your loss is mine to hold (his pov 6)

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His pov (my future husband, and hopefully the true love of my life),

I just want to thank every man who let her go,
because now she's all mine.
Because of them,
she now knows her worth,
she knows that she'll never have to ask
for me to make the time to spend with her.

I would never hurt her,
never want to see tears in her eyes.
I would get her flowers on any day,
Make dinner for her when she's tired,
Pull her in when she's feeling low,
Have endless deep conversations just the way she likes,
Cover her with sheets and plant a kiss on her forehead while she's sleeping like a baby.
I would hold her hands even though they are sweaty and cold,
Run my hand through her hair, just to let her know that she is loved.
That this, is what she deserves.

So, to the man who lost her:
I don't know how you could even listen
to the sound of her footsteps leaving
without being affected,
without thinking of trying one last time to fix things.
But I'm thanking you.
Because now, I can make everything right.

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