Chap 23

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It was early in the morning, and Gemini was humming in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for his husband. He loved cooking for Fourth. As Fourth pampers him all the time, he wants to at least repay him by feeding him with delicious and mouth-watering food.

But for the past few days, he has been craving Fourth's attention a lot. He is also having very bad mood swings. What's wrong with his hormones? He's been feeling nauseous too. Gemini shook his head to push away the thoughts.

After preparing breakfast for a while, he looked at the clock; it was already 8, and Fourth hadn't woken up yet. Gemini frowned.

"He's getting lazy these days. I know he's exhausted from all the office work, but he should at least think about me and how I wake up early daily to prepare food for him. I'll teach him a lesson today. What does he think of himself? Does he not care about me anymore?" Gemini talked to himself.

"Fourth!" Gemini called out, climbing the stairs and went to the shared bedroom. He opened the door and saw Fourth snoring and laying on his stomach, still deep in sleep. His legs and arms were spread out like he owns the bed fully.

"Hey, Fourth!" Gemini pulled the comforter away from Fourth's body.

Fourth slowly opened his eyes, his vision still blurry, and he saw Gemini standing there with his hands on his hips and a frown on his eyebrows. He looked like an angry little kitten. Fourth smiled faintly still sleepy.

"Get up!" Gemini said firmly.

"15 more minutes," Fourth muttered.

"No! It's already eight in the morning. Get up now," Gemini said as he held Fourth's arm and tried to pull him up, but this creature was too strong.

Fourth chuckled. "You know that's not gonna work, right?"

"Shut the fuck up and get up, you monster," Gemini said as he kept pulling Fourth up.

Gemini gasped when Fourth suddenly pulled him down onto the bed, turning him over and getting on top of him, pinning his wrists to the mattress. Gemini's eyes widened as he found himself pinned beneath Fourth, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What's with your language, huh? I told you not to use this kind of language in front of me. Or do you want to be punished?" Fourth asked.

"Fourth, let me go," Gemini said. He tried to keep his tone firm, but he couldn't deny the excitement that shivered in his body.

Fourth leaned in closer, his breath warm against Gemini's ear. "Not until you learn to mind your language," he murmured, his voice low and teasing. "Or maybe you like being in this position? Oh you really do." Fourth smirked.

Gemini's face flushed with embarrassment. He tried to wriggle free, but Fourth's grip was firm. "Fine, I'm sorry. I'll watch my language. Just let me go."

Fourth's eyes softened slightly, but the mischievous smile remained. "That's better." He released Gemini's wrists.

Gemini took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. "But you really need to get up."

Fourth smirked and finally rolled off of Gemini, sitting up on the edge of the bed, but not before leaving a soft kiss on Gemini's forehead. He stretched his arms above his head. "Alright, alright. I'm up. Happy now?"

Gemini sat up too. "Yes, very happy now. Let's go, I made breakfast."

Fourth sttod and offered a hand to Gemini, helping him up from the bed.

"Wait here I'll quickly brush my teeth, okay?" Fourth kissed Gemini's cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

After sometime he appeared. "Lead the way, boss," he said with a grin, to which Gemini rolled his eyes.

Gemini and Fourth made their way to the kitchen. Gemini looked at the omelet and bacon and sighed. "It's cold now, see? I told you to get up early, Fourth," Gemini whined.

Fourth leaned against the counter and chuckled. "Aww... is my cute little princess mad at his husband?" Fourth said with a fake pout on his lips.

Gemini rolled his eyes at Fourth. "You're impossible," he muttered, opening the fridge to see what he could do for breakfast.

Fourth moved closer, wrapping his arms around Gemini's waist from behind and resting his chin on Gemini's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Gem," he said softly. "Let me make it up to you."

Gemini sighed, and his body automatically leaned into Fourth's embrace. "Fine, but you're making the coffee."

"Deal," Fourth replied, pressing a quick kiss to Gemini's cheek before moving to the coffee machine.

While Fourth started brewing a fresh pot of coffee, Gemini reheated the omelet and bacon, adding a bit of cheese to make it more appealing.

"How about we make some toast too?" he suggested, grabbing the bread.

"Good idea," Gemini smiled, popping a few slices into the toaster.

Once everything was ready, they sat down at the table. Fourth poured them both a cup of coffee, handing one to Gemini with a smile. "Here for my beautiful and gorgeous princess."

"Thank you, my hot and handsome husband," Gemini said, rolling his eyes. Fourth chuckled.

They dug into their breakfast, the reheated food tasting surprisingly good.

"This is actually really good," Fourth said between bites. "I think the extra cheese was a nice touch."

Gemini smiled, feeling a warm sense of satisfaction. "Glad you like it. Maybe next time you'll listen when I tell you to get up."

Fourth chuckled, reaching across the table to squeeze Gemini's hand. "I promise. No more sleeping in."

Suddenly, Fourth's phone buzzed with a notification. Gemini glanced at the screen and frowned when he saw the ID named "love"? Why would Fourth save someone's number as "love"? Fourth typed back and put the phone aside.

"Who was it?" Gemini asked.

"Just some business," Fourth said.

Why was his answer so dry? What if he's hiding something? He's definitely lying. Liar. Gemini glared at him and stood up. Fourth looked at him, confused, and himself stood up from his chair.

"Just business? Are you sure, Fourth?" Gemini asked.

Fourth noticed the shift in Gemini's tone and expression. His brows furrowed in confusion. "Yeah, just business," he repeated, trying to keep his voice calm. "Why do you ask?"

Gemini crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at Fourth. "Don't lie to me, Fourth. I saw the name on your phone. Why would you save a business contact as 'Love'?"

Fourth's eyes widened slightly as he realized what had made Gemini so angry. He quickly moved towards Gemini, reaching out to take his hands. "Gem, it's not what you think."

"Stay away from me," Gemini said, pulling his hands back and stepping away from Fourth.

"Gemini, don't be like this, princess," Fourth said, taking a step towards Gemini.

"Are you hiding something from me? Is that why you are usually out of the house and come home late? Are you meeting someone behind my back?" Gemini said as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Gemini, what are you saying?" Fourth looked at him with concern and raised his hand to wipe away Gemini's tears.

"Don't touch me!" Gemini yelled, making Fourth's hand stop midway. Fourth let his hand drop to his side.

"Are you cheating on me? Do you not love me anymore?" Gemini asked as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"What?" Fourth asked, his eyes going wide at Gemini's accusation.


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