Chap 13

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Gemini sat on the bed with his knees close to his chest, his head buried in them. Fourth looked at him as he entered the room with a plate of food. He sighed and sat next to Gemini. He called him, and Gemini looked at him, his eyes swollen from all the crying, dried tears on his cheeks, and dark circles under his eyes. He looked so lifeless that Fourth's heart sank as he looked at the boy.

"I don't want to eat, Fourth. I'm not hungry, I told you," Gemini said as he saw the plate in Fourth's hands.

"Gem, you have not been eating properly. It's not good for you. I know you're not hungry, but you just can't starve yourself... open your mouth," Fourth held the spoon in front of Gemini's mouth. Gemini shook his head in a no and buried his face in his knees again. Fourth put the plate on the table beside and sighed. He knew Gemini was hurting. He wanted to help, but he just can't force him to eat.

"Get up, we're going somewhere," Fourth said, standing up.

"I don't want to go anywhere," Gemini mumbled.

"Gemini, I won't repeat myself. Get up, or I'll carry you."

Gemini didn't say anything. Fourth sighed and carried Gemini in a bridal style. Gemini gasped in surprise. "Fourth... what are you doing?" He held onto Fourth's shirt.

"Carrying you, what else?" Fourth said, giving a small smile to Gemini. Gemini didn't protest this time. He just buried his face in Fourth's chest. Fourth carried him and placed him in the car. Gemini let go of Fourth's shirt. Fourth sat in the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" Gemini asked, looking at his husband.

"To meet someone."

"Who are we meeting?"

"You will know."

Gemini didn't question further; he didn't really have the energy for that. The whole ride was silent, with Gemini staring out of the window and Fourth focusing on the road.

After a 20-minute ride, Fourth pulled over. Gemini looked around to see the memorial park. Gemini looked at Fourth, confused.

"Why are we here?" Gemini asked.

"I told you we are meeting someone."

"Here?" Gemini questioned, raising his left eyebrow. Fourth nodded before getting out of the car. He held Gemini's hand and led him towards a large tree beside which was a grave. They stood there for a few seconds before Fourth spoke.

"Mom, it's been a while since I visited you. I came with someone today. Meet Gemini, your son-in-law," Fourth chuckled. Gemini looked at Fourth and then at the name on the headstone. It was Fourth's mother's grave. He didn't say anything; he just stood there, staring at Fourth, who had a sorrowful smile on his face.

"I remember when my mother passed away," Fourth said. "I felt like my whole world had been shattered. I didn't know how I would go on without her. But I learned that grief is a journey, and that it's okay to feel the pain and sadness."

Fourth paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. He could see that Gemini was struggling to hold back his emotions.

"I know that you're angry and confused right now," Fourth paused and looked at Gemini, "and that's okay too. It's all part of the grieving process. But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, and I'll be here every step of the way."

Fourth reached out and took Gemini's hand, squeezing it tightly. Gemini found comfort in the warmth of Fourth's touch, and his words were sincere, so he closed the distance between them and hugged him.

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