Pierced Ears

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I shut my locker after grabbing out my English textbook for my next class. "I don't know Ella, it doesn't seem like a good idea". A phrase I find myself saying a lot lately.

Ella grabbed my ear lobe pinching it between her fingers. "Just a quick prick with a needle and I can pierce em".

Over the weekend Ella pierced her own ears after seeing a movie at the theater with an actress that looked just stunning with two diamond studs shining bright on her ears. Piercing my ears never seemed to cross my mind, My mother never had hers done so mine never got done either. Why would anyone willing punch holes in their body. I just didn't get it.

"I don't think it'll go with my look" I say walking down the hallway to our next class.

Ella rolled her eyes and chuckled "pierced ears go with everybody's look, you don't gotta be scared. I can numb it with an ice cube and stick a cold apple slice behind it. Quick, easy and done in only seconds".

"I ain't scared" I argue only slightly offended at her choice of words.

Just as Ella is continuing to persuade me to stick a hole in my ear, Carter and Jess walk up from behind us. Carter kissing El on her cheek from behind and Jess making his way to stand beside me. Poking a finger in my side and making me squirm.

Ella blushed at the public affection from her boyfriend. I jokingly gagged but she knew I was happy for her. For the first time in a while it felt nice to have a group of friends that felt genuine and dependable. Over the past few months we have all gone through a shit ton and even with the outside world chewing us up and spitting us out those hard struggles have only brought us closer together.

My little group of outcasts greasers made me smile as we walked down the hall together heading to English. Truth is we all came from different, yet similar home lives. In a way we could lean on each other, understand each other and be there for each other when needed.

It made me think about Family. How family isn't always made up of the same blood the runs through your veins. My family was made up of my brothers and their friends who have all worked together in raising me. The gang is my family. Maybe my little group of outcast friends here will be the same. The rumble may have been one of the worst nights of my life but it was the spark of what brought us all closer.

How far would you go for your friends?

"I'm just saying, I think she would look good with some pierced ears, I can do your guys too if you want" Ella smiled holding up a needle towards Jess.

I laugh as Jess uses me as a human shield "Would you drop it, you aren't piercing my ears".

"Yeah, I'm with Bay...I am not letting you anywhere near my face with a needle" Jess added.

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