Chap 3

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"Wanna go to the dance floor?" Pond asked.

"Nah, I'm good," Fourth said, raising his hand.

Pond shrugged his shoulders and turned around to head towards the dance floor. Fourth's gaze followed him to the floor but ended up on someone else. A little dancing figure, who was not actually little, was quite tall, maybe the same height as Fourth or maybe a little taller than him. His whole body was grooving along with the music the DJ was playing.

Fourth couldn't move his eyes from that figure. At one point, Fourth chuckled a little when that figure twerked. Fourth felt his throat burn as he chugged down the whole glass of wine and made his way through the crowd to the dance floor, straight to that swaying figure, to get a clear view of that face. He stood there facing his back.

The person in front of him was jumping with his hands up in the air, with other people doing the same. The person jumped back a little and his foot landed on Fourth's foot, but that didn't hurt Fourth. It didn't matter. He just wanted to see his face.

The person turned towards Fourth, their eyes met, and he smiled. Fourth could clearly see his face now: the eyes black with a tint of grey in them, shining; his lips pretty and pink; red glazed doughnut cheeks and pretty smile. Fourth moved closer to him. The other person wrapped his arms around Fourth's neck, and his hips swayed to the music.

He was drunk; fourth could see it. He smelled of alcohol and had a sweet vanilla scent. Fourth wrapped his hands around his waist and followed his movements, staring at his pretty face. The person leaned his face and rested his head on Fourth's shoulder as he inhaled deeply.

"You smell so good, Phi....?," the boy said, looking back at Fourth.
"Fourth" he replied.

It's been a while since fourth had met someone this attractive. It was like the other person was pulling fourth towards himself, like a magnet. Their eyes locked. Fourth leaned in, their faces only inches apart. Fourth's gaze traveled to his lips as the stranger's lips met his own. The lips were as soft as a feather itself -so addicting with just one touch.

His lips brushed against the other's and danced together sensually, just long enough for him to inhale and exhale the taller person's breath. Their lips moved in harmony as they sucked on each other's lips. Fourth pulled him closer, and their bodies pressed onto each other. Fourth pulled apart as he felt the other person's tongue on his lips, asking for entrance. The taste of his sweet mouth lingered in Fourth's own. He looked deep into his eyes.

"What's your name" he asked as he gave a squeeze on the other's back.

"Gemini" the other answered.

"Full name" fourth said.

"Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak"

"Can I have you tonight gemini?" he said.

"I mean, how can I say no to a hot man like you, Phi Fourth?" Gemini said softly, leaning closer to Fourth's ear.

"So... your house or mine?" Fourth asked as he raised his hand to tuck Gemini's hair behind their ears. Fourth noticed Gemini's cheeks and ears turning red.

"Yours," Gemini replied shyly.

At Fourth's house:

Fourth guided Gemini to his bedroom and locked the door. Gemini didn't know what to do; this was his first time and his heart was beating so fast. Fourth noticed the nervousness on Gemini's face. Fourth stepped towards him, and Gemini moved backwards until his back touched the wall. Fourth smirked, moving closer to Gemini, their bodies almost touching.

"Is it your first time?" Fourth asked staring into his eyes.

"Y-yes," Gemini stammered, his eyes avoiding Fourth's gaze, feeling embarrassed. Fourth cupped his face with one hand and made gemini look at him.

"Let me ask you this: are you drunk? Do you really want this to happen? Because I don't want to take advantage of a drunk person," Fourth asked, as he rubbed his thumb on Gemini's lower lip.

"Phi fourth, you're literally asking me this after dragging me into your room. You should have asked me this at the bar if I'm drunk or not. And obviously, I want this. Why do you think I'm here at your house? Of course, I'm here to spend the night with you, not to clean your house," Gemini said, being sarcastic.

Fourth raised his eyebrows as he grabbed Gemini by the waist and pulled him towards him. Gemini gasped when his chest touched Fourth's well-built chest.

"You have a foul mouth, unlike your pretty face," Fourth said, pressing his body onto Gemini's.

He turned themselves around and threw Gemini on the bed. Gemini adjusted himself on the bed, biting his lip as he watched Fourth take off his jacket and t-shirt. Gemini lifted his own shirt off too. Fourth got on top of Gemini, placing his hands on either side of Gemini's chest. Gemini blushed as he saw Fourth's body.

Fourth hungrily crashed his lips onto Gemini's. This kiss was different from the one they shared in the bar; it was sloppy and fast-paced. Gemini tried to catch up with Fourth, exploring his body with his hands. His body heated up as he felt a tingling sensation in his lower body, and a tent formed in his pants. Fourth's tongue danced with Gemini's as they both struggled to breathe.

Fourth's hand traveled to Gemini's pants as he rubbed his hand on his clothed, erected length. Gemini moaned, which was muffled by the kiss. Fourth pulled apart and looked at Gemini, both of them trying to catch their breath after the kiss. He moved closer to Gemini's ear and whispered, "Already hard," smirking as Gemini's face flushed.

Fourth bit his ear, causing Gemini to whimper. Fourth kissed and sucked on his neck, making Gemini moan. Fourth moved towards his nipple, biting it with his teeth and pinching the other with his other hand.

"Phi... ," Gemini arched his back in pleasure amd moaned. Fourth licked with his tongue on gemini's stomach. He removed Gemini's trousers along with his boxers. He removed his own jeans; now they were both fully naked.

Gemini wanted to touch Fourth too; he didn't like only Fourth tasting his body. He turned Fourth over and kissed his neck and chest, lingering there. He moved down, sucking and licking his abs, and grabbed Fourth's length in his hand.

"You sure about this?" Fourth asked, breathless, as he watched Gemini naked in front of him. He was beautiful, with milky and shining skin. Gemini smirked and pumped Fourth's length, then bent down, opening his mouth wide to take Fourth's wide, twitching cock. He rolled his tongue over its head as he took it in his mouth.

"Fuck" fourth cursed in pleasure. Hearing fourth curse gemini felt proud and started bobbing his head up and down. Fourth left out some pleased moans. Fourth tangles his fingers on gemini's pretty black hairs and started fucking him in the mouth, moving his hips.

"Fuck... are you sure it's your first time..." Fourth groaned.

Tears formed in gemini's eyes as Fourth's cock hitted his throat. Fourth looked down towards gemini devouring his cock with his pretty mouth and god he loved it.

He pushed Gemini's head further down, and Gemini's tongue swirled around his length. Fourth grunted, and his breathing became heavy as he was about to cum. He thrust into Gemini's mouth, and grunted his teeth as he busted inside Gemini's hot mouth and his liquid dripped down Gemini's chin. Gemini swallowed it before taking Fourth's length out of his mouth.

Gemini moved up to kiss Fourth, and Fourth groaned during the kiss. Fourth wasted no time and flipped Gemini to be on top of him. His eyes were still blurry from the orgasm.

"Let me tell you this, I'm gonna be rough, princess," Fourth said, breathless.

Something tangled in Gemini's stomach when Fourth called him princess. Gemini wrapped his arms around Fourth's neck.

"Just do whatever you would like to do with me, Phi Fourth," Gemini said, pulling Fourth into a passionate kiss, unable to wait anymore. He didn't know where this night was going to lead him or what the impact of this person would be on his life. He was just desperate, desperate to have Fourth inside of him.

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