Chap 6

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Gemini was sitting on the stool next to his mother's bed. His eyes and nose were red and swollen from crying. Seeing him like that, Neeta held out his hand.

"After I'm gone, don't work and exhaust yourself. Just enjoy life like your other friends do. I know it's not going to be easy for you, but I want you to live your life," she said with a sad smile on her face.

Gemini didn't say anything; he just hung his head down with tears in his eyes. He just didn't want to accept the fact that he was going to lose his mother. Neeta noticed this and knew that accepting the loss of someone was not easy.

"Gemini, there's something I need to talk to you about," she said weakly.

"What is it, Mom?" Gemini asked, concerned.

"Do you remember Madam Sina? Fourth's mother?"

Gemini nodded in reponse.

"She helped us a lot financially, not to mention your father. I'm forever grateful. Before I go, I want you to fulfill one last wish for me."

The tears Gemini was holding back flowed down his cheeks. "Anything, Mom. What is it?"

"I want you to marry Fourth," she said, smiling weakly. Gemini looked at her, shocked. Did she just ask him to marry Fourth? He scratched his hand, feeling uneasy from his mother's request.

"Marry Phi Fourth? Why, Mom? I don't want to marry him. Why do I have to marry-"

"Please, Gem. It's for the support his mother provided us. And Fourth said he likes you and wants to marry you," she said, interrupting him gently. She wanted Gemini to have a good life, and she knew Fourth could provide him with that.

"Phi fourth said what?" Gemini said, shocked.

Neeta smiled and gently patted Gemini's head. Then, she explained to him that it was Fourth who had first asked her for Gemini's hand for marriage. Gemini was so shocked. Why did Fourth want to marry him? And more importantly, he was angry, angry with Fourth. "What's wrong with this guy?" he thought. He never thought he would see Fourth again after that night, but now he's everywhere.

"Promise me, Gem, that you will marry Fourth. I want to see you get married before something happens to me," she said.

Gemini didn't know what to say to his mother. He had sacrificed his dreams to study further for her, and now he had to sacrifice his love life too. But he knew that this was nothing compared to the love his mother had given him. She had given her best for Gemini to complete his high school studies and had protected him from his father, even getting beaten instead of him. So he swallowed his emotions for his mother. "I... I promise, Mom," he said, clenching his fist.

Neeta smiled weakly at him and opened her arms. Gemini immediately hugged her and cried silently in her warm embrace.

After spending some time with his mother, he went straight to Fourth's company to talk about what his mother had just told him. He saw that the building was quite large, and the interior was quite luxurious, despite it being just a workplace for people. He went to the receptionist.

"Can I ask where Mr. Nattawat's office is?" he asked the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" the receptionist asked, looking at him.

"Umm... no, but I have something I want to talk to him about," he said, scratching his nape.

"Sorry, sir, you can't meet him without an appointment," she said.

Gemini turned around and scoffed. "Now I need an appointment to meet that pervert," he muttered under his breath. He furrowed his eyebrows in frustration.

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