7. What happened

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Becky's pov

This is not how I wanted this night to go. I didn't think that she would be here. Fuck

I went back to the table and had some shots.

"Don't drink too much Becky" Irin said

Freen was already back and was looking at me. I took another shot and was stopped by Irin

"What" I asked

"Stop it babe, she should relax too. Let her be it's just for one day" Noey said

"Fuck" Irin cursed

I smiled and thanked Noey for that. Freen didn't stay there longer. She went to the bar side and was having a lot more than I was having.

"This girl will be the death of me" Nam said

" Let her be, she's -" Noey didn't get to finish her sentence

"No Noey, it's not about fun. She's like this for a long time" Nam said and let out a long sigh.
"She won't stop until she blacks out. So she can sleep peacefully. What am I gonna do with that idiot" she said and placed her hand on her face

"Wait after that incident " Noey asked

"Yes" Nam gave a small answer

What incident, what happened. I'm curious to know but don't want to intrude.

Nam stood up from the table and went to washroom. I was looking at Freen and some guy were hitting on her. She was enjoying it. He kissed her and she kissed back. Fuck. Do I really have to see this.

I took another drink. And saw Freen pushing him. He tried to go near her. But that fiesty tiger

"I said fuck off" she said and he was angry. But didn't create a scene. He left.

She went near bar and had some more drink. Well I'm impressed she had drunk more than I could drink in A week.

Nam came back and tried to stop. But didn't work. She went to dance floor and was swaying her hips. Lot of people were eye fucking her. Some were dance with her. A girl who was close to her, pulled her towards her and danced she was roaming her hands all over Freen. That's it

I went near her and pulled her towards me. She was smiling at me. That smile is contagious but I kept a poker face. I took her to the table.

"We should go back" I said

"Yeah we should" Noey and Nam said

"Oh come on the party isn't over, let's stay her some time. Pleashhhhh " Freen said and pouted.

Nam was trying to convince her so does Noey but she wasn't listening. She took another glass of shot. I stopped her

"Stop" I said "it's enough let's go back" I added

She didn't said anything after that and kept silence. We went back to our car. No one was sober enough to drive. So we walked towards Kate's condo. Her palce was near the bar.

Throughout the walk. Freen was having difficulty to walk. So I have her a piggyback ride. We reached Kate's condo and they all went to sleep. Nam and I are putting Freen to bed.

"Thank you for the help" Nam said and i smile I was about to say something. When

"Please, I'm sorry i didn't mean to" I heard Freen talking in sleep she was crying.

"Shit, it's happening again" Nam said and went to Freen's side. "Becca can you bring some water" she asked and i did.

When I came back, Freen was wide awake. Her eyes were red from crying.

"Here" i offered some water and she took it

"Drink it Freen" Nam said and Freen didn't move. "For God sake Freen, please " Nam was literally begging. After that Freen drink the water.

She was looking at me. I don't want to stay there more. I turned back to leave.

"Stay, please" Freen said in a cracked voice. ....

I know she will cry again. Even though I hate her, I can't just leave her like this. So u went towards her and sat beside her in bed. Nam left the room shortly after that.

Freen's pov

After I saw Becky drinking. I felt really gulty. I already broke her heart and maybe she's feeling hurt after seeing me again. I couldn't control my thoughts I went near the bar and a had lot of shots. After that I don't remember what happened because I was super drunk .


I opened my eyes and Nam hugged me trying to make my breath normal. When it was back to normal i asked Nam why are we here and what happened. She told everything like how I drink so much. How I danced and Becky came to me dragged me from the stage and she gave me a piggyback ride.

I was happy that she still cares about me. Nam asked what happened to me that i had to drink that much. I didn't say anything I kept the silence.

Becky came back with a bottle of water. Wow she's still here.

"Here" she offered some water and i took it. I was still embarrassed and didn't know what to say to her.

"Drink it Freen" Nam said and i didn't move, I was still looking at Becky. "For God sake Freen, please " Nam was literally begging. Fuck, I drink the water quickly.

I looked at Becky again. But she turned back to leave.

"Stay, please" i said in a cracked voice. I want her beside me now. I still love her. And after all, she needs an explanation for whatever I did. If she accepts me after that I will be with her. If she doesn't I will try hard to pursue her. But I'm not letting go of her this chance.

She came towards me and sat beside me. I looked at Nam and she understood the situation and left the room.

I looked at Becky "bec-" I was trying to speak but i couldn't because of the pain I'm feeling. I was crying again

"Shhh, it's ok. Whatever it is we will talk tomorrow. Just take some rest. " She said and stood up

I held her arm "do-dont leave" I said

"I won't, I'm going to get some clothes for you to change. I don't want you to sleep uncomfortably" she said and gave me a smile.

She came back with some clothes and she was already changed into shorts and t shirt. She handed me the dress and I went to change the dress.

When I came back she was already lying on the bed. I went to the other side of the bed to sleep.

"Come here" she said and opened her arms.

She inhaled my scent, I was feeling so happy and tears were flowing from my eyes.

"Don't cry again. Just sleep." She said and i nodded. "good night" she said and hugged me

I dont know what to feel that moment. I was feeling too much emotions. But mostly I felt safe and loved with her. I slept off.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now