Chap 21

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"Are you ready, princess?" Fourth smirked. "To dive into heaven?"

Gemini's face flushed red instantly, and his gaze met Fourth's intense one. Fourth leaned closer to Gemini's face, his breath fanned on Gemini's nose.

"Tell me, Gem," Fourth said barely above a whisper. Gemini nodded shyly.

Fourth grinned and leaned, pressing his lips onto Gemini's. Gemini closed his eyes, feeling his lips move sensually along Fourth's. The kiss was slow, tender, full of love. Fourth wasn't rough like the last time they did it; when they spent the night for the first time, he was being patient and matching Gemini's pace. Fourth brushed his tongue on Gemini's lips, and Gemini let Fourth have the permission to slide his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues danced romantically together in a slow dance.

The kiss grew more passionate with time. Fourth pressed his body on top of Gemini's, not letting any air have a chance to pass between them. Fourth slowly let go of Gemini's lips and leaned his forehead on Gemini's; both of them had their eyes closed. They both breathed heavily, catching their breath. Fourth opened his eyes and looked at the love of his life; no, he was his life.

He reached out and caressed Gemini's cheek with his thumb. Gemini opened his eyes and stared into Fourth's eyes. Fourth smiled and pinched his cheeks.

"What are you staring at?" Fourth asked.

Gemini blinked, feeling the warmth of Fourth's fingers against his cheek. He couldn't help but smile back, the corners of his lips twitching upwards.

"You," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Fourth's smile widened, and he leaned in closer, his breath tickling Gemini's ear.

"And what do you see?" he murmured, his voice husky and low.

Gemini's heart pounded in his chest, and he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. He met Fourth's gaze, his eyes searching for answers.

"I see... I see..." he stammered, unable to find the words to express what he was feeling.

Fourth chuckled softly. "You see what you want to see," he said, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. He leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against Gemini's ear.

"And what do you want to see?" he whispered, his breath sending shivers down Gemini's spine. Gemini smacked Fourth's chest.

"Ow... what was that?" Fourth winced and rubbed his chest, acting as if he was hurt.

"Stop teasing me" Gemini said.

"Alright, alright," Fourth chuckled. "I won't tease you anymore... for now."

He winked, a playful glint in his eyes. Gemini couldn't help but smile, a feeling of warmth spreading through him.

"So," Fourth continued, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "What do you see?"

Gemini hesitated, his cheeks flushing again. He didn't want to say anything he might regret, but he also didn't want to lie.

Fourth leaned in closer, his breath warm against Gemini's ear. "What do you see, Gemini?" he whispered, his voice husky.

Gemini's heart pounded even faster. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I see..." he whispered back, finally finding the words. "I see someone who makes me feel alive."

Fourth's smile widened. He leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against Gemini's.

"And what do you feel?" Fourth asked barely above a whisper.

Gemini felt a shiver run down his spine. "I feel..." he whispered, his voice trembling. "I feel like I could fly."

And with that, Fourth closed the distance between them, his lips meeting Gemini's in a passionate kiss full of desire. The urge to be held between each other's arms grew, and the heat between them intensified.

Fourth's hands roamed down to the hem of Gemini's t-shirt, and he pulled it up over his head. Gemini raised his hand to help him. Fourth slowly trailed his lips down Gemini's lips, leaving wet kisses on his jaw, down to his neck. He sucked and bit his neck. Gemini moaned. Fourth kissed down his ears and bit there, leaving a mark. His teeth sunk into Gemini's soft skin, and Gemini winced. He knew all of Gemini's sweet spots from that night.

Gemini reached out to unbutton Fourth's shirt, making Fourth smile against his skin. Fourth continued to kiss and leave marks on Gemini's neck and collarbone. Gemini took off Fourth's shirt and traced his hands on Fourth's toned muscles. He pressed his fingers on Fourth's abs, making Fourth groan.

Fourth kissed down on Gemini's chest and took his nipples between his teeth, pulling on them and biting the soft buds.

"Ah...fourth," Gemini whimpered. Fourth smirked and moved to his other nipple, giving the same attention to it. He sucked on it, making Gemini arch his back in pleasure.

Fourth's lips left wet kisses on Gemini's stomach, and within a split second, he took his pants and underwear off, leaving Gemini fully naked. He looked up to meet Gemini's eyes. He slowly moved up and looked down at Gemini's body, full of hickeys that he left. He looked at Gemini's flustered state and smiled.

"Stop staring," Gemini said.

Fourth chuckled and leaned down, inches away from his face. "I can't help it, you are so dreamy and gorgeous," he said in a deep, husky voice, sending shivers down Gemini's spine. "I will worship you, protect you, and love you. You are beautiful, and you are mine, only mine."

Gemini stared at him, unable to form words, so he leaned in and claimed Fourth's lips, wrapping his arms around his neck. Fourth pressed his body onto Gemini. Fourth sucked on Gemini's tongue and lips. He bit on Gemini's lower lip, making it to swell. The world around them faded, and the whole room filled with the sounds of wet kisses.

Fourth pulled away from the kiss, and both of them caught their breath and panted. Fourth turned Gemini over so that he lay on his stomach. He kissed Gemini's neck and shoulders, biting all over his skin, leaving possessive marks. Gemini's moans grew louder and louder. Fourth licked his ear and neck. He took off his pants and underwear, revealing his hard and excited cock. He pressed his hips against Gemini's ass. Gemini moaned.

Fourth held his chin tightly and tilted his head to kiss him hard, showing his dominance, and his other hand went to Gemini's cock, curling around it as he pumped it up and down. Gemini moaned, and he couldn't keep up with the kiss; it got sloppier and sloppier. Fourth parted Gemini's legs with one of his knees and slapped his ass cheeks. Gemini gasped, and Fourth slapped his ass cheeks again.

"Fourth," Gemini moaned loudly.

Fourth moved his hand between his ass cheeks towards his entrance and pressed his thumb on it. "Yes, princess... What is it?"

Gemini moaned, "Fourth... ah..."

"Moan, princess... moan my name, I love it... I so fucking love it," Fourth growled as his lips traveled down to his back and then to his ass. He kissed and sucked on the soft skin. He grabbed both of Gemini's thighs and raised them up so that his ass and hole were fully displayed for him. Fourth parted his legs, kissed his hole, and licked it with his tongue. Soft moans escaped Gemini's mouth when Fourth pushed his tongue inside him and started to eat him out.

Gemini's grip on the mattress tightened, and he hid his face in the pillow. "Ah! Fourth... don't stop," he let out gasps and moans as Fourth continued to eat him out and dug his tongue deeper inside him.

Fourth gave his hole a few licks and then turned Gemini around again so that now he lay on his back.

"You are breathtaking, princess."

Writing smut is... so ugh.... anyways i will continue this in the next chapter

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