Chap 5

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Fourth stood in front of the hospital room where Gemini's mother was hospitalized. He sighed heavily before opening the door.

The woman in hospital gown looked at Fourth and smiled faintly. "Khun Noo," she said faintly.
Fourth smiled and greeted her. He put the basket of fruits on the table and sat on the stool next to the bed.

"You remember me, Paa (aunty)," he said, smiling.

"Yes, Khun Noo, how can I forget you? I looked after you for 8 years as a caretaker," she said with a wide smile.

"Paa, don't call me Khun Noo anymore. You can simply call me Fourth."

"Here, I bought fruits for you," he said, handing her the basket.

"What was the need for this?" she said, accepting the basket. Fourth just smiled.

"How did you know I was here?" she asked Fourth.

"Oh... that... I knew from one of the old workers," he lied.

"Ohh... I usually see you on the news. You have grown into a handsome young man, no longer a cute little fourth," she said.

Fourth chuckled. "I'll still be cute fourth for you, paa," he said with a smile.
She laughed at his response.

"I am sorry for what happened with madam," she said, looking down in sorrow. Fourth looked at her with comforting eyes and said, "Thankyou, paa. You don't have to," he smiled at her softly.

"Fourth, I appreciate everything your mother has done for me. She helped me a lot when I was pregnant with my son. She even helped me divorce my toxic husband and assisted with my son's studies," she said.

Fourth smiled at her and nodded.

"My son's name is Gemini. He's also quite handsome," she chuckled.

"I agree," slipped through Fourth's mouth.

"Do you know him? I thought you guys had never met." she asked, confused.

"Uerr... yeah, we met recently, and I didn't know he was your son. I just found out this morning." Fourth said, scratching the nape of his neck.

"That's good, then."

"I worry about Gemini. He's been through a lot. I asked him to enjoy his life rather than looking after me, who will be gone soon," she said, her eyes becoming teary.

"Why are you saying it like that?" Fourth asked her.

"I only have a few months left," she said faintly.
As the words about Gemini's mother's limited time echoed in Fourth's ears, a heavy silence fell upon him. His chest tightened with empathy, feeling the gravity of the impending loss.

"There will be no one with Gemini," she said, and tears fell from her eyes.

Sorrow filled Fourth's eyes as he thought about the grief that would envelop Gemini. He took a deep breath before speaking up.

"Paa, I want to take care of Gemini," he said, looking into her eyes. She looked at him curiously.

"I want to marry him."

"You want to marry Gemini?" she asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes, Paa. You have taken care of me and my mother for a whole 16 years. I can at least do this for you, and I really like him. If it's alright with you, I want to be there for him always. Will you give me your permission?" he asked earnestly.

She smiled weakly with teary eyes and said, "You're a good person, Fourth. You have my blessing. Take care of my son. He's a gem."

"Thank you, Paa. I will take good care of him, I promise... but... I don't think Gemini likes me yet," Fourth said. She looked at Fourth, confused.

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