18. Crazy ex

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Becky's pov

After seeing Freen in that dress i couldn't handle my hormones. I was checking her out constantly. We drank shots together. And talked among the groups. But i couldn't take my eyes off from her. I was literally drooling over her. Like who wouldn't she's hot like hell.

I was on my thoughts when Heng came "hey ladies, hey Freenky" he said, why does he have to say hi to Freen seperately. And why does he call her Freenky.

"Hey Heng" Freen said and smiled.

"May I have a dance with you" he asked. What the fuck, I'm damn sure if someone else was in his place i would've punched him. Control yourself Becca . Control

"Sure, let's go" she said and went with him, wait did she really accept his offer. Fuck

Fuck my mood was ruined when I saw them together in the dancing floor. They were laughing and she was even blushing what the fuck are they talking. I'll admit that should be me with her.

"They look good together don't they" Noey said and smirked

I grabbed another drink and went to the other side to cool down

Freen's pov

After I said yes for the dance. I saw how Becky's face changed. I'm damn sure she's jealous. and I know what she always does when she's jealous. I hope she will do this time too.

Me and Heng were dancing"so what help do you want Heng" I asked him cause I can feel that he wants my help

He looked shocked but then he smiled "you are good at observing people huh?" He asked

"Well, I'm not sure about others but you are literally obvious" i said

"Well I wanna ask Kate if I can court her or not. And I want your opinion. Cause me and Kate are also friends and I don't wanna end whatever we have. If I ask others they will make tease me for years. And you will not" he said

"Who said i won't" I asked palyfully and he frowned. "Ok listen, if you don't ask her you won't get an answer for sure. And if she said yes, it will be good and you can Pursue her and if she says no then you can freely move on. You should ask her" I said

He nodded "you are right i should ask her. Do you think she will say yes" he asked

"I'm not sure but who knows" I said playfully

"Ok, enough with mine. What's between you and Becky" he asked and i blushed.

"Nothing" i said

"Oh don't lie Freenky, I saw the way you look at her and i saw the way she got jealous when I asked you for a dance" he said and smirked

"Let's wait and watch Heng" i said and winked at him

We dance for some minutes and Heng went to Kate and I went back to my gang

"What's up with you and Heng" Irin aksed

"It's nothing, I was encouraging him to confess" I said and chuckled

"Who" Noey and Nam said in unison

"We can see that after sometime" I said as i winked at them

"Don't be a fun killer" Nam said "spill the tea" she demanded

"No uh, wait for Heng" I said and i grabbed a drink. "where's Beck" I asked them cause i didn't see her

"Oh she's " Irin was searching for bec " there she is" she said and pointed the direction Beck was coming

I'm pretty sure her mood is not right. She came and had some drinks. We went near sofa to sit. I went near Becky to have a talk but the latter was avoiding my presence.

"Freeeeeeen" I heard Heng Calling me and I can see that he was so happy. And Kate was beside him blushing. I think she accepted

He came towards me and hugged me. "She said yes Freenky, she said yess.... Wohooooooo" he was in so much joy

"Get your hands off her " it was Beck. she dragged me outside and I can see everyone was smirking

We reached outside. "Why the fuck are you letting him touch you huh?" She said she was fuming with anger

"Beck are you jealous" i asked

She scoffed "no, I'm not do whatever you want,  it's not my problem " she said as she left. I won't say that it didn't hurt. Fuck it's hurted like hell. I was crying, but I don't want us to be like this. I went inside as soon i felt I won't cry.

Becky's pov

I admit what I said was rude. But..... Fuck i shouldn't have said those things. But I didn't wanna admit that I was jealous either.

I was going inside when I saw Nita calling me. I ignored her presence and went near our gang. And I saw Heng kissing Kate and they both were blushing and smiling like teenagers in love.

I was near my gang when Nita grabbed my hand.

"Let me go" I said and I was struggling cause I was already tipsy and didn't had strength. Luckyly my gang saw me and came near me.

"Let her go Nita" Irin said and stood infornt of me.

Nita laughed "come on, don't be a fun killer. She will just resist me now. But I'm sure we will be fine. So Irin back off" Nita said

"No they won't, and don't even think about touching me Nita. We were once friends and we hooked up sometime and that's all. I already told you I'm not interested in you" I said

"You are just saying this because of your crazy ex right" she said scoffed "it's been a long time let her go. She doesn't deserve you" she added

"It's not you who decides that" Noey said

P'mind and Nam reached us. "Don't make a Scene here Nita" p'mind warned. By this time Freen was also near me. And I'm pretty sure she heard whatever Nita said cause I can see the anger in her eyes when she's looking at Nita. I'm sure my little tiger has woken up. RIP Nita no one can save you now.

"I'm not I'm taking what's mine" Nita said as she grabbed my hand again. I'm damn sure she's gonna die the way Freen looks at her

"Don't fucking touch her with your filthy hands bitch" Freen said and released her grip from my hand. "And for your information, she's not yours. So don't you dare call her mine" she threatened Nita. Damn my little tiger. By this time I was enjoying whatever was happening

"And who are you to say that. I've never saw you beside her"  Nita said

"You have never saw me or known me, but have the audacity to call me crazy, Bitch " Freen said. Ohhhhh that was a good one. I'm sure our friends are confused by her statement.

"What" Nita aksed

"Oh my bad I didn't introduce myself. I'm Freen, Freen Sarocha Chankimha the one that you called a crazy ex of Becky a while ago and the one who you saw with Becky 2 years ago on that bus" she said and everyone gasped. The shock was clear on everyone's face including Nita. Fuck that was a good move

"It's true that i left her, but do you know what" she asked Nita "we have never broken up. So she's still mine. And don't you dare touch her" she said. By that time Nita was speechless

"And I don't care whatever she did when I left. Now that I'm here no one can claim her. Cause she's mine. Hear my words clearly Nita cause I'm not gonna repeat it 'dont you fucking dare to touch what's mine. I don't share' " she said as she pushed Nita.

That's my girl.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now