Ashes to Ashes

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"Hey bug," Dal says in his usual tone- one that is low and monotone. He is looking around the abandoned church and almost looks slightly impressed by the pews turned to beds and the dirty church turned to a somewhat liveable home.

I stood at the front of the church in disbelief that Dallas Winston was standing in front of me. Unable to hold back my frustration any longer I lunged toward Carter tackling him to the ground.

Carter was taken off guard but shielded his face as I stood over him and struck him repeatedly, Over and over again one hand after the other. "You backstabbing son of a bitch" I snapped at him.

Sure I was mad. I was mad about a lot of things. I couldn't think of one reason at this moment of anything to smile about. The anger that boiled out of me was long overdue and I could no longer hold my composure. Carter Campbell ratting me out was just the last damn straw.

"Stop it Baylee, Get off of him". I heard Ella scream out with worry.

I felt Ella and Jess both tugging at me in their best attempt to pull me off of Carter, but it failed. There was no stopping me until I felt a pair of stronger hands wrap around my waist and lift me off of the ground.

"That's enough," Dally says, carrying me away from Carter so I can calm down.

"Get off of me" I screamed, flailing my body in every direction like a child throwing a tantrum in a candy shop.

Dally didn't sit me down until we were out of the church. When my feet hit the ground I turned away from him digging my nails into my palms. I was angry. I wanted to punch any and everything to make me feel better.

I took a livid exhale and turned around to face Dallas. I knew how this day was going to end. Same as the party, He would drag me back to Darry who would yell at me for a few hours before grounding me for the rest of my life. I will still have to live in my brother's shadow at school and deal with stupid Socs' everywhere I turn, the nightmares will probably start back up again and I will return to my miserable pathetic life.

Dallas stood leaning up against the car, sparking up a cigarette and taking a long drag before finally speaking. "Why'd ya do it Bug"?

"Don't call me that". I spit back full of irritation.

Dally smiled, shaking his head before taking another puff off of his cig. I don't think it was a genuine smile, it seemed more like a dishonest one, As though he was trying to mask his irritation at the whole situation and was suppressing his anger and annoyance with a fake, sarcastic grin.

"Why'd ya run away"? He pressed again.

"What does it matter, huh? You are just gonna haul me back home and deliver me to Darry- I paused- Why can't you just leave me alone, go home, and tell everybody you didn't find me".

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