Chap 25

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Gemini sat there at the party, his arms folded across his chest and one leg crossed over the other as he glared at Fourth, who was busy interacting with the guests like he hadn't just fucked him senseless for a straight 5 hours. He wanted to punch him so badly. Fourth should be paying attention to him, not the guests!

His anger boiled even more when he saw a woman approaching Fourth and starting a conversation with him. Gemini squinted his eyes at her. Why was she talking to his husband? He watched as the woman raised her hand and brushed something off Fourth's shirt. Gemini gritted his teeth. How dare she touch his husband, and why the hell was Fourth letting her? He wanted to break her hands.

Gemini snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Book, a soft smile playing on his lips. Book took a seat next to Gemini.

"Why are you glaring at Fourth like that?" Book asked.

Gemini sighed, trying to control his temper. "Look at him," he said, gesturing toward Fourth and the woman. "He's over there, letting some random woman touch him while he completely ignores me."

Book followed Gemini's gaze and then looked back at him. "Gem, it's just a party. He's probably just being polite. You know how he is with guests."

Gemini clenched his fists. "I don't care. He should be paying attention to me, not her."

Book chuckled softly. "You're really jealous, aren't you?"

Gemini's glare softened a bit, and he sighed. "I can't help it, P'Book. I don't know what is wrong with me. I love him, and it hurts to see him giving attention to someone else."

Book nodded understandingly. "I get it, Gem. But you need to trust him. Fourth loves you, and you know that."

Gemini glanced back at Fourth, who was now laughing at something the woman said. "I know you're right, but it's hard. Look how he's laughing with her. What's so funny? I want to punch both of them," Gemini pouted.

Book chuckled and shook his head. "Why don't you go over there and join the conversation? Show them both that you're not afraid to stake your claim."

Gemini nodded with determination. "You're right. I shouldn't just sit here and sulk."

"That's the spirit. Go get your man," Book smiled, encouraging him.

Taking a deep breath, Gemini stood up and walked over to Fourth and the woman. Fourth noticed him approaching and smiled. "Gemini, there you are. I was just talking about you."

Gemini forced a polite smile as he joined them. "Hello," he said to the woman, trying to keep his jealousy in check. But Fourth sensed it and wrapped an arm around Gemini's waist.

"Hello, you must be Gemini. Fourth has told me so much about you," the woman said, smiling back at him.

"Oh? And what has he told you?" Gemini said, raising an eyebrow.

Fourth chuckled. "I was just telling her how amazing you are, Gem. How lucky I am to have you."

The woman's smile widened. "It's clear he adores you. You have nothing to worry about."

Gemini felt a pang of guilt. "Thank you," he said, looking at the woman.

"It's nice to see a couple so in love," she said with a laugh and went towards other guests.

Fourth looked at Gemini and smirked. He reached out to pinch Gemini's cheek. "You are so adorable when you're jealous."

"Who said I am jealous? I am not jealous," Gemini said, looking away to avoid Fourth's eyes.

His Unforeseen Claim (fourthgemini)Where stories live. Discover now