27. Daughter in law

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Freen's pov

I woke up early to make breakfast for my baby. I know she has practice and I want to do something special for her.

I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made her a sandwich and some fresh orange juice.

After finishing making breakfast I went to my room and got ready. When I came back I saw my mom in the kitchen

"You are up early today, and you even made breakfast" she asked a little bit surprised

"Kha Becky has early morning practice so I made food for her to eat" i said

My mom chuckled a bit "you are so whipped" she teased me

"Moooommmmm" I said whining

"Why are you making fun of my baby girl early in the morning" dad asked

"I just said that your baby girl is so whipped with her girlfriend. She woke up early in the morning and made breakfast for her lover" mom said in a teasing way

My dad chuckled "dad you too" i faked a pout

"Ok ok, do that face in front of your lover" dad teased more

"I'm leaving" I said

"We are shifting to our home today, so come back there today" dad said.

"Ok dad text me the location" i said and went outside

I took my car and picked up Nam. We went to college.

I texted my girl and asked her to meet me at the parking lot.

We reached the parking lot and saw Irin, Becky and Noey there. I parked my car and went to my girlfriend to hug her. But she stepped away.

"Sorry babe, I'm sweaty" she said

"I don't care" I said and pouted. She gave me a kiss.

"Just wait for 10 minutes I'll fresh up and come to you ok" she asked and i nodded

They went to freshen up. And me and Nam went to photography club to see p'Mind. Then we 3 went to canteen where Heng and Kate were waiting for us. After 10 minutes I felt someone hugging me

"I missed you baby" she said and i smiled

"How was the practice" I asked

"It was hard, I haven't played it in a year. Still needs to put more effort" she said and pouted and i gave her a peck but she deepend it by pulling me by my nape.

"No PDA" Irin said

I rolled my eyes on her. She's literally sitting on Noey's lap.

I took the sandwich I made and gave it to Becky.

"Thank you babe" she said and took a bite "hmmm, you make the best sandwich baby"she said gave me a kiss while chewing the food

"Eat the food properly BB" I said and glared at her

"Ok boss"she said and salute me. I laugh at her sillyness. Gosh she's so cute.

"Baby, mom invited you to have dinner today" she said causally and i was shocked and nervous hearing that.

"Isn't it too early to meet parents" asked p'Mind

"We have been in a relationship for more than 2 years p'Mind. I don't want to hide anything. I got the most beautiful and kind-hearted Girlfriend in the world" she said and everyone started to tease her..

She looked at me without Minding their teasing "baby would you come" she asked."you don't hav-" I didn't let her finish her words.

"I want to babe, it just I'm nervous" I said and she chuckled

"Don't worry baby I'll be there with you na. And mom is super excited to see you" she said and i smiled

After some minutes we all went to our respective classes.

Becky's pov

I was helping mom to cook dinner. I told her that we could order but she insisted on making food.

After 7 pm I heard someone knocking on the door. And I know who it is so i asked to mom to open the door. Which she gladly did

She opened the door and hugged Freen even though Freen was surprised she hugged back and smiled warmly. I went near them and mouthed "love you" to Freen and she did the same.

"Girls I'll call you after i finish making dinner just go and rest" mom said

"I'll help you mrs Armstrong" Freen said

"Drop the formality Freen, just call me ma or mom" my mom said she nodded

"Okay mom" Freen said and smiled

"And no need for help, the food is almost ready" she said and went to kitchen

Me and Freen went to the living room and we sat on the sofa. I quickly look at my mom side and gave Freen a kiss.

"You look absolutely stunning baby" I said and gave her a peck again

"Stop babe, mom's gonna see us" she said

"Already mom huh" I teased she blushed.

Mom called us for dinner. They both talked like they knew each other for long time. And I was left alone at dinner.

After we finish the dinner, mom gave us some ice cream and she gave Freen more

"Wow, who's your daughter really?" I asked in disbelief and Freen showed her tongue

"Don't be a jelly Becky. You are my daughter, but I love my daughter in law more" my mom said in a teasing way and both me and Freen blushed

"Moooom" i whined...

"Ok, ok I'll stop teasing you guys" she said and winked at Freen

After an hour Freen returned to her home. Cause she needs to see her parents at their new home.

After Freen left i felt a little bit sad

"Already missing your girl huh, she just left a few minutes ago" mom said

"I already miss her mom. We missed our 2 years just because of some misunderstanding and i don't want that to happen" i said and she nodded

"Anyway i like her so much. You should marry her quickly" she said

"Stop teasing me mom" I said

"Don't tell me that you didn't even think about it" she said

"Its not like that mom. She's the one for me. I will propose to her when the right time comes but only after the graduation" I said and she nodded

"I'm glad you are happy baby" she said and gave me a hug

"I'm glad that you like her mom" I said...

"Who wouldn't she's such a sweetheart. Take good care of my future daughter in law" she said and i nodded

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now