Leather Jacket or A Cardigan

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When we pull up to the DX station, Darry tells me to wait in the truck. Assuming he is going to run in and explain to Buck who is the owner of the DX station and the bar beside it and Soda why he had to pawn me off under there care for the rest of the day. I don't understand why I can't just go home. I still had a pregnant high schooler to find, but I suppose she will still be pregnant tomorrow. Darry waved for me to come in from the entrance. I grab my book bag and scoot out of the truck.

"Buck said it was okay if you hung out here with Soda and Steve for the day, You do as they say and if I get nothing but a shining report I promise you will not be able to sit for a week..you got me kid sister?" Darry warned.

"I got ya" I acknowledged.

Darry kissed my forehead and ran out the door heading back to work. I find a place to sit behind the check out counter and whip out my notebook to work on my homework. Soda hands me a can of coke and messes up my hair. "I gotta get back to the pump and help these customers fill the tank, Holler if you need anything" Soda stated.

Lunch time rolled around and I heard my stomach begging for food. I hoped off the stool where I was just about finished redoing my homework from the night before and went to find Soda and Steve outside. I walked up and they were both covered in grease. "What's up kiddo" Steve pipped.

I looked at both of them "I'm hungry." I complained.

"I could go for a burger" Steve said wiping the grease off his hands.

"We can't really leave right now we have to have this car finished by the time the guy comes back" Soda stated to Steve motioning towards the shiny broke down car and I am guessing the cause of why they are covered in grease.

"I can run and grab us some lunch" I suggest.

Soda looked my way "I don't think that's such a good idea Bay, you wondering around town in the middle of that day."

"I wouldn't be wondering around town, I am just going to the shake shack which isn't that far, and besides I am pretty much done with my work. I just need to get some food in me before I die of starvation." I beg with exaggeration.

"Fine." Soda caves "Just there and back Bay, I mean it" Soda hands me a paper with everybody's order written on it and some money I shove into my pocket.

"I'll be back soon" I say as I skip away. This is way better then school, Maybe I should drop out and just work at the shake shack. I make my way to the shake shack and it is packed with everybody on lunch break. After waiting in the longest line to ever exist I put in my order and the worker tells me it will be a few minutes and they will call my number when its ready.

I find a seat on a picnic table near by take a sip out of my drink that was already given to me. I was watching as all the greasers and socs mingled together each in there own clique doing there own thing. Some were laughing, others were arguing and some were making out in the very public table across from me. Ew. Get a room I thought to myself not hiding the disgusted look on my face. When the two socs came up for air my jaw dropped at the sight of seeing Sandy at the receiving end of the not my brother make out sesh.

I knew she got around.

I jumped off of the table and made my way over to the perfect couple. Slurping my drink I approached them. "You're Sandy right?" I questioned.

She looked at me with a confused expression twirling her hair with her fingers. "Um..Yes? Can I help you?"

"I hope so" I say sarcastically.

Her entire friend group is chucking at this interaction of the poor greaser girl talking to the pretty rich soc. "Well, What's up?" She asked giggling.

"You see Sandy, I have a friend that thinks she pregnant..." I paused and slurped my drink again. "The only issue is she is kind of a whore so she doesn't know who the father is, I told her she should take a DNA test so she doesn't ruin anybody's life but my friend is being complicated and insists on milking both the potential daddy's out of everything they have not taking into consideration of there feelings." I finish with a sarcastic grin

Sandy wasn't laughing anymore. Her little boyfriend and her both perked up while all the friends I am assuming still don't know her little secret contuined to chuckle and remain confused. "Shouldn't you be in school kid?" Her boyfriend retaliated. "Who are you anyways?" She questioned.

"How rude of me not to introduce myself I'm Baylee Curtis" I smirked sticking my hand out waiting for her to shake it. She never did. The boyfriend angrily looked at Sandy taking note of my last name I am sure.

"Curtis??" She asked concernedly.

"NUMBER 54" the Shake Shack worker yelled.

"Oh, Thats me!" I shouted and went over to the window to retrieve my order, knowing I have the couple of the year over there questioning everything I know.

I held my bag of burgers in one hand and went over to the condiment table to fill up on some ketchup packets. I felt a tap on my shoulder "Did your brother put you up to this?" Sandy whispered.

"No" I reassure her "He just thinks you are loyal to him while he works all day meanwhile you are sucking face with a stupid soc."

"Shhhh" Sandy looks over to make sure he didn't hear my sly remark.

"Sandy, just be honest with me because I know you know about our situation, and this can be real damaging for us as well as your ego, I know you don't wanna hurt my brother but is the b.a.b.y. really his?" I spelled out for emphasis.

She looked back at her group of soc friends before turning back around to me "I don't know who's it is okay? Robbie doesn't know about me seeing Soda while we were on a break..he thinks it is his, and it very well could be."

I glance over to her make out partner who I am assuming is Robbie the soc...he was staring at us, I look at sandy in the eyes and raise my voice making sure people around me could hear "My brother deserves better then a skank like you."

"HEY." Robbie yelled as he made his way over to me. "Who do you think you are you little shit?" He stepped forward towards me when all of a sudden an arm pushed him back and Dallas Winston stood between us.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size huh?" Dally dared.

"Of course this little grease ball belongs to you" Robbie said pulling Sandy behind him. Most of the shake shack goers were watching and anticipating a brawl.

"..and if you ever come near this little grease ball you might not live long enough to meet whatever off spring is growing in her stomach" Dallas grinned pointing at Sandy. There were lot's of gasps of people that clearly did not know she was pregnant or heard the rumors and didn't know if it was true or not. "Let's get outta her bug" Dallas finished and we both turned to head out.

I turned back around to face Sandy and Robbie on our way out "I guess we will just have to see if it comes out with a leather jacket or a cardigan." Neither of them responded just looked at each other, the whole stupid friend group was looking at each other. Dallas and I made our way back to the DX Station, I was starving and could not wait to devour this burger. 

Chapter Notes: 

I have said it once and I will say it again DALLAS WINSTON CAN HAVE MY HEART <3

I feel a little bad for making Sandy out to be a whore but eh Soda deserves better. 

Thank you for all the reads!! Voting and Commenting most definitely  encourages me to write so thank you all so much!! 

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