32. Bachelorette party

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Freen's pov

It's been 5 months since we got engaged. And in a month we are getting married. I'm so excited for that day.

These past months we have been busy with our companies cause we want to merge both the companies and there were lot of paper works and board meetings for that. We were tired but we did everything as fast as we can . So that we could spend more time next month.

After 2 weeks

We have only  2 week's left for our marriage. We are having our bachelorette party today. We both are having a bachelorette party on the same day and place because we both have the same friends.

We were planning to go to diversity bar. It was a popular bar and we already booked VIP room to celebrate. But before that we all met at a cafe so that everyone could go together.

"Today don't be a couple just enjoy the night as you are single" Noey said and i was thinking

"Okay" Becky said quickly. What the fuck

"How's the wedding preparations going" Nam asked me

"Everything is almost done, just have some works to do so that we can have our honeymoon peacefully" I said and looked at Beck. She smiled

"Aren't you guys having honeymoon for the past 2 years" Irin said and smirked

"So what" Becky said and kissed me.

"You guys, i told you not to behave like a couples. Come on don't be party wreckers" Noey complained

"I think we should seperate their seats" Heng said

"No wait" Beck protested but they really separated us. "It's not fair, if you guys are sitting with you lovers and you guys separated us" Beck whined

"That's a good point" that was p'char. She just arrived. Becky quickly hugged her

"Atleast you are on my side" Becky said

"Why don't we just play some games" p'fa said and we all nodded "let's split in teams so that these two soon to be wives be in separate teams and we all have some fun" p'fa added

"That's a good idea and the loser has to pay for everything  and for the two brides the one who loses has to grant a wish that the winner asks" Kate said and we all looked at her "What its a good deal right?" She asked and we all nodded

"I'm sure that you are separating me and Beck. So why don't all the couples be in different groups. It's will be fun" I said and smirked. If I'm not having my night with baby then they aren't going to enjoy the night with their lovers

"You surely are my smarty bunny" Beck said and gave me a peck

"She really is, so let's divide into 2 group" p'mind said

Noey, p'fa, p'mind, Heng are on Becky's team

Irin , p'char, Nam, Kate are on my team

"So it's a top vs bottom match huh" Noey said

"Why don't we just go the arcade first" char said

"Let's start from there" p'fa said

We all reached the arcade it was fun with neon lights.

"The competition is serious guys let's focus on winning" said p'mind and everyone cheered on

"Bring in the game let's see who will win" Nam said and smirked

"I like the confidence you have babe, but sorry we are winning today" p'mind said

"Why don't we see it" Nam said

We choose a paintball shooting game that can be played in 2 groups. And we decided that The winner can choose the next game.

The first was won by obviously us. We had lots of fun. We choose the dancing and they won luckyly cause they won by only 1 point it's was a close match.

It was time to go to bar. So they decided that the last and winning game will be played in the bar.

"So this is our last destination guys and the last game. Losers will pay for the drinks and the food" Noey said and smirked

"Let's pick a game" irin said

"Don't don't we just play resistance" Nam said and we all looked "We'll we all have lovers in the opposite team, so why don't we just say that the one who touches the other one loses" Nam said smirked. Clearly it's a winning game for us

"What that's not even a game" Heng said

"Why, are you afraid that you will lose" Kate aksed

"No way" Becky said

"You think so" I said and smirked

"Bring it on ladies let's see" Becky said and smirked. I can see that she was nervous.

"Beck..." Noey called

"What Noey are you afraid now" irin said. We all clearly know how to provoke our partners. Well the power of bottoms

"What! Noo" Noey said

"Let's began the game then" char said

Becky's team went to the other side and we all sat on the bar counter to talk

"Nice one Nam" irin said

"Clearly it was good idea" Kate said

"Well we can't just let them win you know" Nam said

"Now that the game is on, let's play it well to win ladies" char said and we all drink some shots

Becky's pov

"Why the fuck did you accept the challenge" Heng asked

"Clearly we are gonna lose" p'mind said

"Hey don't be like that" I said

"Says the one who will be the first one to lose" Noey said

"Stop it guys we can win" engfa said and we all looked at her

"How" I asked

"They have the advantage that we can't resist then when they are sexy" engfa said and we all nodded "and we can easily turn the tables on them" engfa said and smirked

"What are you planning Engfa" Mind asked.

"Well we all know how jealous our girlfriends are, and they won't resist when they see us with other girls" she said and we all smirked

"So let's the game begans huh" Heng said giving us some shots

"Let's began the game" we all said and drank the shots.

Let's see babe how will you resist me.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now