25. Office Romance 🔞

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Freen's pov

I informed my dad that i would be staying with Becky for some time and asked him to return home.

I went near Irin "where Becky's office Irin" i asked her

"Oh hey Freen, I'm good how are you" she said in a mocking way

"I'm sorry Irin, I missed you too" I said and act like a baby

"Please don't do that" she said and burst into laughter and i laughed with her. We and our crazy mouth.

Can't blame us though after the talk at the party, me and Irin became closer. And we talk to each other more. She's very fun to be around and we click so much.

After laughing at our own sillyness, Irin showed me Becky's office and I went inside. Her office looked good. It shows her taste. As i was looking at the office I heard the door open and saw Becky.

She came near me and closed our gap

Becky's pov

After Freen left i informed my team to pack this up and take some rest before starting the work.

I went quickly to my office cause I know my baby will be waiting for me. I opened the door and saw her. She looked at me.

Without waiting any minute I went near her and kissed her. Gosh i missed kissing her.

I sucked her lower lip and bit it asking for entrance which she gave me. I inserted my tongue and we fought for dominance. Eventually I won. But we couldn't continue cause we lack air. We broke the kiss and looked at each other

"What wa that" she asked breathing heavily

"Don't know i missed you" i said

"We just met this morning love" she said

"I know but-" I said

"But what?" She asked

"You know we couldn't finish what we started yesterday and i didn't see you when I woke up. I think you should have some punishment for that" i said as i smirked

She was shocked but she smiled and came closer to me "you know you looked sexier when you were in the meeting room" she came closer to my ear "I was thinking to rip your clothes right there" she whispered and bit my ear

I felt shivers on my spine. "I will gladly let you do that now" i said as i winked at her.

She didn't waste anytime and kissed me. She took off my blazer while kissing and she started to unbuttoned my shirt whithout breaking the kiss. She successfully unbuttoned every bottom and stopped kissing me.

She pushed me towards my table and started to kiss my jaw and suck my neck. I'm pretty sure she's leaving me so many marks. I felt her hands tracing my abs. I was in pleasure and i threw my head backwards giving her more space to kiss and mark.

We stopped when we heard a knock. I told her wait. And I went outside to see them.

It was irin

"Way to ruin my mood rin" I said annoyingly

"Born to do that bitch" she said "I'm leaving and i ordered food for both of you. After you finish whatever you were doing call Yah she will deliver the food to your office" she said

"You are the best friend gummy bear" I said

"Oh now I'm gummy bear huh! Okay I'm leaving ,Noey is waiting for me " seh said

"Say hi to Noey' for me" I said

"I will and please lock your door " with that she left. And i locked the door immediately. Went near the sulky Freen

"Babe" I called her and I saw her pouting..

"Who was that" she asked

"It's irin and don't be angry she came to say bye and she said she ordered food for us and asked us to lock the door " i said in one breath

"Okay. Now can we continue what we were doing" she asked giving me puppy eyes

"No" I said and i saw her face become gloomy "I will start cause I want to punish my bad bunny" I said as i took off her dress leaving he in her bra and panties.

I tapped on my lap asking her to sit which she did.

"I love you babe" I said as i kissed her.

"I love you more babe" she said when we broke the kiss

I kissed her jaw and then neck. And I left some marks on her. I unclasped her bra and played with her boobs. By then she was moaning mess. She took off my shirt and i laid her down the sofa and I took off my pants and her panties too. Now she was lying there completely Naked.

I attacked her lips. And rubbed her clit

"Ba-be please" she said

"Please what princess" i asked her even though I know why she wants

"St-op teasing me " she asked

"Beg for me babe" I said as i nibbled with her nipples.

"Fuck me daddy please" she said. I don't know what got into me at that moment i felt sudden energy in my body.

I inserted my finger inside her. She gasped and i thrusted

"It's gonna hurt but I'm gonna insert one more baby girl" I said and she nodded. I inserted another finger. And I saw a tear escaped from her eyes. I kiss her to ease the pain and it worked

Slowly i started to thrust. Now she was enjoying what I was doing "faster daddy" she said. Her calling me daddy gives me so much energy.

"Your wish is my command my lady" i said and started to thrust faster. I can feel the tightness inside her i can feel she's getting close.

"I'm gonna aaaaahhhhhhr" she couldn't even complete the word she was moaning in pleasure

"Cum for me baby girl" I said with a few thrust she cum on my fingers.

I laid beside her trying to catch my breath. It was hardcore. She faced me and laid on my chest.

"If this is punishment I want to be punished daily" she said and i chuckled

She got on top of me "let me make you feel good" she said and kissed me.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now