Chap 10

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Gemini was preparing breakfast for him and his husband. Yes, husband. Now, Fourth is officially his husband. His life really took a tragic turn after he met Fourth that night in the bar. He remembers last night's conversation; Fourth asked him to open his heart to him. But it's not easy for him to easily open it after it got broken by his high school crush. Gemini was deep in his thoughts when strong arms wrapped around his waist and he flinched.

"Good morning, princess. What are you doing?" Fourth said in a husky voice. A shiver ran down Gemini's spine, making his toes curl up.

"Can't you see I'm cooking? And stop calling me princess," Gemini turned around to look at Fourth. "I'm not a girl... why do you keep calling me that?" Gemini said, trying to hide his blush. Fourth chuckled.

"Who said princesses have to be girls? You're my princess. Admit it, you love the princess treatment."

"Stop it, Fourth. It's embarrassing," Gemini said, blushing more.

"Anyways, what is my wife cooking?" Fourth said, peeking in the pan.

"Here comes another nickname," Gemini said, rolling his eyes.

"Why? Aren't you my wife?" Fourth said, leaning closer to Gemini's face.

"Move, you're wasting my time," Gemini said, pushing Fourth and turning around, flustered.

"Why are you so cold to me?" Fourth said and left to take a shower. Gemini sighed in relief. He packed two tiffins, one for his mother as she was complaining about having to eat tasteless food every day, and the other one for Fourth. He doesn't know why he packed that, maybe he's the wife, that's why. He cringed at his thoughts.

He looked at Fourth coming down wearing a black suit. Two buttons were undone, making his chest visible. Why does he always do that? It's distracting and hot. Gemini always had a thing for men in suits, but when Fourth wears one, it feels different. Gemini cleared his throat and looked away.

Fourth sat down in front of Gemini and started munching his food. He hummed in satisfaction with the taste of the food.

"These tiffins?" he asked, pointing at the tiffins on the counter.

"They are for mom," Gemini answered.

"Both of them?"

Gemini nodded in response. They ate the food in silence until Gemini spoke up, "Did you live in this house alone all the time?"

"Yes, sometimes my friend Pond stays to keep me company. Sometimes P'Force with his husband and his son also come to spend a night."

Gemini asked, surprised, "P'force has a son?"

"Yup... P'Force is married to P'Book, and they have a son together... he's small and cute," Fourth said, his eyes shining.

"You like children, don't you?"

"Yup... so should we make one?" Fourth said, looking at Gemini with a cheeky smile.

Gemini almost choked on his food. "Stop it, Fourth," he said, blushing. Fourth chuckled.
Fourth looked at his watch and realized he was getting late.

"Let's go, I have a meeting. Let me drop you off at the hospital first," Fourth said, and Gemini nodded.

He grabbed the car key and drove to the hospital to drop Gemini off first. Fourth talked a lot with Gemini on the way and told him stories about his childhood. Gemini was a giggling mess. When they arrived, Fourth pulled the car over. Gemini was about to get out of the car when Fourth held his arm.

"Wait, you're forgetting something," Fourth said, pointing at his cheek.

"No way I'm not doing it," Gemini said.

"Come on, Gem, you should give your husband a kiss before he leaves for the office." Fourth said, pointing at his cheek again.

Gemini blushed, and he bit his lower lip. He quickly gave a light kiss on Fourth's cheek, grabbed one tiffin, and got out of the car. Fourth smirked.

"Wait, Gem, you forgot one tiffin," Fourth shouted.

"It's for you... enjoy. Bye!" Gemini shouted back and ran inside the hospital.

"Damn! Why is he so cute?" Fourth chuckled.

In the office:

The meeting ended, and Fourth was quite frustrated from hearing all the old, dull ideas. He wanted something new. Already, his father was creating problems for him, and the board was putting pressure on him for something new.

"What's on the schedule next?" Fourth asked.

"It's free for now; tomorrow we have a meeting with Miss Love to discuss the recent complications in the ongoing project," Force said, handing some papers to Fourth. Fourth was looking through the papers when his phone rang.

"What is it, Pond?"

"Yo dude, where the hell are you?"

"What happened? I'm in the office."

"Fuck office...your boy is eating ice cream with a tall and handsome guy... whoa, he wiped the ice cream from Gemini's lips."

"What the fuck... how dare he," Fourth shouted angrily.

He immediately ended the call, stormed out of the office leaving worried Force. He hurriedly drove to where Pond had told him to come. When he arrived, he saw Gemini standing in front of an ice cream truck, talking and giggling with a guy - the same guy from the cafe, who was Gemini's ex.

His blood boiled, and he clenched his fists and jaw tightly. Pond approached him and told him to calm down and not to do something stupid. Fourth took deep breaths before approaching Gemini.

"Hey, princess," Fourth said, wrapping his arm around Gemini's waist. Gemini flinched at first, then relaxed, knowing it was Fourth.

"Fourth, where did you come from suddenly?" Gemini asked, confused. He looked at Fourth, and the look in his eyes did not match the smile on his face.

"I was just nearby having a meeting with the client, and then I saw you were here..." Fourth paused and looked at Dew before saying, "...with him."

"Hello, Fourth," Dew said with a smile. Fourth smiled back, oviously a fake one. "Hello," he replied, his grip becoming strong on Gemini's waist. Gemini immediately knew what was up.

"Should we head home?" Fourth asked.

"Umm... wait, Gemini, can I get your number? Let's have a meal together next time," Dew asked.

This fucker has the audacity to ask for my husband's number in front of me, Fourth thought as red engulfed his eyes.

Gemini got nervous. He didn't know what to say. On one side, he needed to sort out some feelings for Dew. He knew he didn't feel anything for him, not anymore. But it would be good to meet once and have a nice chat.

But on the other hand, Fourth was digging his fingers into the flesh of his waist. He's so possessive. He didn't like seeing him with Dew, he knew very well.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Fourth said to Dew.

"Why? It's just a friendly meeting," Dew replied.

"He is mine, and I don't allow that."

Fourth glared at him, gritting his teeth. Gemini was afraid Fourth would beat the crap out of Dew if they didn't leave as soon as possible. Gemini somehow knew Fourth had this aggressive side within him.

"Fourth, let's go," Gemini said.

They both came back home, and Gemini was angry at how Fourth behaved in front of Dew.

"Why were you acting like that, Fourth? Why were you being so possessive?" Gemini asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm not being possessive; I'm just protective," Fourth said defensively.

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