Little Runaway

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I grabbed my book bag and dumped all the school supplies into my dirty clothes hamper. I then packed 2 outfits, a hair brush, my switchblade, and a pack of gum. The gum because I couldn't pack my toothpaste knowing it would cause suspicion considering we only have one tube that we all share. I hesitantly tossed in my old journal and a pen in case I felt the need to write anything down. I took one last glance at the bedroom I was brought home from the hospital in before jumping out the window and sprinting to the empty lot where we all agreed to meet.

"Where is he?" I asked irritated at the fact that Carter had yet to show up.

"I dunno," Jess said shrugging his shoulders while pacing back and forth.

"We have to leave soon, The sun will be up in a few hours and we have to catch the train at the supply stop"

Ella kicked the dirt and slung her bag over her shoulder. "He's not coming. Let's go," she said, disappointment evident in her voice.

I was confused, I thought everybody was on the same page. Why would Carter not want to escape this crap town?

I glanced at Jess before turning my attention back to Ella. "How come?"

"He just doesn't want to," Ella said sighing. "He told me he would think about it, but if he wasn't here don't wait up...So we better get going if we are gonna catch that train".

I know that leaving this town must be painful for Ella. It's hard to leave behind the people you love. I wonder if she will miss her mother, but probably not in the same way that I will miss my brothers and the rest of the gang. I quickly try to think about something else before the guilt overwhelms me and makes me change my mind. That is probably what happened with Carter. The idea of leaving is easier said than done.

I nodded and took Ella by the hand before the three of us disappeared into the darkness, We ran through the woods the sound of the crunching leaves and sticks beneath my feet. The only light we had was from the glow of the moonlight. We followed behind Jess to the edge of the tree line when we all came to a halt. The ground started to vibrate and a train horn blared in this distance but quickly grew louder.

Jess crouched, so we all crouched. The train began to pass and my ears were ringing. He looked back at me and grabbed my hand before whisper shouting "Are you ready?"

I am not sure if he was asking if I was ready to run and jump on a moving train or if he was asking if I was 'ready' to make sure this was really what I wanted to do. I needed to get out of this town. I needed to be somewhere that wasn't a constant reminder of my pathetic life. I wanted the nightmares to stop, I wanted to be somewhere that Socs' didn't exist. Forget wants. I need this.

I smiled slightly before nodding, I looked at Ella who was nodding back at Jess as well. We had each other and together we will make it out of this stupid town.

"Get ready to run," Jess said.

We quickly stood up as the train slowed down near the supply station where workers were loading up some supplies. Exiting the woods, we hopped into an open train car. Jess managed to get on board first and helped pull me up by extending his hand. Ella, who was never good at running, lagged behind a bit, but with our combined effort, we managed to get her on board as well.

"Shit" Ella panted "I really underestimated how much I suck at running".

"You won't ever make the track team that's for sure" I joked. Jess let out an out-of-breath kind of laugh.

The train started to reach its full speed again and the three of us ducked behind some crates of fruit and potatoes as we passed the workers who were throwing in more supplies. When the ghost was clear I leaned my head back on the inside of the train car letting out a relieving breath.

"We did it" Jess smiled at us stealing Apples for each of us from the crate and tossing one in our direction.

"Where exactly are we going?" Ella asked taking a bite of her Apple.

"Somewhere in the country, big beautiful fields to grow crops and near a river where I can try to catch us some fish to eat," Jess said.

"You really got it all figured out" I hummed.

Jess was still smiling, as always. A lot to smile about I reckon.

"Food is good and all but where are we going to sleep?" Ella asked.

Jess with a mouth full of Apple muttered out how Carter had told him about an abandoned Church that had running water outside. He has never been there himself and without Carter, it might be a little more difficult to find but thought it would be our best bet.

I was now sitting between Ella and Jess. Ella had her head leaned on my shoulder and had drifted to sleep. I still have my head leaning back against the train car and every time the train horn blared I felt my whole body tense. How Ella could sleep through the sound of that is beyond me.

I hated that sound. It made me think of the last sound my parents heard before their car was smushed into nothing. Jess must have noticed me discreetly wipe my eye with my sleeve at the thought of imagining that horrific scene because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it into his without saying a word.

Trying to ignore the blaring horn and with the comfort of my friends by my side, my eyes fluttered shut and for the first time in weeks, I wasn't met with a nightmare. My dream was peaceful and filled with bliss.

The sun was shining and I swear I could have felt the warmth on my skin. When I looked up I saw a beautiful white church in the middle of a field. The grass was green and there were flowers everywhere. I saw Jess, Carter, and Ella in the distance laughing and chasing each other in the high grass. I smiled and started to make my way towards them when I was delightedly startled by Pony? Ponyboy was waving me over to a tree that had an old tire swing tied to it. He told me to get in and I did. He pushed me high and I felt the wind in my long black hair. As he kept pushing me I then saw Soda and Darry tossing a football back and forth. Everyone around me smiling and laughing I couldn't contain the smile appearing on my face. The swing slowed down a bit and from the church I saw the most beautiful woman along with a clean-cut man emerge, The woman was holding a pitcher of Lemonade and shouting for everybody to come get a glass. Mom and Dad? I exited the tire swing and ran towards them hugging my mother so tight she almost spilled the Lemonade. Everyone was laughing and smiling and I wished this could be my reality when my eyes opened and the dream stopped, But I knew it was not so I kept my eyes closed and embraced my Mothers hug wishing she would never let go.


Chapter Notes:

Writer's block sucks! I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter but I wanted so badly to get something out. I am sorry for such a long wait but a special shout out to the few people who messaged me directly with the sweetest words. Love you all!! 

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