15 . Weekend party

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Freen's pov

It's been a week since i talked to her properly. I couldn't even look at her eyes. The first 2 days we couldn't meet because she was busy. Now, even when we meet we don't talk. Its kind of awkward after that night at the party.

How can i even face her when I fucking vomitted over her. Fuck that was a wrong move. I'm fucking embarrassed evn to look at her.

Becky's pov

I know Freen is trying to avoid me. It's been a week and i let her be. But she can't escape this week. We are going to the weekend party and I'm sure she'll come. But I'm not letting her drink too much.

I've thinked a lot about her this last week. I know that I can't forget her. But I'm not sure if im ready to be with her. I'm not sure.

I know Freen has changed a lot. She's more bold than she was. But still there is a what if. And I can't handle if she left me again. That would kill me

I was in my thoughts when I heard Irin's voice "all ready Beck" she asked and i nodded

We went to Noey's place, others are waiting for us.

After a 15 minutes ride we reached there. I only saw Noey and Kate. Freen and Nam didn't reach yet. After 5 minutes they also reached.

"So how are we going there?" Asked Nam

"By car" Noey said and Irin smacked her head.

Freen came out from her car. Fuck she was looking beautiful in a simple flolar dress. I couldn't even take my eyes from her. She was wearing shades so i couldn't look at her eyes. But I'm damn sure that she was looking at me too

"Be serious Noey" Irin said

"Okay, we have 3 cars but will only take one car. I brought my dad's car and we call can ride in that one" Noey said

"So Freen and Beck drop your bags here and park your car there." Kate said and pointed her finger towards her garage. We took our bags out and went to the garage to park the car.

After I parked my car. I waited for Freen to get out. She came out of the car and smiled at me

"Not ignoring me anymore" i asked

"I'm not ignoring you, it just-" she was hesitating say more

"What" i asked

"I was embarrassed ok. I was embarrassed to face you after what I did at the party " she said and i chuckled a little bit

"Which part, the part where you tried to kiss me or the part where you were jealous or the part where you vommited all over me " I asked and smirked

"Fuck. You don't have to make me remmber everything. It's about the last part " she said and walked

"It's fine don't ignore me anymore " I said and interwined her hands. I saw her blushed. Cute bunny.

We reached at Noey's car. They all were already stated. Noey was driving and Irin sat on the passenger seat. Kate and Nam seated at the back side so me and Freen will sit on the middle.

It was 3 hour drive. So everyone slept expect me and Noey. I was giving her company. Freen was sleeping on my shoulder and she was cute. I missed her so much these past year. I want us to be together like this baby.

We reached after 3 hours and Freen was sleeping soundly. I looked at her cute face. She was hugging me tightly and snuggling towards my neck like she always does. Our friends were looking at me in a teasing way. I know they will tease us more. But i asked them to be quite and carried Freen to her room. Because of the lovebirds. Kate and Nam decided to share a room and me and Freen are roommates now.

I reached the room and placed her on the bed. She wasn't letting me go. So I texted the gang that we aren't joining for lunch and I slept beside her snuggling closer to her. It's the most comfortable and safest place. I dozed off after 5 minutes.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now