Chap 1

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Gemini stood in front of the door, annoyed and anxiously tapping his foot while continuously looking at his watch. The door opened to reveal a tall, handsome man in front of him.

"What took you so long, Phu?" Gemini said as he entered the house.
"Sorry, I was taking a shower," he said as he closed the door.
Gemini sat on the sofa, spreading his legs and arms wide open, and sighed. Phuwin sat beside him.
"Tired?" he asked shortly.

Gemini just nodded as he sat up straight to look at Phuwin.
"What happened? You look a little down," Phuwin asked.
"I fought with my boss and quit the job," Gemini said, holding his head with his hand.
"What? Again?" Phuwin said aloud.

Gemini nodded. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"It's okay. How's your mom?" he asked.
Gemini looked down and sighed in disbelief. "The doctors said they need to monitor her before saying anything."
Phuwin put his hand on Gemini's shoulder, assuring him that it'll be okay.

"Let's go to the bar and have some fun," Phuwin said, standing and holding Gemini's hand. He didn't want his friend to look so gloomy.

"No, I don't want to," Gemini said, making faces.

"Come on, man. You're really no fun. You always say no whenever I ask you to join me. You work every day and night. Look at yourself, such a waste of this pretty face. At least lose your virginity... still a virgin, so embarrassing," he said, almost scolding him.

"What's so embarrassing about being a virgin?" Gemini said, pouting.

"Come on, stand up," Phuwin said, pulling Gemini from the couch.

Gemini sighed, "Okay, okay, I'll go," he said, standing up.

He took a shower and borrowed some clothes from Phuwin. He was thankful to Phuwin for letting him stay at his house. He comes here often when his father comes home. His father is an alcoholic addict who would ask him for money. His mother has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

He needs money for her treatment, so he works his ass off doing different jobs to earn a living. But his father would always take away the money he saved, and if Gemini resisted, he would beat him.

So Gemini avoids going home when his father is around. His father doesn't really care about him and his mother. He used to beat Gemini and his mother. After some time, her mother divorced him, but even after that, he would come home, steal their money, and abuse them.

Gemini sighed heavily. He didn't want this life. Why did he have to go through this shit when people his age are chasing their dreams and enjoying every single day?

"You ready?" Phuwin asked as he entered the room. Gemini nodded. Phuwin put his hand on his chin and looked at Gemini from head to toe. Gemini looked at him, confused. "What happened? Do I look weird?"

"No, you look good. I'm sure you won't be a virgin anymore," Phuwin laughed.

"Can you stop making fun of my virginity?" Gemini said, rolling his eyes, annoyed.

"Let's go now," Phuwin said, dragging Gemini by the arm.

They both drove to the club in Phuwin's car.
When they entered the club, Gemini observed the whole club with his eyes.

"Is it a gay bar?" Gemini asked. Phuwin nodded.
"Why would you want to go to a straight one?" he asked. He knew about Gemini's sexuality well; he used to have a crush on his senior in high school, they even dated for a month. He looked at him.

"Are you bi?" he asked out of curiosity.
"Nah, bro. I'm gay. It's the perfect place," Gemini laughed. It's been a while since he went to a club; he doesn't even remember when was the last time he enjoyed this environment. They both went to the counter and sat on a stool.

"What do you want?" Phuwin asked, looking at Gemini.
"I don't know, you decide," Gemini said.

Phuwin sighed and turned towards the bartender. "Vodka, please."

"So...for how long are you going to avoid your father?" Phuwin asked.

"I don't know," Gemini sighed.

The bartender served them glass cups of vodka.
"Did you tell your mother?" Phuwin said, giving one glass cup to Gemini.

"No, she's already in the hospital. I don't want to worry her," Gemini said.

"Why don't you move to a new place?"

"I don't have money for that. Besides, he will still find out where I am. It's already good that he doesn't know about which hospital Mom is admitted to; otherwise, he will create a scene there too." Gemini sighed heavily.

Gemini turned around and looked at the people who were enjoying dancing, drinking happily, and laughing. Gemini couldn't even get one day like this. He looked back at the glass cup in front of him and chugged down cup after cup. He wanted just one day, just this once, where he doesn't have to think about money, his father, his mother, only him. Phuwin looked at him, shocked. He knew Gemini was stressed, but he needed to stop.

"Stop, Gemini. Enough," he said, holding his hand. Gemini stopped and looked at Phuwin, smiling. Seeing Gemini smile was rare, and Phuwin wanted to see him smile everday, but not like this - not with a drunken smile. Phuwin's phone rang.

"I'm going to take this call, and no more drinking, okay?" he said, standing up. He left to take the call.

Gemini looked at the dance floor, got up, and moved towards it. He stood there in the crowd, following everyone's movements and grooving his body along with the rock music that the DJ was playing. He danced like crazy, and the other people hooted as he twerked his hips. He was a little tipsy and didn't know how many minutes he had been dancing, but he didn't care.

He jumped along with everyone as the music changed, excited. But his foot landed on someone's behind him. He turned to look at the person, who looked a little older than him.

But woah, the person in front of him was so fucking handsome and hot. His jawline was so sharp and perfect, with a well-sculpted face, a sharp nose, and those lips. He smiled at him as the other person moved closer. Without knowing the person, Gemini wrapped his arms around his neck willingly, and the person wrapped his hands around Gemini's waist. Gemini shivered at his touch.

Gemini leaned in to rest his head on the other person's shoulder and inhaled deeply. His scent was so intoxicating, sweet and smelled red grapefruit.

"You smell so good, Phi...?" Gemini asked, wanting to know his name.
"Fourth," the person in front of him replied.

Their eyes locked. Fourth leaned in, and so did Gemini eagerly, as he knew what Fourth was doing and he himself didn't hesitate. Their lips met in a delicate dance, a mingling of warmth and shared breaths. Time suspended, leaving only the sweet taste of the moment.

The kiss was not so gentle, not so heated, but Gemini surely wanted more. He didn't know if it was himself or the alcohol, so he brushed his tongue against Fourth's lips. However, the other pulled apart.

Fourth asked him for his full name. Gemini didn't think much; he just wanted those lips again, so he told him his full name.

"Can I have you tonight, Gemini?" he said.

Gemini's heart raced; he felt butterflies in his chest. He doesn't mind losing his virginity to this man. It's okay, right, because he's not going to meet him again.

"I mean, how can I say no to a hot man like you, Phi Fourth?" Gemini said softly, leaning closer to Fourth's ear.

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