Chap 8

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In front of the mirror, Gemini stood there, staring at his reflection. Is he really getting married, and that's to the guy who he met just two weeks back? He has to live with him and share the same space. He's going to be his husband, but he doesn't like him, or does he? He took a deep breath.

"Are you alright, Gem?" he heard his mother ask as he looked over at her sitting in the wheelchair.

"I'm okay, Mae," Gemini said with a forced smile on his face. No, he was not okay. How could he be okay? He was about to get married. He was nervous as hell.

"My baby looks so handsome," she said with a big smile on her face as she patted Gemini's head.

"Thank you for fulfilling my wish."

Gemini didn't say anything; his eyes were becoming teary, and he rested his head on his mother's lap.

"Seriously, I can't believe my friend is getting married, and you kinda look pretty," Phuwin said.

Gemini looked up and glared at him. "What?" Phuwin mouthed at him.

"Brace yourself, I'll help Mae first, and then I'll come to bring you to your husband," Phuwin winked at him. "Let's go, Mae," he said, and Neeta nodded at him. Gemini saw as Phuwin and his mother left the room, with Phuwin pushing her wheelchair. He took a deep breath and sat on the sofa.

Fourth's dressing room:

"Yo, dude, relax," Pond said as he looked at Fourth, who was walking back and forth in the room.

"I just can't wait to see Gemini... I'm fucking getting married to him," Fourth said excitedly.

"Seriously, Fourth, do you really like him, or are you just marrying him to win against your father?" Pond paused and looked at Fourth's face before continuing, "And have you even talked to him about whatever is going on? What if he finds out from someone else and thinks that you're only marrying him to inherit your mother's company, as written in her will?"

Before Fourth could respond, the door behind him opened with a loud thud. Phuwin stood there with furrowed brows, flared nostrils, and clenched fists.

"What I just heard... is that true?" Phuwin asked as he approached Fourth.

"Phuwin, it's not like what you just heard-"

Phuwin grabbed Fourth by the collar and yelled, "Then WHAT?" Phuwin was about to punch Fourth when his wrist was grabbed by a muscular hand. He looked up and glared at the other person.

"Relax, babe," Pond said, tightening his grip.

"Who the hell are you?" Phuwin yelled as he struggled against Pond's grip on his wrist.

"Fourth, I'm gonna have a little chat with this little one," Pond dragged Phuwin towards the door.

"You asshole, let go of my hand!" Phuwin yelled again.

"Pond, go easy on him. He's Gemini's friend," Fourth said.

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon," Pond said as he closed the door shut.


Underneath the twinkling fairy lights and surrounded by the soft glow of candles, Fourth looked at Gemini, who was approaching him with a bouquet of peonies in his hands. His tailored suit was rose pink; Fourth chose it himself because he thought it would suit Gemini, and it really does suit him. He was looking so dashing, and his beauty was so eternal to Fourth. Fourth was so mesmerized. "So dreamy," he mumbled under his breath.

"Stop drooling, my bro," Pond whispered to Fourth. Fourth, coming to his senses, cleared his throat. Pond chuckled and left the altar.

Gemini was standing in front of Fourth. His cheeks were red. Fourth just loved this blush on his face.

"Nervous?" Fourth asked. Gemini just nodded shyly. Fourth's stomach flipped upside down, and he could feel the heat on his ears. Fucking fuck! Why he's so cute? I want to bite him. Calm the fuck down Fourth. He scolded himself in his mind.

The notary stepped forward and stated, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this man in matrimony."

"Fourth, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Fourth said.

The notary asked Gemini the same.

Gemini looked at his mother in the crowd, sitting with a big smile on her face. She's happy. Then he looked at Fourth, who was waiting for Gemini's response eagerly. He's looking handsome with his hair nearly parted and styled.

Gemini gulped the lump in his throat, closing his eyes and said, "I do."

Everyone clapped, and he opened his eyes to see a wide smile on Fourth's face.

After exchanging bows, it was time for the exchange of rings. The notary asked Fourth to place the ring on Gemini's finger. Fourth gently held Gemini's hand and placed the ring on his ring finger, which had their initials engraved on it. Gemini did the same.

The notary then asked them to join hands and declared, "By virtue of the authority vested in me under the law, I now pronounce you both as husbands."

"You may kiss him," the notary said to Fourth.

Gemini blinked; he had forgotten about that part. His heart rate increased rapidly, and a heat spread across his neck to his cheeks. Fourth stepped forward and leaned in to place a soft kiss on Gemini's lips. They sealed their union with a kiss, and the room erupted into applause.

After the ceremony ended, they had a little chat with the guests. Fourth introduced Gemini to some of his trusted employees and friends, and then they left the venue as they were both quite tired.

As they arrived, Fourth noticed someone in front of his door, and as expected, it was his father. He looked quite angry, which was obvious.

"Stay behind me," Fourth told Gemini.
"Who is he?" Gemini asked.
"My father."

They approached him, and David looked at both of them.

"Finally, I get to see you," David said.
"Why are you here?"
"Why? Can't I come to meet my son... and who is he?" David asked, looking at Gemini.

Fourth held Gemini's hand tightly and smiled at Gemini, then looked at his father. "Meet Gemini, my life partner and your son-in-law," he said.

"What kind of joke is that?" David laughed.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Fourth said and showed his hand to his father.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Nattawat? How can you take such a big step in your life without telling your father, and you married a man?" David yelled at Fourth, his eyes red with anger.

"So what?"

A hard slap landed on Fourth's face, causing his face to turn the other way. He touched his cheek from the inside with his tongue.

"You little piece of shit, just like your mother," David said and raised his hand to slap Fourth again, but Gemini held his hand. Gemini knew it wasn't his place to say anything, but he just couldn't stand there seeing Fourth getting slapped. "I think one is enough, sir," he said.

David yanked his hand away. "Keep your nose out of our business," he said through clenched teeth.

"You can't talk to him like that," Fourth said.

"Why not... huh... and you," David faced Gemini and continued, "why do you think he married you? Because he loves you? No, he married you because he wanted to inherit his mother's company and to win against me."

"Enough! Please...," Fourth yelled.

"You're going to regret this." David clenched his jaw tightly and furiously left.

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