Chap 22

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"You are breathtaking, princess."

Fourth grabbed Gemini's thighs and put his legs on his shoulders, positioning himself at Gemini's entrance.

"And you are so fucking mine," Fourth growled and thrust inside Gemini, making a loud yelp escape from Gemini's mouth as he quickly grabbed onto Fourth's shoulders.

"Fourth, it hurts," Gemini cried.

Fourth leaned and planted Gemini's face with soft kisses. "Relax, it's gonna be okay."

Fourth pulled out and thrust again, grunting, "Damn, you are so tight."

A tear escaped Gemini's eyes. Fourth kissed his eyes. "It's okay, princess... my tongue did enough work for lubrication."

He pulled all the way out again before going back inside. "You feel so tight around me." He picked up the pace, moving his hips back and forth as Gemini's body bounced up and down from his thrusts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!..." a series of moans escaped Gemini's mouth as Fourth targeted his prostate.

"You sound so wet and hot... those moans of yours, fuck, I love those sounds," Fourth leaned and whispered in his ear, nibbling on it. His chest against Gemini's, touching.

"Right.... there..." Gemini cried out desperately.

"Where.... here," Fourth hit his prostate again with a deep thrust. Gemini cried out loud for more, his nails digging into Fourth's broad shoulders. Fourth suddenly pulled out, making Gemini whine at the loss of touch and pleasure.

"All fours, princess. Now," Fourth commanded, to which Gemini obeyed and got on his knees and hands.

"Hold onto the headrest of the bed, princess. You are not going to handle it that easily," Fourth said, and Gemini did as told, holding onto the headrest.

Fourth got behind Gemini and slipped his hard and throbbing cock inside his tight little hole, making his love gasp. He loved how Gemini's walls clenched around him, how warm he was. He started thrusting again, this time hard and fast. He was panting, and Gemini was just moaning, and he loved how much he could make Gemini moan.

Gemini's legs trembled with pleasure. "Fourth, I am... so close."

"Oh yeah? Then cum, princess.... cum for me," Fourth said and grabbed Gemini's length and started jerking him.

This pleasure was too much for Gemini. His body tensed up and with a loud moan, he came all over Fourth's hand and the mattress.

But Fourth wasn't done yet; he kept on slamming inside Gemini until he reached his peak and with a last hard thrust, he came inside Gemini, painting his walls with his seeds. He pulled out of Gemini, catching his breath. Gemini collapsed down on the bed, panting heavily, and Fourth followed. They both lay there catching their breath, coming down from the sizzling pleasure.

Fourth wrapped an arm around Gemini's waist, pulling him closer. He gently caressed his lower lip. Gemini stared at him.

"You are incredible and mine," Fourth said softly.

"And... that... was also incredible, and you were too," Gemini said, blushing. Fourth chuckled at his flustered state.

"You are so cute, Gemini... you know, when I first saw you, I was already head over heels for you," Fourth said, caressing his cheek.

Gemini's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean the first time when we met in that nightclub?"

"Yes, since then I wanted to make you mine. I wanted all of you for myself," Fourth said, his voice laced with possessiveness.

Gemini blinked, still processing Fourth's words. The nightclub felt like ages ago, yet the memory of their first encounter was vivid in his mind. The music, the lights, and the electricity between them—it had all been so intense.

"I remember," Gemini said softly, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "You were so confident, so sure of yourself. I didn't know what to think."

Fourth smiled, his hand moving from Gemini's cheek to his jaw, gently tilting his face upwards. "And now?" he asked, his eyes locking onto Gemini's. "What do you think now?"

Gemini's heart raced. The possessiveness in Fourth's voice was both thrilling and terrifying. He had always been wary of letting anyone get too close, but with Fourth, it was different. There was a pull, an irresponsible attraction that he couldn't ignore.

"Now..." Gemini began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Now I think I know that I did a good job letting you enter my life."

Fourth let out a chuckle and leaned to claim his love's lips again in a soft and tender kiss, and after what felt like an eternity, they finally pulled apart. Fourth rested his forehead on Gemini's and continued caressing his cheek. Exhaustion from the intense night started taking over Gemini, and his eyes became drowsy.

Fourth noticed and said, "Gem, you need to clean up first."

"Fourth... I'm lazy and... tired," he whined out. Fourth shook his head.

"Stay here... I'll prepare a warm bath for you," Fourth said and stood up. He took a shower first, then prepared a bathtub of warm water for Gemini.

Gemini watched as Fourth disappeared into the bathroom; he could hear the sound of running water. A small soft smile tugged on his lips. Fourth’s attentiveness was something he was still getting used to. How can he be so active after this intense and hot sex? Gemini thought, and his face flushed red as he thought about what they did a few minutes ago.

A few minutes later, Fourth returned, his hair damp from his own shower. He was still shirtless, showing off his toned muscles, grey sweatpants hanging on his waist, and a towel around his neck. He approached the bed and gently scooped Gemini up into his arms. Gemini wrapped his arms around Fourth’s neck, nestling his head against Fourth’s shoulder.

"You're spoiling me," Gemini murmured, his voice muffled by Fourth’s skin.

Fourth chuckled softly. "You deserve it, princess," he replied, carrying Gemini to the bathroom. The steam from the hot water filled the space, creating a soothing, warm atmosphere.

Carefully, Fourth lowered Gemini into the bathtub. The warm water enveloped Gemini, easing the tension from his muscles and washing away the exhaustion of the night. He sighed, sinking deeper into the tub.

Fourth knelt beside the bathtub, his hand gently running through Gemini's hair. "How does that feel?" he asked softly.

"Perfect," Gemini said, his eyes closing as he relaxed into the warmth. "Thank you, Fourth."

Fourth smiled, reaching for a washcloth and dipping it into the water. He began to gently wash Gemini, his movements tender and caring. "Just relax, Gem. Let me take care of you."

Gemini felt a wave of emotion surge through him. This level of intimacy and care was something he had never experienced before. It made him feel vulnerable yet cherished. He opened his eyes and looked at Fourth, who was completely focused on him, every touch filled with affection.

"Fourth," Gemini said softly, his voice trembling slightly. "Why are you so good to me?"

Fourth paused, his eyes meeting Gemini's with a serious, intense gaze. "Because you mean everything to me, Gemini. I want to be the one who makes you feel safe, loved, and cherished. You deserve that and so much more."

Tears pricked at the corners of Gemini's eyes, but he blinked them away, smiling warmly at Fourth. "You're incredible," he whispered.

Fourth leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Gemini's forehead. "And you, Gem, are worth every bit of effort."

As Gemini relaxed into the bath, Fourth continued to wash him with care. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the gentle splashing of water and the occasional murmur of affectionate words by Fourth. Gemini felt completely at ease, knowing that he was with someone who truly cared for him.

I would like to get your reviews on this chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Anyway did you watch the first episode of mlmu oh my god! It was so good!

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