Chap 9

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After David left, Fourth sighed heavily. He turned to look at Gemini, who looked tense and somehow disappointed. Fourth opened the door and let Gemini enter first, then followed him. He needed to talk; he needed to clear things up.

"Gem... let's talk," he said, making Gemini turn around.

"About what?"

"About what my father said," he said, moving closer to him. But Gemini took a step back to maintain distance between them.

"I don't care whatever he said, it's between you and him," Gemini said, being impassive. He doesn't know why, but it hurts him when David said that Fourth doesn't love him and just used him. However, he didn't want to show, this marriage was just for the happiness of his mother.

"Gem...please," Fourth pleaded. Gemini stared at Fourth for a few seconds and then sat on the couch. Fourth sat beside him.

"Gem, I know I should have told you about this sooner... I'm really sorry."

"Fourth... was your father telling the truth?" Gemini asked, a little disappointment in his voice.

"Gem... it's not true, princess," Fourth said, turning towards Gemini.

"Then tell me the truth, Fourth... why were you so eager to marry me?" There was a hint of expectancy in gemini's eyes.

"Gem, my father always wanted the company my mother built. He did everything to make me resign, and now he was pulling another trick, asking me to marry some girl whom I don't even know," Fourth told him everything about his father's planning to steal the company from him.

"So, it's true that you married me to gain the company," Gemini said, trying not to be affected by the truth.

"No, Gem, no," Fourth moved closer to Gemini and held his hand, but Gemini yanked his hand away and stood up.

"Then, what is the reason? Fourth, tell me the reason why it has to be me. Was I the easy target? You lied to my mother that you liked me, and then I have to hear all this shit with whatever is going on in your life. Why am I included in it?" Gemini said, with his eyes filled with tears of anger.

"Gem, listen to me first," Fourth stood up and continued, "I married you because I really, really like you, Gemini. At first, I was just going to date you, but then I heard about Aunt Neeta. She was so worried about you, so I proposed to her about taking care of you. Trust me, Gemini. I just want to take care of you and be there for you. I just didn't want anybody else to take you away from me."

Gemini just stared at Fourth, trying to process what he had just said. His heart raced so loudly in his chest, but he just couldn't hold back the tears forming in his eyes. He felt relieved when Fourth said all those words to him. So, he let the tears fall from his eyes, covered his face with the palm of his hands, and sobbed.

"Gem... are you okay? Are you crying?" Fourth asked, worried. He took a step forward and hugged Gemini. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, princess," Fourth softly massaged Gemini's back to calm him down.

"You're an asshole," Gemini said, sobbing and wrapping his hands around Fourth's back. He buried his face in Fourth's neck, inhaling his scent.

"I know, i know,"

Gemini pulled apart and looked at Fourth with his pouted lips. He noticed that Fourth's cheek, where David slapped him, looked bruised.

"Can you bring me the first aid kit?" Gemini asked, wiping his tears.

"Why?...are you hurt somewhere?" Fourth asked, checking Gemini's arms. Gemini poked Fourth's cheek with his finger. "Ouch...Gem," Fourth flinched in pain.

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