"Is she the person you said that I've found who treats me better" she asked and laughed

"We are soulmates actually" she said and i frowned "she was there for me when I was going through a lot. She helped me a lot. And I do the same. We are each other's support system. She's a good friend more than a friend if I can say. Its bond I can't describe" she said

"Oh" that's all I can say

"And she actually has a girlfriend. Not yet. But maybe in a couple of days. I'll introduce you to her. She knows all about you. She was the one who kept me sane all this time" she added

"I'm glad that you have a person like her" I said genuinely

"Me too" she said

"So you don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend " i asked

"No, my heart was broken and i wasn't ready to open up" she said

"Then why did you kiss that girl" I asked she looked at me "2 years ago at the cafe when you guys were having a meeting for your vacation " I said in one breath

She chuckled "she kissed me and you should have waited a little longer i pushed her and left that place ASAP" she said


"So, do you have a girlfriend or bo- " she asked

"No, I've never loved anyone like I love you" I said and looking at her. She was parking her car

"I'm not sure we can be together again. But I can offer you my friendship for now" she said and looked at me

"Thank you" I said "i won't force you to be with me and it's ok if you love someone. I'm glad that you are letting me in your life. Thank you" I said and hugged her. She returned the hug

Becky's pov

We reached Irin's condo. As soon as they saw us they came to us and took the bag filled with snacks .

"Are they even our friends" I asked Freen

"I'm not sure either" she said and chuckled

"Aren't you guys coming inside" p'char asked

"She is the only one who loves me" I said and pouted.

They all laughed at my silliness. We all watched movie and finished the snacks. We decided to go back to our place since we all have morning class. When we reached parking lot Freen came towards me.

"Can I have your phone number" she asked and I gave her.

"Thanks" she said and looked at p'char

"Thank you so much p'char for everything" she said her eyes were tearing up

"It's ok" and  p'char gave her a hug.

What is happening here. I decided to ask char when we were alone. Freen left and we also left.

On the way to char's apartment i asked her.

"So what's up with you and Freen" I asked

"Oh that , it's a secret " she said and winked at me

"Come on don't be a bitch " I said and pouted

'uhh uhh , you and your silly mouth"

Flashback at Irin's condo

Char's pov

Everyone was so busy watching movie. I looked over Freen and she was looking at me. I can sense that she has something to talk to me so I motioned her to follow me. And she came with me

"So, what do you wanna say" I asked

"Thank you" she said and was tearing up "thank you for being there for Becky when I wasn't there, when I broke her heart" She said . I can sense the guilt in her eyes

"It's ok, she also took care of me and was there for me when I was going through some shits" I said and looked at her

"I know what happened between you two. I'm not asking for the reason but all i ask is don't break her again" I said with determination

"I won't i promise, I will make her feel loved everyday. And I will take care of her if she gives me a chance. I still love her phi, it was my stupidity that i was carried away by my jeleosy and insecurity. I'm sorry but I'll never want to break her heart phi" she said and cried

I have her a hug and we stayed there and talked a bit. Then we went back to watch movie.

Flashback ends

Back to Becky's pov

"That's what  happened " char said

" So what exactly happened 2 years back, what was her reason" she asked and I told her everything

"That poor girl must-have been devistiated" she said and looked at me "I'm glad that she's still here and trying to make up for her mistakes" char said and smiled

"Me too. I hope she won't fuck up this time char" I said

"So you already gave her a chance" char asked

"Not actually ive offered her friendship. I'm not sure about how im feeling. Let's see" I said

After dropping char at her condo. I went to my condo

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now