Chap 20

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"On your knees," Fourth said.

Gemini's eyes widened as it hit him what Fourth was trying to do. "Fourth, plea-"

"I. Said. On. Your. Knees. Princess."

Gemini hesitated for a moment, but when he looked at Fourth's intimate eyes Gemini knew he had no choice. With trembling legs, he sank to his knees.

"Good," Fourth said. "Now, you will listen to me very carefully." Gemini nodded. He had never felt so vulnerable before.

"You will do as I say, when I say it, and how I say it. Do you understand?" Fourth said, his voice dripping with venom. Gemini nodded in response.

"Words," Fourth growled.

"Y-yes," Gemini stammered.

Fourth smirked and unbuckled his belt. Gemini's eyes widened as he looked up into Fourth's eyes. Fourth pulled out the belt from his pants and threw it on the bed. He opened his pants' button.

"Unzip with that pretty mouth of yours," Fourth said, looking deep into Gemini's eyes. Gemini was sure this was going to be a wild night, and not in a good way.

Gemini felt a surge of fear and panic. He didn't want to do this, but he was afraid of what Fourth would do if he refused. Slowly, he moved closer to Fourth, shuffling on his knees, and reached out to unzip Fourth's pants with his teeth. After that, Gemini looked up at Fourth, whose lips were curled up into a smug smirk.

"I want those beautiful pink, plump lips of yours wrapped around my cock," Fourth said with his low and hoarse voice, which made a shiver run down Gemini's spine.

"Right. Now," Fourth growled, and Gemini immediately bent his head and pulled down Fourth's underwear with his teeth, revealing his half-excited cock.

Fourth smirked. Gemini hesitantly took Fourth's cock into his mouth. Gemini could feel it growing in his mouth.

"Do your work, princess. Let me know how good you are," Fourth said as he grabbed a handful of Gemini's hair from the back of his head and made him look at him. "And your eyes should never leave mine. Got it?"

Gemini's blood rushed to his neck and cheeks, and he nodded, looking into Fourth's eyes. He slowly started swirling his tongue on the tip of his cock. Fourth clicked his tongue as if he was unimpressed by it. Gemini felt embarrassed, but the last time he did it, Fourth enjoyed it. Fourth's cock was now fully grown in Gemini's mouth, and Gemini's lips felt like tearing. He couldn't take his full length; he was big.

Fourth pushed his cock further deep into his mouth, and it hit his throat. Gemini gagged and tried to pull away, but Fourth was too strong.

"Don't," Fourth commanded. His grip on Gemini's hair tightened; it hurt, and his eyes glared at Gemini. Gemini shivered, a jolt of electricity running down his spine. His eyes were teary. He started rolling his tongue on Fourth's cock and bobbing his head up and down. Fourth let out a shaky breath, and Gemini knew he was doing well. He increased his pace. All the while, his eyes never left Fourth's.

"That's it, princess," Fourth whispered in Gemini's ear. "Just like that."

Gemini further increased his pace, and Fourth let out some pleased moans. He was reaching his climax, and he pushed Gemini's head further down. Within seconds, he shot all into Gemini's mouth.

"Swallow all of that," Fourth growled, and Gemini obeyed by swallowing and licking every drop.

"Good boy," Fourth said and pulled on Gemini's hair to make him look up. Gemini felt pain but also pleasure when he did that.

"Now tell me, who do you belong to?" Fourth asked.

"Y-you," Gemini said with a trembling voice.

Fourth smirked. "Say it in a sentence, princess."

"I... I belong to you, Fourth," Gemini said, staring into Fourth's eyes. Fourth slowly let go of his hair.

"Stand up," Fourth said, and Gemini stood up with trembling legs.

Fourth untied Gemini's hands, which were tied with his necktie, and pulled Gemini onto his lap. Gemini's chest collided with Fourth's, and Gemini gasped in surprise. Fourth lifted Gemini's face, putting a finger below his chin.

"You know how much you mean to me... right?" Fourth asked, his voice soft.

Gemini stared into his eyes and nodded his head. Fourth smiled and tucked the strands of hair behind Gemini's ear that were falling on his eyes. He gently reached out and caressed Gemini's cheek with his thumb.

"The happiness you give me is priceless, and I can't thank God enough. You are my everything, Gemini, and I feel proud every day knowing that you are mine."

Fourth said softly, "I don't want to lose you, princess... I'll die if I do. You have no idea how much I adore and care about you. Please don't ever do that again."

Gemini's eyes welled up with tears. He can't understand Fourth. He is so difficult. A few minutes before, he was acting like an arrogant bastard, and now he has the audacity to say these sweet words to him. He wrapped his arms around Fourth's neck nuzzling his face into Fourth's neck and he sobbed.

"Princess, are you crying? Don't cry, please. I am sorry," Fourth gently stroked Gemini's hair. Gemini's grip only tightened on Fourth's neck.

"Look at me," Fourth said, and Gemini slowly leaned back to look at Fourth, his eyes teary. Fourth wiped away the tears from Gemini's cheeks.

"I am sorry, princess, if I hurt you... I am really sorry. But I can't control myself just imagining you with that bastard pains me. I am scared you will leave me for him," Fourth confessed.

Gemini stared at him, such a manipulative bastard. "I... I am sorry... F... Fourth... I will never go back to him... I will never meet him again," Gemini said between sobs.

Fourth smiled and kissed his forehead. "Don't cry," he said and leaned to kiss both of Gemini's eyes. Gemini looked at him with his doe eyes.

"God... Gemini, don't give me those eyes... you know I can't control myself when you do that. I want to make love to you so bad. I want to make you scream and moan my name when I fuck you till you forget how to breathe," Fourth said in a low seductive voice.

Gemini's cheeks flushed red when he heard Fourth, and he bit down on his lower lip.

"Don't," Fourth said. "Don't do that... only I can bite them." Fourth reached out and pulled Gemini's lower lip from his teeth.

"Tell me, Gemini, do you want it?" Fourth asked, tracing his thumb on Gemini's lower lip.

"What?" Gemini asked.

"Do you want me to fuck you till you forget how to breathe?" Fourth asked. Gemini blinked twice, looking at Fourth.

"I... um..." Gemini couldn't get words out of his mouth, but he wanted it, so he just nodded.

Fourth leaned towards Gemini, his gaze fixated on Gemini's lips. "Good, because I won't take no for an answer," Fourth said and pressed his lips onto Gemini's. He wrapped his arms around Gemini's waist and pulled him flush against his body. He kissed him passionately, pouring all of his love into the kiss. Gemini could feel Fourth getting hard again against his body, and he moaned.

Fourth squeezed Gemini's ass cheeks, making Gemini gasp. Fourth instantly slid his tongue inside Gemini's mouth. Fourth pulled Gemini even closer, leaving no space between them.

Gemini's fingers tangled in Fourth's hair, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Fourth bit his lower lip, making Gemini moan. He slowly turned them over, making Gemini lay on his back on the soft mattress of the bed, with Fourth hovering on top of him.

He slowly leaned back, pulling away from the kiss, and stared at Gemini.

"Are you ready, princess?" Fourth smirked. "To dive into heaven?"

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