Chap 16

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Fourth looked down at Gemini, who was clinging to him and mumbling something. He gently stroked Gemini's hair. Gemini nuzzled his face into Fourth's stomach. Fourth could feel Gemini's warm breath on his skin. He felt a surge of protectiveness and love wash over him. He would do anything to keep Gemini safe and happy.

"Fourth... fourth," Gemini mumbled.

"Yes, princess, what is it?" Fourth asked.

Finally, he lifted his head. He looked up at Fourth with bleary eyes. "Thank you," he whispered.

"For what?" Fourth asked and squatted down to sit in front of him.

"For being here," Gemini replied. "For always being there for me."

Fourth smiled. "I'm always here for you, Gemini. You know that."

Gemini stared at Fourth for some time before leaning in to kiss Fourth softly. Fourth kissed him back, pouring all of his love and affection into the kiss.

When they finally pulled away, Gemini rested his forehead on Fourth's shoulder and hugged him. "I love you," he whispered.

Fourth's breath hitched, and he froze. His heart raced like crazy.

"W...what... did you say?" Fourth asked, but no response came from Gemini.

"Gem...? Gemini...?" Fourth called him, but still no response came from him. He looked down at Gemini on his shoulder, who was sleeping peacefully.

"How can you sleep after making me feel like that?" Fourth said and shook his head. He kissed Gemini's forehead and picked him up. He took him to the bed and laid him down, lying next to him. His mind raced with a mix of emotions. The words "I love you" echoed in his mind.

He had never expected to hear those words from Gemini, especially not in such a vulnerable or drunken state. He looked at Gemini sleeping peacefully beside him. Fourth couldn't help but wonder if he had misread Gemini's words. He gently stroked Gemini's hair, hoping that when Gemini wakes up, he will still feel the same way.

The next day, Gemini slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. When he fully opened his eyes, he saw Fourth already staring and smirking at him. They were so close that Gemini could feel Fourth's breath on his nose.

His mind adjusted to the situation when it hit him that he had confessed to Fourth last night; his cheeks immediately gave a shade of pink.

"Good morning, princess," Fourth whispered and gently stroked Gemini's hair.

"G-Good morning," Gemini stammered.

Fourth's smirk widened. "Did you sleep well, princess?"

Gemini nodded, unable to meet Fourth's gaze. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"I'm glad," Fourth said. "So... about last night?"

Gemini hesitated for a moment before meeting Fourth's gaze. "W...what about it?"

"You remember, right...?" Fourth asked. Gemini nodded shyly.

"It was true, right? Your true feelings?"

Gemini nodded again shyly and looked at Fourth in the eyes. "I think... I'm in love with you, Fourth."

Fourth smiled widely and pulled Gemini closer to him and hugged him tightly. "I love you too... I love you so much."

Fourth looked at Gemini in the eyes and reached out to gently caress his cheeks. He leaned in closer to Gemini's lips. Gemini could feel his heart pounding like crazy. He closed his eyes and waited for the kiss. Fourth leaned in even closer. But suddenly...

Ting tong~

...the bell rang. Fourth groaned, and Gemini opened his eyes.

"Who the hell is here early in the morning?" Fourth said, irritated.

Gemini stood up. "I'll go check."

Gemini walked over to the living area and opened the door. It was Phuwin, his eyes swollen and red.

"Phuwin... What happened?" Gemini asked, worried.

"Who is it?" Fourth asked from behind.

"It's Phuwin," Gemini replied, his voice laced with concern.

Phuwin's eyes became teary, and he hugged Gemini. Gemini's heart sank; he had never seen Phuwin cry like this.

Fourth emerged from the living area, his expression concerned.

"Phu...? What's wrong?" Gemini asked gently.

"Gem... I'm hurt," Phuwin mumbled. Gemini sighed and stroked his back.

"Who made you like this? Come inside and let's talk."

Phuwin pulled away from the hug and wiped away his tears. Gemini and Fourth shared concerned glances. Gemini made Phuwin sit on the couch, and Fourth gave him a glass of water. After a few minutes of silence, Gemini spoke, "Tell me what happened?"

Phuwin looked up at Gemini and said with his trembling voice, "He lied to me... Gem."

Gemini and Fourth looked at him, confused.
Gemini asked gently, "Who lied, Phu?"

Phuwin looked up at Gemini with tears in his eyes. "His friend," he whispered, pointing at Fourth.

"Huh... my friend? Are you talking about Pond?" Fourth asked, confused.

Phuwin nodded and turned back to Gemini. "He hurt me, Gem... I'm hurt," his voice barely above a whisper.

Gemini's anger flared. "What did he do, Phuwin?" he asked, his voice low and controlled.

Phuwin hesitated for a moment before speaking. "He... he lied to me," he said, his voice breaking. "He said he loved me, but he was just using me."

Gemini looked at him, shocked. "What...?"

"Pond wouldn't do that," Fourth protested. "He cares about you."

Phuwin shook his head. "No, he doesn't," he said. "He just wanted to hurt me."

"Wait... wait... were you dating him?" Gemini asked, confused, glancing between Fourth and Phuwin.

Phuwin looked at Gemini and nodded. Gemini sighed and looked at Fourth. "And you knew about it?"

Fourth scratched the back of his neck and said, "Yeah."

Gemini looked back at Phuwin. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Phuwin looked at him with teary eyes. "I'm sorry, Gem."

Gemini sighed and hugged Phuwin. "Don't cry... I'm here for you."

Fourth shook his head in disbelief. He had warned Pond before not to hurt Phuwin's feelings. What else could he expect from his playboy friend? But he had genuinely thought that Pond liked Phuwin and was serious about him.

Fourth had seen the way Pond looked at Phuwin, the way he cared for him. He had believed that Pond was finally ready to settle down, to be serious about someone.

But he had been wrong. Maybe Pond was still the same old playboy, only interested in having fun.

Ting tong~

The bell rang, bringing Fourth out of his thoughts. He stood up and said, "I'll go check it."

He made his way towards the door. He opened the door and saw Pond standing in front. He looked like a mess.

"Is he here?" Pond asked.

Pond..! How can you do that?!

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