Chap 15

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In the warm glow of the dining room, everyone savored the delicious meal, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Book was kind and Nick was so adorable.

Gemini couldn't help but notice how Fourth seemed more at ease and relaxed in their presence, compared to when he was surrounded by other people. He felt warmth wash over him as he witnessed Fourth's smile and his own lips curled up into a noticeable smile.

As Nick squirmed on Gemini's lap, he looked down at the boy sleeping peacefully with his head resting on Gemini's chest. Nick was being stubborn and refused to eat. Gemini offered his assistance, and Nick playfully jumped onto Gemini's lap, his tiny hands reaching for the food. After a few hesitant bites, Nick's eyelids grew heavy, and he drifted off to sleep. In that moment, Gemini felt truly blessed to be surrounded by these people.

"I'll take him to the room, you must be tired," Force said to Gemini. He stood up and took Nick from Gemini's lap.

"He's been naughty and stubborn these days," Book said with a sigh.

"He's cute," Gemini said.

Suddenly, Fourth's phone rang. He stood up and said, "I'll take this," and left towards his study.

"Gemini," Book called him, and Gemini looked at him. "Would you like some wine?" he asked.

"Now...?" Gemini asked. Book nodded with a wide grin on his face. He stood up and brought a bottle and two glasses.

"I bought this from Korea... it's called Makgeolli, 'Korean rice wine' in English and is the oldest alcoholic beverage in Korea," Book said, serving it. Gemini hesitated before taking a sip and was amazed by the taste.

"It's so good, phi," Gemini said, taking another sip. Book smiled, satisfied with Gemini's expression.

"Why did you hesitate telling fourth the truth?" Book asked.

"I... I don't know, Phi... I thought the mistake was mine because I talked rudely with his father and he got angry, that's why he did that," Gemini said, his gaze lowered.

Book sighed. "Gemini, you were not wrong responding to Khun David like that. You were not at fault; it was him. He was not a good husband nor a good father, and now he's also trying so hard to bring his own son's success down and interfering in his married life."

Gemini looked at Book, who furiously gulped the whole glass down his throat in one go.

"Fourth was such a cheerful kid before. After his mother's death, everything changed. He was no more cheerful, but I think he's happy now. When I was in Korea, Force told me everything about how his behavior slowly changed, and he was smiling more often nowadays. I was so happy hearing that..." Book paused as he turned towards Gemini and continued, "....and I know he loves you."

A blush spread across Gemini's cheeks and he emptied the glass of wine.

"Phi... I know Fourth is good. He tries his best in the relationship. He cares for me, and if we talk about love..." Gemini paused.

Book watched as Gemini emptied his wine glass, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and confusion.

"I know it's not easy; love is complicated," Book said, and Gemini nodded in response.

"You love him, right?" Book asked.

"Yes..." Gemini's eyes widened when he realized what he said. "What... no, I mean, I... I..." he stammered.

Book giggled at his reaction.

"I mean, we're married, and I like spending time with him... and... maybe I..." Gemini stammered nervously.

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