Thankful to be a Disapointment

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We both sat down in the empty hallway.

"I'm sorry for getting you into all of this, I should have just done my homework." Ella apologized.

"I'm sorry for yelling at your mom"

She giggled "Nothing you said that wasn't true. She is a terrible mother. I didn't finish my homework last night because my mom was supper drunk and getting sick so I stayed up taking care of her, which is why I was running late this morning." Ella explained.

I feel like the biggest ass now. I was so caught up with my own family shit show that I didn't take into consideration Ella's. "I feel so stupid, I'm sorry Ella...I guess I was jealous of all this time you've been spending with Campbell and I was annoyed that I just kept getting into trouble. Seeing you get caught and doing the same things with no consequences made me envy your freedom." I confess

Ella grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Having shit parents does have its perks when it comes to getting away with more, but when I am sick or hungry or just need a hug it would be nice to have an actual parent around that isn't passed out drunk somewhere." Ella paused for a moment and took a deep breathe "...Truth be told Bay, sometimes I feel like I am the parent making sure the bills get paid on time, or getting mom into bed. I told you this once before but I am jealous of how many people you have that truly love and care about you." She smiled.

I wrapped her in a hug. "If you ever want to feel any of those things my door is always opened," I leaned back "I might be able to convince Darry to board up your window too" I said laughing.

I finally felt like I had my friend back. I know I have been out of the loop since I have been condemned to house arrest but things felt good between us. The office door slung open and Ms. Shepard came barreling out and grabbed Ella by the hand "Come on El, we are going home you have been suspended for the rest of the week" she growled. I shot my best good luck eyes at her and waited for Darry. He walked out the door with a much calmer demeanor then Ellas mom. He shook Mr. Perry's hand and made his way over to me. "What happened?" I asked standing to look up at him.

"Ms. Shepard did not take it lightly on some of the things I accused her of, Mr Perry ended up agreeing with me, so she felt ganged up against and did not like his decision that he came to of giving Ella a week of suspension for copying your paper." Darry explained.

I scratched the back of my hand "....and what about the decision he came to for me?" I questioned.

Darry started grabbing my book bag that was by my feet. "You only got suspended for the rest of the day and neither of you will receive a mark on your permeant record."

I smiled "Well that's good, how did you manage to sweet talk your way out of that one."

"You can wipe that smile off of your face, I am extremely disappointed in how you acted in there Bay. This could have been a lot worse and if you don't start watching your mouth your meals are going to start consisting of a bar of soap."

Clearly I read the room wrong.

I dropped my head "I'm sorry Dar."

"Sorry don't mean squat If you keep being a pain in my back side. I had to leave work early and you managed to get in trouble within the first hour of school."

We walked out the school and I hoped in the passenger side of Darry's truck. "I'm dropping you off at the DX station and you can spend the rest of the day redoing last nights homework assignment." Darry asserted.

"Yes sir." I murmured. I stared out the window and couldn't help but wonder if this is the kind of thing Ellas missed out on. Darry was clearly disappointed in me but him being disappointed in me just means that at one point he was proud of me and that he cares for me. The thought made me grin. I feel bad that Ella has nobody to be disappointed in her. 

Chapter Notes: 

I am just taunting you guys with a short chapter, It's okay tho Bay and Ella are friends again all is right in the world. Or do we think Ella is a bad friend for always getting her in trouble?? hmm.

Did anybody else have to eat soap when they got caught bad mouthing, Ugh not a fond memory. 

Thanks for reading lovelies <3

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