Chap 11

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"Why were you acting like that, Fourth? Why were you being so possessive?" Gemini asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm not being possessive; I'm just protective," Fourth said defensively.

"Protective? It felt like you were marking your territory back there."

"I don't want to see you getting too close to someone from your past, Gemini. Call it what you want," Fourth said firmly.

"You can't just stake a claim on me like that. I'm not some object," Gemini said, frustrated.

"I'm not staking a claim. I just don't like the idea of someone else thinking they can waltz back into your life," Fourth said, moving closer to Gemini, his eyes intense. "You're mine, and people should know their boundaries," Fourth held Gemini's jaw tightly.

"Can you stop behaving like you own me?" Gemini freed his jaw from Fourth's grip.

"But I do own you, right... I'm your FUCKING HUSBAND, GEMINI," Fourth almost yelled, making Gemini flinch. He grabbed Gemini's wrist tightly and pulled him closer. "You're mine, Gemini," he growled.

"Fourth," Gemini looked into Fourth's dark eyes. He needs to calm him down. He put his hand on Fourth's cheek and gently caressed it with his thumb. "I'm already yours... relax," he said softly.

Fourth's grip on Gemini's wrist loosened, and his furrowed eyebrows relaxed. Gemini smiled, seeing the warmth returning to Fourth's eyes. He leaned in and claimed Fourth's lips in a sweet and tender kiss. Fourth's hand freed Gemini's wrist and moved to Gemini's waist, while Gemini's hand moved to Fourth's shoulders to his neck. When Gemini felt that Fourth was fully relaxed, he pulled away, with Fourth chasing his lips.

"I like your eyes," Gemini said softly, looking into Fourth's eyes.

"What.. what did you just call me?" Fourth asked.

"What... baby?" Gemini smirked.

"Fuck..." Fourth cursed under his breath and grabbed Gemini's neck, crashing his lips with Gemini's into a passionate kiss. Gemini encircled his arms around Fourth's neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Fourth's fingers tangled in Gemini's hair, savoring his lips. His other hand traveled to Gemini's ass as he squeezed his buttocks. Gemini moaned, and seizing the opportunity, Fourth slid his tongue into his mouth, inspecting every part of his mouth. Gemini whimpered and Fourth pressed his hard body against Gemini.

Gemini pushed Fourth with both of his hands, as he knew Fourth wasn't going to stop just here. Fourth looked at him and asked, "What happened?"

"Take a shower, you smell," Gemini said, removing Fourth's arm from his waist.

Fourth sniffed himself before speaking, "I don't," and wrapped his arms around Gemini's tiny waist. His arms perfectly fit his waist as if it was made for him to hold. "I want to kiss," Fourth said, leaning in again, but Gemini covered his mouth with his hand. Fourth licked his hand. Gemini immediately pulled his hand away.

"Fourth, that's dirty," Gemini said, whining. Fourth chuckled and pulled Gemini closer to him, leaving no space between them making Gemini gasp.

Fourth leaned in and whispered in Gemini's ear, "Not as dirty as what I'm thinking of doing with you," his voice deep and low, sending shivers down Gemini's spine as heat spread across his neck to his cheeks, and his dick twitched.

Gemini immediately pushed Fourth, biting his lip. He looked up at Fourth. "Pervert," he said, hiding how flustered he was.

Fourth smirked and eyed Gemini from head to toe. "You got excited just by hearing that?"

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