Chap 17

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"Is he here?" Pond asked.

"Yes, he is here..." Fourth moved aside so that Pond could enter the house.

Pond rushed inside the house, and Fourth followed. He stopped as soon as he saw Phuwin; he could see how much Phuwin had cried. Phuwin looked up at him, "P..Pond?" his voice trembling.

Gemini glared at him and snapped, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Pond was not really listening to Gemini; he was just staring at Phuwin, and the other was doing the same.

"Phuwin... can we talk?" Pond said softly.

Gemini stood in front of Phuwin and hissed, "No!"

Pond turned to Gemini. "Look, Gemini, I really need to talk to him... he just misunderstood something," Pond said. "Can you give us a moment alone?"

Fourth sighed and stepped towards Gemini, holding his wrist. "Let's go... let them talk."

Gemini looked at Fourth. "But... but he-"

"Gemini, let's go," Fourth said sternly.

Gemini glared at the pond before leaving with fourth to their room. As soon as Gemini and fourth were gone, Pond stepped closer to Phuwin.

"What do you want now?" Phuwin said, he was on the verge of crying again.

Pond sighed and sat beside him and gently took Phuwin's hands in his. "Phuwin, I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did... you left me all alone. You said you would come back. I waited for you the whole night, just to find out that you were with some other girl," Pond said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Phuwin, it's not what you think. Please, let me explain," Pond said with desperation in his eyes.

"Then what is it... tell me what is it... she kissed you on the cheeks," tears rolled down his cheeks non-stop.

Pond took a deep breath and replied, "She is my sister, Phuwin... My younger sister."

Phuwin's eyes widened in shock. "Sister?!" he exclaimed. Pond nodded.

"You misunderstood the whole situation," Pond continued. "She had a fight with her boyfriend, so she called me and said she wanted me to come over."

Phuwin looked at Pond in the eyes, searching to see if he was lying, but all he could see was sincerity and regret.

"I believe you," Phuwin said finally. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

Pond smiled gratefully. "Thank you," he said. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I should have known that you would misunderstand. I shouldn't have left without any call or text."

"It's okay," Phuwin said softly.

Phuwin's tears finally broke free again, and he threw himself into Pond's arms. Pond wrapped his arms around his waist. He stroked his back and whispered softly, "I love you, Phuwin. I always have."

"I... I love you too," Phuwin said, nuzzling his face into Pond's neck.

In the room:

"Fourth, why did you drag me up here?" Gemini asked.

"Gem... let them solve their misunderstanding. With us there, they wouldn't be able to do that. They need their private space," Fourth explained patiently.

"But your friend, he made Phuwin cry a lot. I've never seen him this broken before. I'm worried about him," Gemini said, his eyes filled with worry.

Fourth reached out to gently caress Gemini's cheek with his hand. "Trust me, Gemini. Pond has tried his hardest to change himself. I've never seen him try this hard for anyone else."

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