Chap 7

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Gemini served the customer their order and gave them a polite business smile. The café Gemini is working at is quite famous in that area. The light ambiance of the café was quite relaxing, not to mention the handsome workers.


When are you going to send me the location? I've been waiting for hours now.

Find me if you can, Khun Fourth.

Gemini was smiling widely at his phone; he didn't even notice Phuwin standing in front of him.
"Look at you, smiling widely. I'm afraid your lips might tear apart," Phuwin said, getting Gemini's attention.

"I'm not smiling... and what are you doing here?" Gemini asked, taking off the apron he was wearing.

"Well, I'm here to meet your soon-to-be husband. Wanna see if he looks as handsome as in those magazines?" Phuwin said with a wink. Gemini scoffed at him.

"Gemini, is that you?"

Gemini heard a familiar voice. He looked at the person-it was Dew, his ex who had dumped him when Gemini needed him the most, suddenly disappearing. They had dated, but the relationship only lasted a month. Seeing him after such a long time, a wave of conflicting emotions surged within Gemini.

The wound that had once been healing reopened as memories of their breakup flooded back, carrying the weight of unresolved emotions. The pain of being dumped lingered beneath the surface.

Phuwin felt the heavy silence between them. He didn't really like Dew. He made Gemini cry day and night. He knew Dew was Gemini's first love, and first love always holds a special place in your heart, no matter how much of a jerk that person is.

"I think you guys should have a chat," Phuwin said.

Dew and Gemini sat at the table. Gemini was just sitting there silently, with so many questions to ask.

"How are you doing, Gemini?" Dew asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm good.... Phi," Gemini said. Silence fell upon them once again. Gemini was becoming impatient. He wanted answers.

"Why did you suddenly disappear, Phi?" Gemini asked, looking straight into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Gemini," Dew paused. "My parents... they got divorced. They fought over my custody, and my mom got it. After that, she got a job out of town, so we moved out."

Gemini was shocked; he never knew Dew was facing family problems. Well, Dew didn't share it with him.

"I... I know, Gemini, I hurt you. I should have told you the reason, but I'm really sorry."

"Phi... you should have shared your problem with me. What kind of relationship is that where you have to hide things from your partner? My parents got divorced too, and I know what it feels like. Why did you lie, Phi? You said you were going on vacation with your family, and then you didn't respond to my messages and calls." Gemini sighed.

"I'm sorry, Gemini. I was a coward. I just couldn't come out to my mom, and I thought long-distance relationships didn't work, so... I'm sorry, Gemini."

"What a stupid reason to dump someone... Anyways, let's not bring this up anymore," Gemini said, not wanting to have a ruckus.
"Can we... be friends again... Gemini?" Dew asked nervously. Gemini nodded, "Sure."

After a few minutes, they engaged in an animated conversation.

Unbeknownst to Gemini, Fourth entered the scene. Fourth's eyes narrowed as he observed Gemini's laughter and the easy rapport with the guy. His normally composed behavior was clouded by a sudden surge of jealousy.

"Feeling jealous, right?"

Fourth looked at the person standing beside him and raised his left eyebrow.

"Oh... hi, I'm Gemini's friend, Phuwin," he offered his hand for a handshake.

Fourth accepted the handshake. "Who is he?" Fourth asked, looking at the guy sitting across from Gemini.

"That's Gemini's ex... I don't like him, he's such a jerk," Phuwin said with annoyance.

The possessive instinct that usually lay dormant within Fourth now flickered to life. He approached the table with an unreadable expression, his gaze fixed on Gemini. Sensing Fourth's presence, Gemini looked up.

"Fourth, you're here," he said with a smile. He noticed Fourth's expression. "Fourth, this is Phi Dew. We go way back," Gemini introduced. Fourth nodded.

"Hi... I'm Gemini's fiancé," Fourth said. Gemini blushed when Fourth introduced himself as his fiancé.

"You're getting married?" Dew asked, shocked. Gemini nodded.

"Let's go, Gem," Fourth said, giving the fakest smile he could muster.

Gemini stood up and said goodbye to Dew and Phuwin, then left with Fourth for the parking lot. Fourth opened the door for Gemini and let him in. Fourth remained silent the whole time, appearing to be upset about something. Fourth sat in the driver's seat and started driving. Gemini could sense the tension in the air.

"How did you find me?" Gemini asked, trying to break the silence.

"I have my sources," Fourth replied.

"Are you stalking me?" Gemini asked, turning towards Fourth. Fourth didn't say anything; he just kept silent, focusing on the road. Gemini sighed and said, "Okay... tell me what's wrong."

"Why do you have to meet your ex and talk?" Fourth said firmly.

Gemini smiled as he sensed Fourth's jealousy. "So you're jealous..." he said, smirking. "We were just having a little chat, that's all."

"Chat my foot..." Fourth scoffed and continued, "I noticed those laughs and little touches..."

Fourth pulled over to the side of the road and looked at Gemini. "Don't do that again. I don't like it," Fourth said sternly.

Gemini rolled his eyes. "Okay, I won't... now stop being like this and drive," he said. He waited, but Fourth didn't start the car. Gemini sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

"Give me a kiss," Fourth said with a smirk. Fourth puffed his left cheek with air and leaned towards Gemini.

"In your dreams," Gemini said, looking at Fourth.

"I said drive or I'm getting out of the car."

"Ok, ok, I'm driving..." Fourth said and turned on the engine.

Fourth had discussed with Neeta that they were only going to have a small wedding, inviting only their closest guests. Neeta wanted the marriage to happen soon, and they were going to marry in two weeks.

They shopped for their wedding suits and rings, all the while bickering like an old married couple over small things. Gemini never enjoyed shopping this much, and Fourth was such a gentleman, despite being a pervert when they were alone. Gemini liked the attention he was getting from Fourth all day.

Now, as Fourth had planned, he took Gemini to a Japanese restaurant for a meal. He knew Gemini liked Japanese food. How did he know? Well, he stalked Gemini's Instagram. The interior of the restaurant was cool and cozy, with small booths made for personal dining. They entered one of the booths, and Fourth pulled out a chair for Gemini. They both sat down, and Fourth handed the menu to Gemini.

"What would you like to have?" Fourth asked.

Gemini's eyes widened upon seeing the price on the menu. He looked at Fourth and said, "This is so expensive."

"Don't worry about that, princess. Just order. Your husband will pay," Fourth said proudly.

A little smile crept onto Gemini's lips, but he immediately hid it. Fourth noticed and smirked.

"You like that, don't you?"

"Shut up... I don't," Gemini replied and his cheeks flushed red.

"Then do you like me?"

"I don't."

"Trust me, you do, princess."

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