Chap 26

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When the timer finally went off, Gemini took a deep breath and looked at the test.

His eyes widened as he saw two lines—positive.

"Oh my God," he whispered, feeling a rush of emotions. Excitement, fear, joy; he felt all at once. He took a few moments to process the news.

He was pregnant. He was fucking pregnant. Panic engulfed him. He paced back and forth in the bathroom. He needed to tell Fourth.

Gemini was about to step out of the bathroom when his phone rang, stopping him in his tracks. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw the caller ID: Dew. Shit, he had forgotten to block Dew's number.

If Fourth found out, it would be the end of him. He cut the call and was about to block Dew's number when a few messages popped up on his mobile. They were also from Dew.

Gemini, please pick up the call.

I need to talk to you. Let's meet.

Gemini read the messages, wondering what Dew wanted to talk about. He quickly shook his head. The last time he went to meet Dew, Fourth was so angry. A few more messages came.

Please, Gemini... it's about Fourth.

Mr. David is planning something evil against him.

Gemini's eyes widened. Mr. David was planning something against Fourth? He couldn't let that happen.

What is it, Phi?

Meet me outside the house. I am here at the back door.

I'll be there.

With his heart pounding, Gemini slipped out of the bathroom and quietly made his way to the back door. He knew he had to be careful; if Fourth saw him, he would be dead. As he stepped outside, he saw Dew standing near the shadows of the garden.

"P'Dew," Gemini whispered urgently as he approached him. "What’s going on?"

Dew looked around nervously before speaking. "Gemini, thank you for coming. Mr. David has been plotting against Fourth. He wants to ruin his business and... and he has other plans."

Gemini's anxiety increased. "What other plans? Tell me everything."

Dew hesitated, then stepped closer. "It's not safe to talk here. Let's go somewhere more private."

Gemini frowned, "Where?"

In the party:

As the party continued, Fourth looked around, searching for Gemini. He left saying he needed to use the washroom, but it had been quite a while. Fourth saw Book talking with some guests and he approached him.

"P'Book," he called out.

Book turned to him. "Do you need something, Fourth?" he asked.

"No, Phi... I was just looking for Gemini. He hasn't come back from the washroom yet," Fourth said concerned.

Book looked at him, debating whether to tell him about the pregnancy test. The result should be known by now. Why wasn't he back yet?

"He... He was taking a pregnancy test," Book said in a low voice, so that no one else could overhear. "It shouldn't take this long, though."

Fourth's eyes widened with surprise and then narrowed with concern. "A pregnancy test? Why didn't he tell me?"

Book sighed. "He didn't know himself. I just went to the guestroom when he was in the washroom, and then he suddenly vomited."

"So I asked him the symptoms, and it resembled the one when a person is pregnant, so I gave him the pregnancy kit. Maybe there is a possibility that he's pregnant."

Fourth ran his hand through his hair. He never noticed this. He was too busy with his business these days.

"I think we should check on him," Book said, and Fourth nodded to this.

They quickly made their way to the bathroom, but it was empty. Fourth's worry deepened as he looked around. "He's not here. Where could he be?"

"I'll check in other rooms. Don't worry.. he must be here," Book said and left the room to go search for Gemini.

Fourth's eyes landed on the pregnancy test on the counter. He picked it up with trembling hands, his breath catching in his throat. He saw the two lines. His heart jumped in his chest. Gemini was pregnant. He was carrying their baby.

Fourth's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions—joy, fear, excitement, and overwhelming love. His eyes became teary. He's gonna be a dad. He had to find Gemini and make sure he was safe, especially now.

As he made his way out of the bathroom, he saw Force and Book stepping into the room. They looked at Fourth, concerned. They saw Fourth gripping the pregnancy test tightly in his hand.

"Gemini's pregnant," he said, his voice barely audible. "He's carrying our child."

Force and Book's eyes widened. They glanced at each other and both approached him. Book held Fourth's hands. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Phi... but did you find him?" Fourth wiped his tears away.

"I... checked the security cam and saw him leaving with Dew," Force said.

"With Dew?" Fourth clenched his jaw.

Fourth's phone buzzed. He pulled it out and saw a message from an unknown number.

If you want to see Gemini again, come to the abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. Alone.

A picture was also attached to the message. As he saw the picture of Gemini lying on the floor, his hands and legs tied together, Fourth's grip tightened on his phone, his blood boiling with anger and fear. "Gemini is kidnapped."

"What?" Force read the message, glancing at Fourth's phone.

"We need to call the police," Book said.

Fourth shook his head. "No, they said to come alone. If we involve the police, he might get hurt."

Force grabbed Fourth's arm, trying to steady him. "Then I'm coming with you."

"No, you can't. He said to come alone," Fourth said.

"Fourth, you can't go there alone. It's dangerous, and I have a doubt that it's not only dew that is involved in this... I think Mr. David is also involved," Force said.

Fourth clenched his fists. "If he is... I will not leave him. If he dares to lay a hand on Gemini, I will fucking kill him."

"If Dew and Mr. David both are involved, we need a plan," Book looked at Fourth.

"No, Phi... we can't take the risk... What if they-" Fourth was cut off by Force.

"Fourth, you need to understand the situation. It's not only Gemini and your child in danger, but if you go there alone, you will be too. And how do you know that they will let Gemini go if you go there alone?"

"Force is right, Fourth," Book said, placing a hand on Fourth's shoulder.

Fourth took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Alright, but I'll go alone inside. You can stay close by, and if anything goes wrong, you can call the police and get Gemini out of there no matter what," Fourth said.

Force and Book nodded. "Alright, but Fourth, please be careful," Force said.

"I'll go first," Fourth said and made his way out of the house.

He stepped inside his car and made his way towards the location, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Gemini, please be safe. I am coming," he prayed.

You guys are so impatient.

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