Chap 18

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Fourth's gaze was fixed on David, his fists clenched in fury. He was still angry about the way David treated Gemini, and now, seeing him with Dew, his anger burned even hotter.

"Oh... Nattawat and...." David paused as he looked at Gemini. "My dear son-in-law," he took a step towards Gemini, but Fourth pulled Gemini behind him and stood in front of him.

"Stay away from him," Fourth said sternly.

David glared at him, meanwhile, Dew kept on staring at Gemini. Gemini was only thinking about why Dew was with David. Fourth's gaze went to Dew, and Dew gave him a small smile.

"Why are you with him?" Fourth asked Dew.

Before Dew could answer, David responded, "He's my secretary."

"Secretary? What a classy move, dad... you hired my husband's ex as your secretary... what are you up to next?" Fourth asked with a frown.

"It's all about business, Fourth. Nothing personal," David replied.

"Nothing personal?" Fourth said aloud.

Gemini placed a hand on Fourth's shoulder and squeezed it, silently urging him to keep his composure. Fourth closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He turned towards Gemini and gave him a faint smile.

"Can you please move aside; me and my secretary have to go in," David said with a smirk on his face.

Fourth glared at his father before moving aside. Both David and Dew entered the cooperation boardroom. Gemini gently held both of Fourth's hands.

"It's gonna be alright. I trust you... I know you can do it," Gemini assured Fourth.

Fourth took a deep breath and nodded. He offered his arm to Gemini for him to hold. Gemini interlocked his arm with Fourth's, and they both entered the meeting room.

Everyone in the room fell silent and stood up to greet them. After greeting, everyone took their seats again and stared at Fourth and Gemini curiously.

Fourth cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, I would like to introduce my husband Gemini to you."

The atmosphere in the room becomes tense, and everyone started murmuring and whispering. Gemini offered a polite smile to the assembled board members.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Gemini Norawit Jirochtikul. I'll look forward to working together to continue the success of the company," Gemini said.

"Yes, well, let's not waste any more time with introductions. We have important matters to discuss," David said with gritted teeth.

"Indeed, we do, Dad. And I'm not backing down without a fight," Fourth said. "So what's the objective of this meeting?"

"Ah, it's quite simple, really. I believe it's time for a new CEO to lead the company into a brighter future," David smirked and leaned his back on his chair.

Fourth clenched his fists under the table and tried not to show any weakness. David's smile turned predatory as he looked directly at Fourth.

After a long discussion, the voting proceeded, and things were getting out of hand for Fourth. His anxiety took over him minute by minute. He kept looking at the door, waiting for that one person to come.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and a force rushed into the room, accompanied by a man who looked like a lawyer. A wave of relief washed over Fourth. David's eyes grew wide seeing him.

The lawyer calmly explained the details of Fourth's mother's will, and after a lengthy discussion, the meeting finally came to an end.

All the members congratulated Fourth, and David's anger boiled over. He couldn't contain his frustration any longer and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Dew also followed behind him.

Fourth couldn't contain his happiness; the company was finally his. Finally, he would make his mother's dream come true. Fourth came forward and hugged Force, and Force hugged him back, patting his back.

"Everything is finally over, phi," Fourth said with a trembling voice.

"Yes... congratulations... you have done a great job," Force said and patted his back.

"It's all because of you, phi... thank you."

Gemini smiled, and a huge wave of relief washed over him as Fourth finally got what he wanted. But one thing was still bothering him, and that was Dew. Why was he with David, or was he just overthinking? He shook his head, shaking off the thoughts.

Fourth looked back at Gemini and stepped closer to him. "What are you thinking about?"

"Uh... it's nothing," Gemini said with a smile.

"Are you sure? You are not thinking about Dew, are you?" Fourth asked.

"What..? Uh.... no no... I am not," he lied.

"Ok.... should we head back home?" Fourth said, wrapping an arm around Gemini's waist. Gemini nodded in response.

They both headed back home. After reaching back home, Fourth threw himself on the bed. Gemini frowned.

"Fourth... wash up first," Gemini said, crossing his arms.

"I'm lazy..." he said and pulled Gemini down on the bed with him as he wrapped his arm around Gemini's waist and pulled him closer.

"Fourth..." Gemini whined out his name and smacked his arm. "Let go."

"No... never," Fourth said, pulling Gemini's body closer to him.

Gemini sighed and gave up resisting. "You are so clingy," he muttered.

"Only with you, princess," Fourth said, nuzzling his face into Gemini's neck.

"I love you," Fourth whispered against Gemini's ear. Gemini shivered slightly as he felt Fourth's hot breath on his neck.

"I know," he replied.

Fourth looked up at him and frowned. "Just that? Don't you know that you have to reply with those words back?"

"Uh... why is it important?" Gemini looked away with a slight smirk on his face.

"You... really won't say that back?" Fourth asked.


"You sure?"


"Fine, as you wish," Fourth smirked and started tickling Gemini. He tickled Gemini's sides, his neck, and his belly. Gemini couldn't help but erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Fourth... stop," Gemini laughed and tried to push Fourth away, but Fourth didn't move an inch.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it!" Gemini gasped between laughs.

"Say what?" Fourth asked, still tickling him.

"I love you too!" Gemini shouted.

Fourth stopped tickling him and smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear."

"You are so annoying," Gemini pouted.

Fourth laughed and hugged him tightly as they both lay down next to each other. They slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.

Gemini woke up the next day, rubbing his eyes. He looked around and didn't find Fourth next to him. His eyes landed on a note left on the side table. He picked it up and read it. It was written by Fourth.

"Gotta go early, something important came up. You looked peaceful when you were asleep, so I didn't wake you up... love you :)"

Gemini smiled, thinking about how much Fourth cared for him. He got out of bed and got ready for the day. He couldn't wait to see Fourth again; he was missing him already. He was so lucky to have Fourth in his life. Fourth was always there for him, no matter what. Gemini finished getting ready. Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID; it was an unknown number. He picked it up.


"Hello, Gemini."


"Can we meet up, please?
It's been a while right *laughs nervously* *ahem* sorry for making you guys wait 🥺

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