Chap 24

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"Are you cheating on me? Do you not love me anymore?" Gemini asked as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"What?" Fourth asked, his eyes going wide at Gemini's accusation.

"Gem, it's not what you think," Fourth said, clenching his fists to not lash out at Gemini.

"Then explain it to me. Because right now, it looks like you're hiding something!"

Fourth sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, Gemini, listen to me. 'Love' is the name of a girl I'm doing business with. Her name is actually Love. I know it sounds suspicious, but I promise you, it's strictly professional."

"Her name is Love?" Gemini asked, suspicion still lingering in his eyes.

"Yes," Fourth said. He pulled out his phone and showed Gemini the conversation. The messages were formal and business-like; there weren't any romantic or personal messages. "See? I promise, Gem. There's nothing going on."

Gemini glanced at the screen, then back at Fourth. The tension in his shoulders eased a little. "You should've just told me that from the start," Gemini sniffled.

Fourth sighed in relief that Gemini understood his explanation. "Like you gave me a chance to explain," Fourth said, stepping closer again.

Fourth reached out to wipe away the tears from Gemini's cheeks. "You are too beautiful to cry. Don't cry... I don't like seeing tears in your gorgeous eyes."

"And why did you say I am cheating on you? I will never do that. You are the only one I am living for, Gemini," Fourth said, his gaze sincere.

"I... I don't know what came over me. I am really sorry, Fourth," Gemini said, feeling guilty.

Fourth cupped Gemini's face in his hands, his touch gentle. "You're getting quite moody these days, huh? What's going on?"

Gemini looked down, his eyes avoiding Fourth's. "I... I don't know."

Fourth tilted Gemini's face up, forcing him to meet his eyes. "And why did you say I don't love you anymore? You know you're the only person in this world whom I love to death, Gem. Don't ever say that again."

Gemini's eyes welled up with tears. "I'm sorry, Fourth. I just... got scared that you'd find someone better or that I'm not enough."

Fourth sighed and pulled Gemini into a tight embrace. "Gem, listen to me. You are more than enough. You are everything to me. There is no one else I want, no one else I need. You have to believe that."

Gemini clung to Fourth, his tears soaking into Fourth's shirt. "I do believe you. I just... I... I-"

"Shh... We'll work on it together," Fourth murmured, rubbing Gemini's back gently. "No more doubts, okay? Just trust in us."

Gemini nodded, pulling back slightly to look at Fourth. "Okay. I trust you. And I'm sorry for doubting you."

Fourth wiped away Gemini's tears with his thumb, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "There's nothing to be sorry for. We all have moments of weakness."

Fourth leaned in towards Gemini's lips to kiss him, but before he could, the ring of his phone interrupted him. Fourth clenched his jaw.

"Who the fuck is calling?" he cursed out and let go of Gemini's face, grabbing his phone from the table.

Gemini pouted at the loss of Fourth's touch. He wanted to be kissed.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It's P'Force," Fourth said and picked up the call. He talked on the call for a few minutes and then disconnected.

His Unforeseen Claim (fourthgemini)Where stories live. Discover now