19 . Curious Friends

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Freen's pov

I don't know what has gotten in me, but the time I saw Nita grabbing my girl's hand, i would've killed her at that time. But I kept my cool until the conversation became unbelievable. She is delusional and she should know her place.

Becky is mine.

After the encounter Nita left the place. I looked at Becky's hand to check if there were any bruises. If there is any i would beat that bitch up.

"Did you get hurt" I asked worriedly

"Hey, hey look at me. I'm fine. I'm ok na my little tiger" she said and i blushed. It's been a long time since I heard that name from her

"So......" Noey said. I totally forgot that they were right beside me. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to answer some questions from them. Fuck

"What was that" Nam asked

"That ..... Was ..... Fucking...... Awesome......" Irin said smiling widely

"That was badass Freenky" Heng said

"Guys you are missing the point here" Kate said

"Yeah so you are bunny" Irin asked and i nodded looking at the floor

"So Becky is your BB huh!" Nam asked and i nodded again

"Can we talk alone Freen" Irin asked and dragged me to the balcony

At the balcony

"So you really are her bunny huh" Irin asked again and i nodded "words Freen, use some words" she demanded

"Yes I am" I said not lifting my head

"Look at me Freen" she asked and i did

"I'm sorry Irin, I know I hurt her badly and you hate me for that. But can you give me a chance to prove myself, please " i asked

"Before that can you explain what happened 2 years ago" she asked

And i told her everything from the start. The misunderstanding on valentine's day. Saying yes to that asshole, betrayed by my friends, and the fear of opening up to my family. And everything that happened till now.

She took a deep breath "that was a lot of shit" she said and i nodded

"I'm sorry " she suddenly said and i looked at her

"Why-" she didn't let me finish

"Do you remember the time you called her and i picked up" she asked and i nodded. "I was mad seeing Becky hurt. I know how much she loved you. But I lost my control when I saw her like that. When you called her I was angry and I let it out without giving you a chance to explain" she took a deep breath "I felt guilty after that, maybe if I let you talk and if I didn't block your number that day this wouldn't have happened. I'm truly sorry " she said and i saw her eyes tearing up

"It's not your fault from the beginning, it's mine. I was foolish enough to believe whatever my so-called friends told me and I was blinded by the fears. It's not your fault, if i  should've been brave enough to come and tell her everything that happened when I was here before leaving, this wouldn't happened. Maybe we will be together now. Don't blame yourself Irin it's your fault" I said as the tears were rolling from my eyes

She hugged me and we both cried on our embarce "it still doesn't mean that i forgive you for leaving Becky, you have to make it up for that to me. And you have to promise not to break her heart" she said and chuckled

"I will for sure. And I won't leave her anymore and I'm not planning either. I want her. Even if I was in England i was feeling incomplete. Becky completes me, Irin. If she gives me another chance. I promise not to mess up this time. And I will try hard to make her happy" I said

"You better keep your promise Sarocha. Or I will kick your ass this time" she said "you are lucky that I didn't know how you looked at that time or i would've kicked your ass back then" she added and we both chuckled

We went back to where our gang was waiting.

Becky's pov

Why did Irin take her. Should I go with her. Will she be ok. Fuck my mind was exploding with too much negative thoughts.

I was gonna go with them when a hand hold me. "You wait here, we need to have a conversation" Noey said firmly

"I know that you know about everything that happened before. So are you gonna???"  Nam asked

"What?" I asked back

"Don't act like a baby Becky, you know what we mean" Kate said

I let out a heavy sigh "I know what you are asking, I'm not sure. I loved her with everything I have. Even when I didn't believe in love. And I still love her. But ..... " I asked

"But what???" Noey asked

"She left me once and I was hurt and it's something that I don't wanna experience again. It hurt like hell. I lost myself and I lost everything." I said

"I know Beck, we have seen that. But she's not the same, she more brave than before. Look at the way she just claimed you" Kate said and chuckled

"I was impressed, like that was fucking hot" Heng said. Both me and Kate glared at him and he gulped

"I know, whenever she become a tiger I can't even stop her. I'm glad that she didn't kill Nita at that moment " I said and everyone laughed

"I hope you think it through Beck. We want you both to be happy and you know that after 2 weeks sports camps are starting we will be all busy. I don't want you to play sloppy because you miss certain someone" Noey said and smirked

"Who said I'm gonna play basketball " I said and smirked

"What do you mean " Kate asked

"I mean, it's time to go back to my game" I said "I want to play baseball again, even though it's fun to play basketball. Baseball makes me feel alive" I said and smiled

"I'm glad that you decided " Noey said

"What about Freen" Nam asked

"Let's see where it goes" I said and smirked

"I hope you won't make her wait long and I hope you won't hurt her even though she hurt you first. I saw all of her struggles. I feel bad for her. And I know only you can make her happy" Nam said

"I promise Nam, I won't hurt her intentionally" I said and smiled and Nam smiled back

Freen and irin came back grinning and holding hands.

"Let's go and dance" Irin declared

"Wait let's have some shots before that" Heng said as he brought some shots with him.

We all drank some shots and went to dance. p'Mind also joined us. The music was a blast. And we all enjoyed. After some minutes that played a slow song. So everyone paired up. p'Mind and Nam, Irin and Noey, Kate and Heng and me and Freen.

She encircled her hands on my neck and I did on her waist. We were so close to each other.

"That was pretty fucking badass move you did" I said

"Which one" she asked

"The one that you said that I'm still yours" I said and smirked

"Well, technically we never said that we broke up. So you are still mine, whether you like it or not" she said

"I fucking loved it" I said seductively. I stopped dancing "let's go" i grabbed her hands and went outside

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now