14 . Drunk tiger

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Freen's pov

As Song was telling how we became close. And i saw Becky face in releif.

Was she jealous or what. Why is her face relaxing and smiling now. Whatever.

I was already annoyed to see her with another person. Fuck she's mine and I'll make sure that she's mine. Let's see if you can resist me today Beck.

I went near the dance floor. I was swaying my hips and doing sexy moves. I know most of the people are eye fucking me but i don't care. I want Becky to look at me. And I saw her looking at me and getting tensed. I can see how she is checking me out.

Im glad that I still have the effects on her. Some of the people in the party tried to come near me and tried to dance with me. Our gang also joined me in the stage with song and ice. We were having great time. I saw Becky coming towards me and i smirked.

She came near me and held my hips. Her touches were giving me shivers and she was smirking looking at my reaction. She closed our gap, We were sharing the same breath. We were that close. But we are just dancing.

She was looking so sexy and i can't even hold myself but I won't make the first move here.

When we were dancing, I saw that girl who Becky was kissing a while ago standing infront of her. And that girl, that fucking snake dragged her to her side and danced with Becky. Fuck.

What the fuck. I couldn't stand there anymore I went near the bar and drank a shot. When I was going to take another shot a hand stopped me. And guess who, Becky.

"Stop it freen" she said and took my hand

"Don't fucking touch me" i snapped at her and saw her gulping

I left her there and went outside.

Becky's pov

Fuck she was looking sexy. She was so innocent 2 years ago. Now I'm seeing her another side. Even though i like this side a lot I don't want her to be like this in front of everyone.

My blood was literally boiling when some dudes were trying to dance with her. She doesn't deny them nor accept them.

The way she moved, i could just rip her clothes and kiss her right now... Fuck Beck what are you thinking, don't think like this. Control yourself. You can't let her in now.

Fuck I can't take it anymore. I went near her and i saw her smirking. She's damn sexy now. I grabbed her hips and closed our gap. We were literally breathing each other now and I saw how she was reacting to my touch and i smirked. But i don't wanna make anything awkward. So I just kept dancing.

I was losing my control, then some girl pulled me to towards her and I let go of my grip from Freen. Fuck what is happening

"I was the one who came first. How can you go from the middle of making out. Can we continue what we were doing earlier" she asked. Fuck i didn't realise that she was the one I was making out with a while ago. She saw trying to kiss me and i pushed her.

"Fuck off" I said and ignored her. I went back where Freen and i were dancing.

But she's not here fuck. Where did she go.

I was searching for her and found her near the bar drinking shots. This girl

I went near her. She was gonna drink another shot and I stopped her.

"Stop it freen" i said as i took her hand

"Don't fucking touch me" she snapped at me.
Fuck she's scary when she became a tiger. I gulped when she snapped.

She left me went went outside. I chased her. She was standing outside near a car. I went near her. She must have sensed my presence. She turned towards me. And I saw her eyes and i gulped hard this time.

She's not a bunny anymore she's a tiger now.

Her eyes were showing anger. I was feeling afraid. Literally my legs were shaking. Fuck

I walked near her and tried to hold her.

"Don't fucking touch me. Go and be with that snake" she said and turned away.

Who's that snake. Wait, is she jealous somehow. Wow my little tiger is jealous. Aww so cute

"Freen" I called her and she didn't move or give me a response

I went near her and hugged her. And I heard her sob "hey, hey what's wrong" I asked but instead of saying anything she just hugged me, tightly. Like she was afraid that I would go any minute.

"It's ok ba- Freen" i said. And i let her cry. She hugged me tightly and didn't let me go

I took her chin and made her look at me. "Don't cry, hmm? " I asked and wiped her tears. Our gap wasn't helping us. Our body was getting tensed I can feel her heartbeat beating fast. We were leaning our faces close......

Until we heard my phone ringing and we broke from the trance. Fuck, who the fuck was that

"Hello" I said in a cloud tone

"Where are you, we have to go. Everyone is super drunk and I need help to carry them" Noey said on the call

"I'll be there" I said

"Wait, i couldn't find freen so find her before you come" she said

"Ok" with that i ended the call.

I looked back to see freen and she was leaning towards a car for support.

"Can you walk" I asked

"Nooooooooooooooooo' she said and pouted. She's cuteeeee

"Come lets go to my car and I'll get the others" I said and supported her to stand still

"No" she pouted again"don't go Becky. I want you" she said

"Ok, but I have to help Noey" I said and she pouted more

"I'-Im swarrry for leabing you but I won't lea--ve you agaaaaain. Don- don't gooooooo" she said. She couldn't even say anything properly. Suddenly she vomitted on me. Fuck now it was the only thing left.

I carried her to my car and gave some water. I rested her on my backseat. She was already passed out. I went inside cleaned myself and helped Noey to carry everyone.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now