Chap 4

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Gemini woke up from the pain in his lower back. He opened his eyes, his vision blurry, as he sat up straight. He felt his head spinning and aching as he looked around and noticed it was not his room or Phuwin's room. He looked at his bare body. Slowly, the events of last night flashed in his mind.

"Shit," he cursed. He noticed his clothes at the side of the bed, grabbed them hurriedly, and put them on. He stood up and winced in pain. That person was really rough last night. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and saw 17 missed calls and messages from Phuwin.

Where are you, Gem?

God damn it, at least pick up your fucking phone.

You're making me worry now.

Please pick up your phone. You're not at the hospital either.

Are you at home? Did your father do something again?

You're not at home either... where the hell are you, Gem?

I'll fucking kill you if I find you.

Please be safe.

Bro, I fucked up really bad.

He replied as he sat back on the bed. The door opened, startling Gemini, causing his phone to slip from his hands and land on the bed beside him. He looked up to see Fourth standing in front of him, holding a glass of water. Fourth's hair was wet, and he had a towel around his neck, suggesting that he had just showered.  God, he looked so attractive.

"You're up," Fourth said, placing the glass on the side table.

Gemini just nodded, unable to make eye contact with him. Fourth smirked and moved closer to Gemini.

"What's wrong? Can't look at me in the eyes?" Fourth said as he placed a finger on Gemini's chin to raise his head, so that their eyes met. Their eyes locked, and Gemini couldn't help but stare into those eyes, which held a sense of warmth. Gemini gulped when he saw Fourth leaning towards his face.

"So, did you enjoy last night?" Fourth asked in a low tone, but damn, the voice was sexy.
Gemini flushed at the question and bit his lower lip in embarrassment. Fourth bent down so that his face was in front of gemini, who was sitting on the bed. "I'm sure you did." Fourth smirked.

Gemini's heart raced again as Fourth leaned towards him even more. Is he going to kiss me? Gemini gulped, his gaze fixated on Fourth's lips. "No, no, no. Don't come too close," he mumbled with his eyes shut. Sensing Gemini's nervousness, Fourth smirked, relishing in how flustered Gemini was.

"You're cute," Fourth said, backing away.
Gemini sighed in relief when Fourth moved away. Gemini's phone rang, and he quickly picked up.

"What the fuck, Gemini? Where the hell are you?" Phuwin yelled on the other side of the phone.

"I'll tell you everything, Phu. Can you pick me up? I'll send you the location."

"Okay, send it fast. I want to beat the shit out of you." With that, Phuwin ended the call.

"Who was that, your friend?" Fourth asked.

"Yes, I should be going then," Gemini said, standing up and groaned in pain. Fourth noticed that Gemini was uncomfortable.

"Let me help you," he said, wrapping his arm around Gemini's waist to support him in standing straight. "I can drop you off"

"Thank you, but I think I can go by myself," Gemini said, removing Fourth's hand from his waist.

"Wait," Fourth said, grabbing Gemini's wrist.
"I would like to get to know you better."

Gemini looked at him with confused eyes. Why does he want to know him better? What's the need? A one-night stand is all about one night, right?

"I don't think that's a good idea, Phi Fourth. It's just a one-night stand, nothing more," he said, removing Fourth's hand from his wrist.

"Let's not make things complicated"

"I'll get going," he said, moving towards the door, limping a little.

Fourth clenched in hands into a fist. Fourth pulled out his phone from his pocket as he saw Gemini leaving and dialed Force's number.
"Phi, I want every piece of information on Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak," he said and ended the call.

He smirked to himself and muttered, "We'll meet again soon.....princess."

At phuwin house:

Gemini sat on the sofa, and Phuwin stood in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest, squinting his eyes.

"What?" Gemini said, raising his left eyebrow.
"So, you're saying that the whole night you were with this guy named Fourth and got fucked by him?" Phuwin asked.

"The way you're saying it... but yes, I got fucked by him," Gemini shook his head.

"Shit, Gemini, you're really something. I thought you were an innocent guy," he said, sitting next to him. Gemini just gave him a side-eye, as if yesterday he wasn't teasing Gemini about his virginity.

"By the way, did you enjoy it? How big was he?" Phuwin asked excitedly. Gemini blushed at the question and bit his lip, looking down in embarrassment. He remembered how good Fourth was last night, making Gemini scream his name all night.

"Look at you blushing... so you really enjoyed it," Phuwin said, smirking at his friend who was red.

"Shut it before I'm accused of murdering you," Gemini said, annoyed.

Phuwin chuckled, pleased that he had successfully annoyed his friend, but his expression slowly changed to one of worry. Gemini noticed this change and asked, "What happened?"

"Gem, last night I went to the hospital and..." he paused.

"And what?" Gemini asked, worried.

"I met the doctor," Phuwin paused again.

"What did he say?" Gemini asked, a little scared. Phuwin didn't say anything. Now Phuwin was making Gemini restless.

"I asked you, what did he say, Phuwin?" he yelled at him.

"I-I think you should go and meet him."

At Fourth's office:

Fourth ran his fingers through his hair, tired and frustrated from reviewing the new ideas the marketing team leader had given him. Nothing impressed him.

"Come in," he said when he heard a knock on the door.

"Good morning, Master," Force said, bowing.

"Good morning, Phi Force," Fourth said. "What is it?" he asked.

"It's about Khun David"

"From our sources, we have learned that Mr. David has made a deal with Mr. James's daughter regarding your marriage to her. If you marry her, your half of the shares will become hers, as stated in your mother's will. Then, after 6 months of marriage, she will divorce you, but she will still retain the shares. She will transfer the shares in her name to Mr. David as per their agreement, resulting in him having a 40% share in the company, while you will only have 25% remaining. This will make him superior." Force answered and handed Fourth some papers.

Fourth glanced through the papers and frowned. "I knew he was up to something evil. This is too much," he muttered. He paused for a few seconds and then looked back at the force. "I asked you for something else as well."

"Oh, yes," Force replied, opening the file he was holding.

"Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak..... 21 years old. He graduated from high school and then worked various jobs. He did not pursue further studies due to his family's financial conditions."

"Gemini's father, Mr. Joss Sammit Titicharoenrak, used to work at a company that went bankrupt. Now, he is an alcoholic and gambles."

"His mother Neeta Chandana Titicharoenrak"

As Gemini's mother's name was mentioned, Fourth looked at force and raised his left eyebrow. Force nodded.

"No way" Fourth's eyes widened.
"She is admitted to Bangkok Specialized Cancer Hospital. She has a brain tumor."

Hearing that, Fourth's heart sank, and he stood up from the chair.
"Let's go visit her," he said to Force. Force nodded in reponse.

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