Let's Find Our Girl

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Dally's POV:

"Got a light?" I ask Jonny or Pony as we start heading into town.

"Only if I can bum a cancer stick" Johnny retorts with a smile. I put him in a quick headlock and ruffle the top of his head with my fist.

"Okay, okay you win," he says in defeat and hands me a lighter. The boys and I are heading to the drive-in to see what chaos we can get into on this crisp Friday night. I'm here to hunt some action and kick it with some ladies. We go around to the back of the drive-in and slide under an old link fence that has been lifted just enough for us to sneak in without paying.

We find some empty chairs near the concession stand and pop a squat. I fiery redhead in front of me catches my eye, I nudge Pony with my elbow who's sitting beside me also catching the attention of Johnny.

"How am I supposed to pay attention to the picture with this fine redhead in front of me". I whisper with a smirk.

 The pretty little redhead must have heard my sly comment because she turned around and screamed "Get out of here hood". I was speechless that a voice that loud could come out of such a little body.

"Take it easy princess it was just a compliment" I lean in close to her ear and flirtatiously ask "Are you a real redhead huh?"

Johnny spoke up "Come on Dal leave her alone".

I stood up to show power. "What did you say to me ya little shit?" 

Johnny repeated himself adding a "Please" at the end. 

I couldn't stay mad at him the way his swollen eyes tried to avoid eye contact with me. I may be a hard ass but if there is anybody that can make me feel an ounce of sympathy it's Johnny Cade and Baylee freakin Curtis. Johnny was jumped and beaten good a few weeks ago by a mob of Socs with rings. They best be lucky I haven't gotten ahold of them yet cause they wouldn't have fingers to display those shiny rings. "Hey, wise-ass just remember her kind is the ones that did that to your face".

I'm thirsty.

I walk off to go grab us some cokes when a blonde quarterback thinks it's a good idea to step in my way. "Did you slash my tire grease" he spat.

I took a sip of my drink and sneered "Nah man, wrong greaser." When I went to walk around him he shoved my shoulder causing me to spill the 3 drinks. "You looking for a fight Soc?" I kicked the spilled cup towards him and started getting up in his face while reaching for the switchblade I had in the back pocket of my jeans. In one motion I step back, flip out the blade, and hold it towards him. Pony and Johnny step behind me while the redhead and her friend are begging the quarterback to just let it go, it's not worth it. "So what's it gonna be pretty boy... Wanna see if this is the same blade that slashed those tires, I'll give you a closer look at it." I guess the girls convinced the Soc that fighting me was a losing battle because he spit on the dirt and they all walked in the other direction. At the same time, some workers came up and forced us to leave. "Alright." I say annoyed "Like I wanted to watch some sappy love story anyway, let's get outta here boys" I throw my middle finger up, flicking all the workers and bystanders the bird as we run out the front gate.

It's about 1 AM when we walk into the Curtis house, Darry is up with a concerned look on his face he grabbed Pony by the loose of his shirt when we got in the door  "Do you know where your sister is?" He barked.

We could tell something was very wrong. Soda and Two-bit were pacing the living room and Steve was standing there with both of his hands on his head like he was trying to catch his breath after running a marathon. "No....I- I- haven't seen her since we left this afternoon".

I noticed her bedroom door was open and the light was on, starting to put the pieces together I asked Darry "What the hell is going on?" 

He took a breath letting go of Pony's shirt. He explained filling us in "I woke up when these goons came in being loud around midnight, I told them to keep it down not to wake Bay up. I went to check on her and when I cracked her door open I noticed the window was open and she put pillows under her blanket...She snuck out."


I could tell everyone was panicking. I know the cops were out of the question with the state breathing down Darry's neck lately. I was trying to see if anybody had any ideas where she might be. Darry explained she had never left the house in the middle of the night before, but she has been testing her boundaries lately and acting out.

Two-bit snapped his finger "Hey I heard there was a party going on over by Bucks at that kid Carter Campbell's place, Maybe Bay heard about it.".

I lit another cigarette and made a game plan. "Johnny and I will go over and check out if Bay is at this party, Someone should run by and check the park and the Shake Shack too....Darry, you and Pony stay by the phone in case someone calls". The gang traded looks and everyone agreed. Jonny and I headed to Carter Campbell's party.

Let's find our girl.


Chapter Notes:

Dallas freakin Winston has stolen my heart.

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