Chap 14

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"You have a big mouth... you think you can win over me, huh?" David took a step forward, his eyes red with anger.

Before Gemini could say anything, David raised his hand and tightened his fingers around Gemini's throat, cutting off the air supply. Gemini thrashed and struggled against his grip. He fell back onto the couch, his hands desperately clawing at David's, trying to break free. A satisfied evil smirk spread across David's face.

"What the hell is happening here?" someone suddenly shouted from the doorway. David's grip loosened, and he let go of Gemini's throat. Gemini gasped for air, coughing and wheezing, his eyes filled with tears. A figure rushed towards him, kneeling beside him and rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe him.

"What did you do?" he demanded as he yelled.

"Just stay out of it. I don't know why Fourth associates with people like you. Influenced by you, he married a man," David said, fixing his suit.

Who is this person? Looks like they know each other, and David doesn't really like him. Gemini thought.

"Khun David, insulting and blaming us will not change the fact that your son likes men. And leaving that aside, do you even know that what you just did is physical assault?" that person said.

"I'm not interested in explaining someone else our personal matters," David picked up the bag from the table and left, not a single hint of guilt on his face.

Gemini was still shaken and struggling to catch his breath. The person poured water into the glass and gave it to Gemini, rubbing his back.

"Thank you," Gemini whispered, his voice hoarse and barely audible.

"Are you feeling better now? Should I call a doctor?" the person asked with concern in his voice.

"No, no, I'm fine now... um... by the way, who are you?" Gemini asked, meeting the other person's gaze.

"I'm Book."

Book, Book. Where did he hear that name before? Gemini thought.

"P'Book... are you P'Force's husband?" Gemini asked. Book nodded with a sweet smile.

After a few minutes, the door opened, and Fourth entered, carrying a cute little boy in his arms. This must be Force and Book's child Fourth was talking about that day. Force followed behind him, closing the door. Gemini immediately adjusted his shirt.

Fourth and Force both approached them. Force greeted Gemini, and Gemini greeted him back. Fourth greeted Book. Fourth put the boy down.

The boy was staring at Gemini, his head tilted a little as he stared at Gemini with his Bambi eyes. Gemini smiled at him.

"Uncle Fourth... did you find a new friend?" the boy asked, turning his head towards Fourth.

Fourth chuckled. "No, Nick... this uncle is not my friend. He's my husband."

"What's a husband?" Nick asked, blinking his eyes in confusion.

Fourth let out a laugh at the cute boy's question. "It means I'm married to him," he explained.

Nick looked at Gemini, who gave him a warm smile and ruffled his hair gently. "Hello, Nick," Gemini said softly. Nick blushed at Gemini's touch, feeling a strange warmth spread through him.

"It's nice to meet you," Nick said shyly.

"It's nice to meet you too, Nick," Gemini replied.

Gemini's gaze met Fourth, who was now staring at Gemini's neck. He quickly took a step forward and tilted Gemini's face to get a better view.

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