I Ain't My Brother

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Ella was whispering in her best attempt to wake Baylee up from her slumber in the middle of class. She poked her with a pencil, stabbing it into her shoulder but Baylee just swatted it away not opening her eyes.

"Baylee Curtis" A more stern voice shouted across the classroom and walked closer to Bays' desk. She let out a snore and Miss. Webb slammed a ruler down on her desk.

"Huh" I sat up confused and discombobulated wiping the drool from my face.

"Does my class bore you?" Miss Webb asked raising an eyebrow.

I feel like now is not the time to be truthful about how boring Shakespeare is.

"No, Ma'am. I'm sorry" I apologize realizing now I had dozed off in the middle of class. Whispers and snickers can be heard throughout the classroom.

"See me after class," She says pointing the ruler in my direction.

I nodded in response. Miss Webb went back to the lecture explaining how William Shakespeare is credited with the invention or introduction of over 1,700 words that are still used in English today.

Shit. I think to myself, wondering if that was one of the 1,700 words he invented.

After class, I slowly approached Miss. Webb at her desk. I stood there awkwardly as she went on writing cursive on a small piece of paper. I cleared my throat letting her know I was there without saying actual words.

"I do see you, Miss Curtis." She says without glancing up. Finishing her writing before handing me the piece of paper.

I pushed my eyebrows together, confused I took the paper and started to read over it before Miss. Webb gave me a summary.

"I am concerned about your grades in my class Baylee, You have not been doing well on your assignments and I feel like your attention has been elsewhere. Sleeping in class certainly won't help."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep honest I just- " I started to argue back but she held up her hand motioning for me to stop speaking.

As her next class started filing in she simply stated "I need a signature from a guardian acknowledging my concerns with your recent grades and behavior"

I glanced back down at the note she handed me. I now understand that this note was for Darry and he had to read about how bad I have been doing. No. No. No.

"Hurry along now, Don't wanna be late for your next class" She shooed me away, and just as I was about to walk out the door I heard her call for me one last time "Baylee, I have to say your brother did exceptionally well in my class, top of his class. I expected better".

I could feel my face burning again with anger. I sneered at her but bit my tongue. I turned on my heels and headed to my next class. When I was out of hearing range I mumbled under my breath"I ain't my brother".

Will I be looked at as Ponyboy's little sister for the rest of my school days?

I sat at the lunch table eating my spoon-made peanut butter sandwich reading over the cursive note that I was supposed to get signed by Darry.

"What's that?" Jess says taking a seat beside me followed by Ella and Carter.

"My death sentence" I groan pushing my palms on my forehead. My headache still antagonizing me.

Ella snatched the paper from me, assuming it had to do with me falling asleep in the first period. "You have to get this signed by Darry?" She questioned throwing around the paper.

"Yup," I said popping my p.

Her eyes widened "You can't get grounded now, My birthday is next week. We have plans"

"Sorry, Ella I don't think Darry is going to care about our plans much after he reads that I am failing English and my behavior is 'unacceptable, unreasonable and abrasive'". I irritably read out a few of the words Miss. Webb used to describe me snatching the note back from her.

"Maybe I can help," Jess says.

"Still working on that time machine?" I joke. I think back to when he said he could help change my bad grade.

"That's still a work in progress" Jess laughed "But I'm pretty good at mimicking people's handwriting, if you get me something that Darry signed I can forge the signature and nobody will ever need to know"

"Problem solved," Ella chirped.

"I dunno" I admit a little afraid of getting caught.

"He does it for me all the time" Carter spoke up "I ain't ever got caught once, teachers just try to get you in trouble asking for a signature, that's why she wrote a note and didn't send you down to the principal's office".

I think back on my A that got me ungrounded for being trusted again, The A that hung proudly on our refrigerator. Jess saved me before, Then I saved him, Then he saved me and I saved him I do believe it is his turn again.

"I am sure I can find something with his signature on it, Meet me tomorrow morning before class?"

"You got it"

Ella clapped happy that her birthday plans weren't going to be ruined by a stupid note written by a stupid teacher that expects me to be like my stupid brother.



Chapter Notes:

Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring it's just a filler chapter for some upcoming chaos. Don't be sad that it's short because the next chapter is literally so long I am debating on splitting it up into different parts but I really want to just post it how it is so if you ask nicely I will go ahead and upload the next chapter....tonight 😝

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