Chap 19

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It was a tiring day for Fourth; it was already late at night. He was excited to see Gemini again; he felt bad for leaving him alone in the morning. He quickly parked the car in the garage, unlocked the house door, and entered the house.

"Gemini?" Fourth called for Gemini as soon as he entered the house. When he didn't get any reply, he went upstairs to the room. "Princess?" He called for Gemini again but still no answer. He checked every corner of the house but found no sign of Gemini. He tried calling his number, but Gemini didn't pick up. Now he was getting anxious.

Where could Gemini be? It was already 8 in the evening. He called Phuwin's number; maybe he was with him. Phuwin picked up the call.

"Hello, is Gemini with you?" Fourth asked.

"No, he's not. Why? What happened?" Phuwin replied.

"I can't find him. He's not at home... and he is not even picking up my calls. I thought maybe he was with you," Fourth explained.

"No, he's not with me... are you sure you have checked everywhere?" Phuwin asked.

"Yes, I have," Fourth confirmed.

"Okay, let me try calling him..." Phuwin said, his voice reassuring.

"Alright..." Fourth said and cut the call.

He waited for another fifteen minutes and still no news of Gemini. Now he was getting worried. He loosened his tie from his neck and took off his blazer, throwing it on the couch. He quickly picked up the car keys and made his way down the stairs, and just then a message popped up on his mobile. He checked his mobile and saw his father had sent him a picture of Gemini and Dew sitting together in a park. Seeing them together, his hands clenched in fury, his heart pounded with anger.

He looked at the picture carefully. They were sitting close and laughing. Anger surged through him, and red engulfed his eyes. Fourth ran his fingers through his hair. His jealousy and possessiveness came to the surface. Just then, he heard the door opening, and Gemini entered the house. He looked at Fourth and immediately got the feeling that Fourth was not in a great mood.

"Fourth, you are back?" Gemini asked.

"What time is it, Gemini?" Fourth asked, ignoring Gemini's question.

"Uh... Fourth, I wa-"

"I. Said. What. Time. Is. It. Gemini," Fourth cut him off, his voice a low growl. Gemini gulped; he knew it was better to just do what Fourth told him to do. He didn't want to anger him more.

"It's 9 pm," Gemini replied.

"And where the hell were you?" Fourth asked, his eyes dangerous.

"I... I was just catching up with P'dew. Sorry, I lost track of time," Gemini said nervously. He was scared; he knew Fourth was going to get angrier hearing Dew's name.

Fourth took a step closer to Gemini, and Gemini's feet automatically moved back.

"Why?" Fourth asked, his eyes intimidating as he looked into Gemini's. "Why, Gemini? What were you thinking?"

"It... it was just a friendly catch-up," Gemini replied.

"A friendly meeting, you say, huh?" Fourth took another step forward, making Gemini gulp. "This late at night?" He grabbed Gemini's wrist and pulled him closer. "You know how I feel about him, yet you went to meet him. Why?"

"Fourth, he's just a friend," Gemini said defensively.

Fourth scoffed, "Oh... now he is your friend, huh? He's not your friend, Gemini; he is your ex." His grip tightened around Gemini's wrist. "Tell me, Gemini, is that all he is? Just a friend?"

Gemini frowned. "You don't get to control my friendships, Fourth. You're being way too possessive."

"I won't stand by while you hang out with someone who used to be more than just a friend." Fourth leaned in, his anger fueled even more. He was trying his best to control himself, but he was failing. "I can't stand seeing you like that with him. You're mine, Gemini."

Gemini pushed Fourth away, causing him to stumble on his feet. "I'm not anyone's property, Fourth. You can't control who I can meet and whom I can't." He didn't like it when Fourth tried to control his life.

Fourth glared at Gemini; this was his last straw. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Gemini by his wrist, pulling him closer to him. "How dare you push me away... are you forgetting to whom you belong?" His voice trembled with rage, and his grip was so tight that Gemini winced in pain.

Gemini struggled against his grip. "Fourth, let go of me! You are hurting me!"

"I said, did you forget TO WHOM YOU BELONG?" Fourth shouted, making Gemini flinch.

"You know what... today I will make you realize to whom you belong," Fourth hissed.

"W-what?" Gemini stammered.

Fourth dragged Gemini upstairs. Gemini struggled to get free from Fourth's grip but failed. "Fourth, please... let go," Gemini was on the verge of tears. His mind raced, and his heart pounded hard in his chest. Fourth's entire demeanor had changed, and now Gemini was scared.

Fourth pushed Gemini inside the room and locked the door behind him. He turned around and stepped towards Gemini. Gemini took steps back.

"Don't you dare take another step back," Fourth said aloud, making Gemini's feet come to a halt. Something about this Fourth was so different; intimidating and hot. Fourth stepped closer to Gemini and took off his tie.

"Hands in the front," he demanded.

"W-what?" Gemini stammered.

"I. Said. Hands. In. The. Front. Gemini."

Gemini gulped and put his hands in front of Fourth. Fourth grabbed both of his hands and tied them together with his tie.

"What are you doing, Fourth?" Gemini asked as he saw Fourth tying his hands. This isn't going a good way.

"Teaching you a lesson," Fourth finished tying his hands and looked up into Gemini's eyes.

"Fourth... don't be like that, please," Gemini pleaded. Fourth cupped Gemini's cheeks tightly.

"Like what? Like making you realize to whom do you belong to? You know what, Gemini, after today you will be damn sure for who owns you."

"You think I'll let this go after you go to meet that fucker behind my back? You think you can do whatever you want and I will just let you? I warned you before too, right... I don't like that guy, but you, my little princess, you are stubborn as hell."

"Why, huh? Do you still have feelings for him? Does he still hold a special place in your heart? Because if he does, then he isn't going to survive any longer," Fourth said, and his grip became tight on Gemini's face. Gemini's eyes widened, and he groaned in pain.

Fourth let go of his face and stepped back a little. Gemini took a breath and said, "Fourth, please, I don't like him. He called me and said he wanted to meet m-"

"Shut it!" Fourth shouted, cutting Gemini off. Fourth went back to the bed and sat on the edge, opening his legs wide. "Come here," he ordered.

Gemini was scared, and his heart was beating like crazy, as if it could just explode anytime. He didn't want to add fuel to the fire by disobeying Fourth, so he slowly made his way towards Fourth and stood in front of him.

"On your knees," Fourth said.

Gemini's eyes widened as it hit him what Fourth was trying to do. "Fourth, plea-"

"I. Said. On. Your. Knees. Princess."


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